Chapter XVII

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Chapter XVII

"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster."

-Sun Tzu

Garroth sat on top of the tower they had secured, watching the Demons as they searched for them. "What do you think they'll distraction will be?" Michal asked, casting another glance down.

Charlotte shrugged. "No idea. I bet it'll be hilarious, though."

Zoe chuckled. "When it comes to Timothy, we know it'll be!"

'You here, Caleb?' Garroth called out, glancing around.

'Of course,' came his swift reply.

Darrin chuckled through the link. 'And here I thought you weren't manly enough to come through.'

He could feel the anger radiating off of Caleb. 'You're more of a chicken then me, Darrin.'

'Am not!'

'Yes, you are. I can remember many occasions when you-'

'Oh shut your trap, Garroth.'

Garroth chuckled. "What's so funny?" Fai asked, eyeing him cautiously.

"It feels good being here, you know?" He said, wetting his lips at the thought of killing Demons.

"Excuse me?" Estal asked as he loaded more rounds into his gun.

"You heard me." Garroth said, not elaborating.

"Yes, but why be excited about something like that?" Charlotte asked, sitting down next to him.

Darrin sighed. "He's an odd guy, I'll-"

Garroth and Darrin froze as the Demonic power increased at alarming speeds. "What the Hell?" Garroth cried out through the ringing that had started.

"What are you talking about?" Zoe asked, confusing lacing everyone's faces.

'Garroth, Darrin! Do you feel that?' Caleb called out.

'No, we are screaming for no reason. What do you think you idiot?' Darrin screamed into the link.

'Not helping!' Garroth said, earning apologies from them both as his knees hit the ground.

"And to think," came a soft voice "we were only expecting the Supernatural."

Garroth looked up to see a young woman standing there. She looked to be the same age as Garroth. Her hair was a rich blonde color and was curled. Her skin was slightly tanned, and her eyes were a lovely green-hazel color. She wore a black blouse which showed off a bit of cleavage. The sleeves ended halfway on her forearm. She wore dark skinny jeans and gray high-tops. She had one ring on her left pinky, and it had magic radiating off of it, telling Garroth that that was what was causing them to fall to the ground.

"W-who are you?" He asked, reaching up to grab his key.

"The name is Lilith, and I am Luci's right hand woman!" She said, sounding much too excited.

"You're a Demon?" Michal asked, his bones cracking slightly.

Lilith threw some of her blonde hair over her shoulder. "No, I'm a super model. Of course I'm a Demon!"

Suddenly, shouting came from down below. Garroth looked down to see Timothy, Leyna, and Troy standing around, fighting. Distraction, check Garroth thought, smiling. Lilith looked down. "Well, looks like there are four non-supernatural here." She sneered, looking back at Garroth. "Why are you here?"

Myth High | Book I | ✔️ | FIRST DRAFTOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz