Chapter II

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Chapter II

"Being a new character is like going to a new school. You have to maintain your own anatomy and personality."

-Mia Maestro

Andrea woke up in her bed the following day. She had no memory of getting into it, but that might be because of the fact that she was in a daze, or even her brother had brought her to bed. She rolled out of bed and managed to crawl to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and got in, loving how the heat of the water washed over her body.

Once she got out, she wrapped the old towel around her body and wrapped another around her head to help dry her hair off and to keep it from dripping down her back. When she got back into her room, she realized the window was open, in which she immediately shut, worried someone had seen her.

Once she convinced herself that was not the case, she dried her body off and pulled on her nude bra with her white cotton underwear. She then reached for her jean shorts but decided against it. It had been freezing outside last night. Sighing, she grabbed her worn out pair of jeans. She needed to get new ones, these ones had already been through a whole winter. She then reached for her 'Led Zeppelin' shirt. It was long sleeved, but she opted to roll them up to her forearm.

She let her hair dry out naturally and then pulled a brush through it. After that, she gently curled a curler through it. She then added some make-up to her appearance. Then, she walked downstairs to see her brother munching down on some cereal and her parents having already left for work.

As she ate, Giselle called and wished her good luck as she waited for school to start. After finishing eating, she grabbed her money for school and her bag. She waited by the door for Caleb, and when he finally came, she did a once-over on his outfit.

A gray sweatshirt with blue jeans and his worn out converse. His hair wasn't styled like it usually was and he clearly didn't want to go today or he'd have made some sort of attempt to make himself look presentable. She sighed but opened the door all the same, shivering as the fall air hit her.

Usually she'd have still been wearing her jean shorts and her tank top with her sandals and walking out in the heat, trying not to get sunburned. Now, however, she was considering pulling down her sleeves to warm herself up. As Caleb and her walked to school side-by-side, she couldn't help but notice every person they passed by would either stare at them curiously, or they'd give them a death glare. If looks could kill, both Andrea and Caleb would've died about twenty times already.

When they got to school, Andrea couldn't help but admire it. It looked to have about three stories, just by judging its height and the three rows of windows. The entrance was grand, with stairs leading up to it and wooden double doors, stain glass framing it. It was a beige color, and a few of the windows on the bottom were stained glass. Rose bushes framed the school, looking to be freshly trimmed. Students surrounded the school, all talking in their respective groups. Andrea hugged her arms closing to her chest, her nerves starting to get the best of her. Caleb noticed this and gently wrapped an arm around her, hugging her close to him. Andrea allowed herself to sink into his side, trying to calm down.

Originally she had been fine with going to school, but now she was extremely nervous. Combined with the fact that it was Monday and she had gotten about six hours of sleep last night, plus the odd antics of the townsfolk so far, and all the stares they had been getting, how could anyone not be nervous? She exhaled as she tried to calm herself down. However, someone appeared behind her. "Are you the new girl they spoke so much about?"

Myth High | Book I | ✔️ | FIRST DRAFTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon