Chapter Eleven: My Kidneys Are Crying

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The days got better.

Marilyn came out of her strange-coma-thing after two days. She wasn't exactly in tip-top shape, though. It took about a week after waking up for her to actually tie up with Bolton in one of their one on one matches.

In that time, Bolton and Kieran were on constant 'perimeter runs' as they call it, so it was my job to take care of Marilyn as she healed. I just think it was Kieran's excuse to keep me inside of the house.

After our chat in the bedroom, he left to go deal with the dead girl on the floor while Bolton kept an extremely close eye on me the rest of the day.

I did not bother asking what he did with the body or where he put it. I was just glad it was gone.

In all honesty, Bolton wasn't that bad. He was a lot more gentle than Marilyn and Kieran. He seemed more human.

I didn't feel like I was talking to the human form of death or chaos every second. I'll let you decide who is who on that one.

Bolton could sit and have a casual conversation without turning it into an interrogation or a lecture about how the safety on a hand gun is a no-no. He smiled a lot, and he really seemed to care about how I felt as of now. Although, a small part of me thinks he only wanted to know so he could tell Kieran, the stoic ogre; man of no emotion, what I said later.

Strangely though, Marilyn had become what Kieran said she would. After Marilyn recovered from her wounds and regained full health, she promised Kieran that she would spar with me since he seemed to have an issue with hurting me. He was definitely not okay with it, but after another attack two weeks after the first one, he agreed hastily knowing I would need the protection.

I for one was not exactly pleased.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for girl power and being a strong, independent woman, but after the quarrel I had with Lava Girl in the house, fighting off blood-thirsty wolves was definitely not on my top ten things to do in 2044. Not by a long shot.

But I knew that if I had any chance of actually learning what I am, then this would probably be the closest thing to it. Learning to fight and be a part of the whole werewolf community seemed important since it seems like it's all these creatures do.

But as I said, Marilyn had become almost like a sister to me. We still didn't exactly love each other unconditionally and share little secrets about boys and paint our nails together, but we did get closer. We protected each other. She looked out for me when Kieran wasn't around and helped me with training as much as possible.

"Arden, how are you going to be ready for a surprise attack when you can't even duck from a punch," Marilyn grumbled launching a kicking to my stomach making me hunch over. She raised her leg again but I grabbed it, twisting her leg to the side making her roll to the ground.

She had a quick recovery, though, much to my displeasure. She rolled backward landing back on her feet getting right back into attack position. I slowly straightened up with my hand on my stomach.

"I feel like my kidneys just exploded within me," I groaned. She laughed and then launched herself at me.

Her fist came just mere centimeters from my head before I ducked and used my shoulder to basically bulldoze her backward. She let out an 'oomph' as I pushed her until we hit a tree. I heard her head hit the tree followed by a groan.

"Damn, this isn't football," she said a bit breathless. Seconds later, her knee was brought up hitting me directly in my stomach once again.

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