Prologue V

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Prologue V

"Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival."

-Dr. Steve Maraboli

The man exhaled as he rubbed his hands together. He was nervous, that's for sure. He looked down at his tuxedo. It was a baby blue, sadly. However, his date said it would be perfect for the theme of the party they were going to. He exhaled yet again, trying to calm his shaking hands. He was sure they were sweaty. He had no idea why he was so nervous for this date; he'd known her for years.

He glanced in the rear view mirror one last time. His brown hair was gelled up, and he had trimmed up the light beard he had been sporting for a little while. His skin was tanned from the days spent outside, and he was quite pleased with how he looked. He sucked in a deep breath before exhaling heavily and getting out of the car.

He walked up to the door of her house and knocked on it. He stuck his hands in his pockets. He remembered how one of his teachers told him that girls' comfort was playing with their hair and guys' was messing with stuff in their pockets. He nodded internally, praising the teacher about how right he had been.

The door opened, revealing her face. "Salvin Goodright. You look lovely this evening." She said, smiling sweetly at him.

"Miranda Dare, lovely as always." Salvin said, bowing.

Miranda laughed as she touched her his bun she'd put her hair in. 'Do I really, though?"

Salvin took in her appearance. Her darker skin was free of blemishes and imperfections. Her dark hair was shining under the porch light. Her dark eyes shown brightly as she looked at him. She wore a soft pink dress. The sleeves ended at her forearm, and were a soft, white lace. The top hugged her figure nicely, and the shirt puffed out, almost like a doll's dress. She had on white stocking underneath it with black Mary Janes. He looked back up at her, and saw her expectant face. "Miranda," he started, causing worry to flash across her face "you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. There is a reason why I kept eyeing you that first day in college." He said, winking suggestively.

"Really? I thought it was because I was the only Indian in the classroom!" She said sarcastically.

"The only beautiful Indian of the whole school." He said, squeezing her hand as he grabbed it to pull her to the car.

"Oh please, there are plenty attractive Indians out there."

"You're the only one for me, though."

Miranda blushed. "Salvin, you're gonna make me gush."

"Isn't that what you're already doing?"

She blushed even redder. Salvin just laughed as he kissed her temple. "Come on, let's get to that Halloween party, right?"


The girl peeked out of the window as her brother drove. "Austin, why are we going to your college party, again?"

"Well, Rayna, you're sixteen, and you need to start experiencing the good things in life." Austin answered.

Rayna huffed as she pulled her ponytail over her shoulder. "Exactly. I'm only sixteen."

"Oh come on, you look older." Austin exclaimed as he stopped at a red light.

Rayna glanced up at the rear view mirror. Her light blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. She had pale skin, and soft, pink lips. Her eyebrows were a bit darker then her hair, but it might have just been the makeup she put on them. She had soft, gray eyes that were highlighted by here smokey eyes she wore. She wore a jean jacket with a low dipping floral shirt. She looked down at her lap as the car rumbled on. She had dark jeans on as well with brown boots that went halfway up her shins.

Austin looked at her through the mirror. Many people thought they were twins. He had the same blonde hair, pale skin, and eyes. The only problem was that he was significantly taller then her, and four years older, at the age of twenty. He was dateless, so that was probably why he was bringing his kid sister to a party.

Rayna honestly thought he was an idiot for bringing her to a college party. If he truly loved her, he'd turn this car around and drive her right back to the house. However, she wasn't that lucky.

As Rayna was mulling over this, the car rolled to a stop. She heard the sounds of the music as it pounded against the car. She swore it was vibrating, but she made no comment. Austin pulled the keys out of the ignition and opened the door to get out. Rayna sat in the car, mulling over all the stories she'd heard about crazy parties.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the glass. She looked up to see her brother standing there. "Aren't you gonna get out?" He asked through it.

Rayna sighed before unbuckling and getting out. Little did she know this might be her last party.


The teenager sighed as he took another swig of the beer. He was probably completely wasted, which was okay. He could care less. His life was pretty mush screwed anyways.

He glanced around the blurred room. He could see figures dancing, but he wasn't particularly paying attention to them. Sighing, he stood up, only to fall over. He laughed as he laid on the ground, his face pressing into the carpet.

Somethings smelt odd about it. It seemed to be tinged with smoke. His drunken mind paid no heed to it, but his rational mind was attempting to tell him that no one was allowed to smoke in here.

As he wandered around, some people attempted to flirt with him, though he ignored them all. Eventually, he came in front of a couple who were seated at the bar, and a younger girl. He sat down on the stool and turned his head towards them.

"How is your night going so far?" He slurred.

The girl's nose wrinkled in disgust. "Get out of here, you drunken man."

The female of the couple smiled at him. "I'm doing good, thank you for asking."

The teenager grinned his drunken smile. "It smells like smoke." He murmured after the smell wafted into his nose.

The man of the couple retched. "God, I hate smoke." He muttered as he attempted to drown the scent out with is soda.

The girl shook her head, clearly annoyed. "Used to it."

"What's your name?" The teenager slurred again as he leaned towards them.

"My name is Miranda, and this is Salvin."


"Well, my name is Draco." He said, scanning the bar for a bartender.

Before anyone could reply, the sound of shattering glass sounded through the house. Someone screamed, and before Draco could do anything, he was being dragged off by an unknown person.

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