Chapter IV

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Chapter IV

"Better to be strong than pretty and useless."

-Lilith Saintcrow

Leyna stared at Andrea. She had dark, wavy brown hair. Near the ends it got lighter until it reached a dirty blonde color. He skin was a golden tan and her smile was perfectly white and straight. Her eyes were a dark brown, and her eyebrows were done. She wore her hair down with a white tank top and jean vest. She wore jeans as well and black converse. She smiled brightly at her, her brown eyes sparkling. "So you are the famous Andrea, huh?"

Andrea nodded shyly. She still wasn't used to being spoken to as often as she was right now. Especially by who seemed to be the popular table, judging by how everyone knew their names and basically got out of their way when they were walking, it was clear they were more in the popular crowd.

Zoe leaned forward. "Andrea, there is no need to be shy in front of us! After all, we are going to be your best friends!" Andrea stared at her, examining her appearance. Her dark hair was pulled into a side braid. Her dark eyes glimmered under the lights, causing them to have almost an aqua shimmer to them. She wore a dark blue sweater with black leggings and a white skirt. She wore while boots reaching her knees, each with about four inches to them.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to, uh-"

Mitchel smiled sympathetically at her. "Its fine, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

Andrea said nothing as she took one of the French fries off her plate. Charlotte smiled at her. Her red hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, but down it would end at her waist. She had paler skin with bright blue eyes. She had hardly any make-up on, but she still looked beautiful. She wore a black tank top with white ripped jeans. She wore black high-top converse with them as well. "How has your stay in Points Brooke?"

She said nothing as she looked down, fiddling with her fingers in her lap. Finally, she decided to answer. "It's been, uh-"

"Terrible, obviously. You should head back to wherever you came from before." A snarky voice piped up.

Andrea sighed, closing her eyes. She carefully got out her phone and began to text Liam, asking for help.

"Damn it Lexi, leave her be."

"But Estal-"

"Leave her be." Estal said firmly.

The girl, Lexi, scoffed and turned on her heels, leaving. Andrea heard the chime of her phone and looked down, smiling when she saw that Liam had started up a group message and everyone was asking if she was alright. She immediately started texting them, telling them how her day was going.

"Why are you looking at your crotch and smiling?" Troy asked as he shoved a tomato into his mouth.

Andrea held her phone up and then looked back down as she continued typing. Suddenly, it was snatched out of her hands. "Let's see..." Troy read as he scrolled up "'Oh no, Andrea! Are you okay?' from Giselle...'Giselle, of course she isn't, she asked Liam for help' from Nash...'Chill out you lazy asses and let her explain' from Drake...'Andrea, are you alright?' from Liam...and then you proceed to tell them about your day. Did you tell them about the hot man named Troy that you met?" Troy asked, wagging his eyebrows suggestively.

"My goddess, what is wrong with you?" Leyna asked, snatching Andrea's phone from his grasp and giving it back to her. Andrea immediately texted her friends' and apology regarding her absence.

Troy scoffed as he placed a hand over his heart. "You hurt me, Leyna."

"Like a cold hearted blood suc-"

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