Prologue IV

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Prologue IV

"What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love."

-Fydor Dostoyevsky

Carmilla sat at the table, her long fingers drumming along the mahogany top. The seat she sat on was very comfortable with its red velvet cushion and its plush back that provided just the right support for someone such as Carmilla.

Sighing, Carmilla pulled some of her honey hair back behind her. She was waiting for him to arrive, but he wasn't here at the moment.

She started her senior year in two weeks, and they had to have a plan. They needed the blood of a specific individual yet their name had never been disclosed before. Only God knew it, since he had created them. Carmilla used to hope it would be her, but it was a human, not a witch such as herself.

Carmilla hated humans.

They were weak, unevolved, grotesque apes who's only function was to serve as vessels for higher powers and play things for others. They had done nothing but screw up the world the supernatural worked hard on.

Perhaps their other purpose was to be God's playthings. He made them weak compared to every other creature out there as he valued them less, and needed something to torture. Carmilla felt her mouth twist into a maliscous grin. God truly was a man of brilliance.

Before she could praise God anymore, Jacob walked in. Carmilla eyed the stubble and bags under his eyes. Clearly he had not slept in a while. She sighed before muttering a simple spell under her breath for a glass of wine. She may have been seventeen, but she loved red wine.

"When'll the boss be here?" She lasted after taking a sip of the wine.

Jacob made a grunting noise, asking Carmilla to repeat the message. Carmilla did so, more annoyance lacing her tone. Jacob sighed. "He won't make it today, but he does have a specific contract he had made for everyone.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Lexi is busy stalking Momster Hunters to see if they'll attempt to get into Points Brooke, Gabriel is busy attempting to kidnap humans for a ritual, and the others are in hiding from amonster Hunters."

Carmilla nodded. "Okay, where is this contract?"

Jacob snapped, making a stack of papers appear on the table. Carmilla nodded in thanks to him before pulling them to her and reading them.

Due to the recent decrease in potential candidates for Lucifer's freedom, we have been stalking the few candidates available. Here is a short list of them:

-Salvin Goodright

-Rayna Farrow

-Draco Darkwood

-Andrea Silver

These are the only people who can potentially open the cage. We ask you to attempt to capture them in order, as we believe that the first one is more likely then the one before it to open the cage, as the second one is to the other two, etcetera. Other then this, you have nothing else to worry about.

I have assigned each one to a specific person.

-Gavin Underwood- Salvin Goodright

-Lexi Moondew- Rayna Farrow

-Carmilla Valentine- Draco Darkwood

-Jacob Smoke- Andrea Silver

Good luck, Matrons of Darkness.

Carmilla smiled at the name. She quite enjoyed it. Being a bringer of darkness was always a treat.

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