Chapter IX

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Chapter IX

"There's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met."

-Jim Henson

Andrea woke before anyone else, so she silently slipped back into her bed, and fell back asleep.

Eventually, Giselle woke her up for breakfast. Andrea smiled at everyone once she got down, and then sat at the table and began to eat her breakfast.

Every so often, silence welcomed them, but someone soon got rid of it. Andrea kept glancing at Liam,but he wasn't looking at her. When she looked at Mitchel, he was frowning at Liam, almost as if he knew what was going on. Mitchel looked at her, and then motioned for them to speak in the other room.

Andrea excused herself before following Mitchel into the game room. "Yes?" She asked.

"Liam has feelings for you." He said.

"How do you know?"

"His eyes. They shine with love whenever he looks at you, but then are replaced with hurt. He must have been attracted to you for a while. Were you ever in an intimate relationship with him?"

"W-what? No! Why would we be?"

"I know you liked him before as well. Now you don't, right?"

"I lost the feelings I had to him soon after I moved here."

Mitchel nodded. "I'd tell you to tell him that, but it will probably be an awkward conversation."

"Mitchel, can you tell him for me? I can't see the hurt in his eyes! Please..."

He stared at her, not saying anything. Andrea looked down. She didn't want to have to tell Liam she no longer liked him. Before she could convince herself she had the guts to do it, Mitchel spoke up. "Alright, but I'll need a favor from you."

"What is it?"

"Not yet. Some other day. Just promise me you'll fulfill it, alright?"

"I'll do my best." Andrea said, nodding.

Mitchel smiled. "Thanks, Squirt."

Andrea sighed at the long forgotten nickname. "Still don;t have one for you." She said, sighing.

"One of these days, Squirt." Mitchel said as he walked off.

Andrea stayed in her spot for a while. She sighed. Then, her stomach growled. She chuckled to herself before going back out to eat her breakfast.


The day her friends were leaving was filled with tears. Mitchel had told Liam a few minutes ago, and Liam had hugged her and told her he was sorry for never growing a set of balls to tell her.She had chuckled at the last part and told him she was sorry she was too chicken to break it to him.

She had kissed his cheek though, and he kissed her forehead. It was a bittersweet moment, but she still would miss him forever.

Now, Andrea stood in between Jacob and Mitchel. Her friends were pilling into her mom's car, prepared to go to the airport. Andrea waved goodbye before the car pulled away. Giselle stuck her head out. "You are coming for Christmas, alright?"

Andrea laughed. "Of course!"

Giselle smiled as the car started, driving off. Giselle eventually stuck her head back in and the door shut. Andrea's shoulder's slumped. Jacob pulled her to his side as he began kissing the top of her head, mumbling comfort words.

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