Chapter 7

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There has been very few moments in my life where I have been rendered completely useless — unable to speak, to move, to think. As if time itself had stopped for the sole purpose of allowing me to contemplate, to understand. This was one of those moments...

He closes the door shut.

"Thanks," the driver says before driving off. We watch through the dash cam as he walks away, making it back inside the venue before the driver pulls over at the other end of the street. "That was too close," he sighs. "This is the furthest we can go without losing the connection to Yousef's earpiece."

I nod even though there is no way he's able to see me through his cabin, still unable to formulate words, my heart beating rapidly against my chest.

"Eretz, are you there?" Yousef asks. "Eretz!"

"Yes," I finally say.

"What happened? It got silent all of a sudden."

"Nothing... just a little hiccup."

"I think I have eyes on the man you have described," Yousef murmurs. "He is with the target."

"What are you waiting for? Go."

"Of course," he says quickly, the sound of glasses clinking echoing through the earpiece. "Champagne?" he asks someone.

"No," Eve's voice comes through. "Thank you."

"I'd love a glass," the man's voice follows.

After that, the voices are hard to hear over the commotion going on in the main hall, making it difficult to follow the conversation between them.

"What are they talking about?" I ask, impatiently, tapping on my knee.

"Shhhh," Beinis hushes me, turning up the volume.

"You look stunning," the man says. "It's a shame you're not wearing the necklace I gave you."

"It's too much for an occasion like this," she replies simply.

"You know I wouldn't have given you such a beautiful piece if I knew it was going to gather dust in your safe."

"You know how I feel about this sort of thing," she says, an annoyed tone I had yet to hear. "I have never liked it."

"I am aware, but I thought you could make an exception for me."

"And why is that?"

The voices are interrupted again by someone calling over Yousef. "This guy has no game," Beinis says. I bite back my remark, there is no way this man is talking about game.

"I appreciate you, Abel, but don't get things mixed up," Eve's voice comes through again.

"Ouch," Beinis and I say at the same time, as we once again have to wait for Yousef's serving round to finish before he can get close enough. "This woman really is a lesbian, I'm a guy, but I must admit Abel is a piece."

"So you're telling me you're not gay?"

Beinis looks at me as if he's fighting an inner battle about whether it is worth it to even dignify that question with an answer. "I have a wife."

"Guys," Yousef murmurs. "I'm sensing a weird commotion, in the staff area."

"What do you mean?" I ask, sitting forward.

"Vibes," he whispers.

"Oh wow, vibes, huh?" Beinis rolls his eyes. "Don't forget to write that down on the report. Missed action because of vibes."

"Don't answer, Yousef, stay low," I sigh, burying my face in my hands. "Yousef..." I say after a minute. "I'll need you to get rid of your earpiece."

"What?" Beinis turns to me. "Will he even remember what to report back? What if we need to contact him for an emergency?"

"Do as I say, Yousef, activate the self-destruction button and throw it inside the kitchen's trash bin," I say. "Now."


"What do you think you're doing? He is completely useless when it comes to espionage, without guidance he'll screw it up," Beinis says, his eyes piercing through me.

"He can take orders," I say plainly. "That's all I need. Don't question my decisions, IT boy."

"My name is Beinis."

"Eretz, what's going on?" the driver asks.

"Take us back."


"Back," I repeat, losing patience.

He sighs, starting the engine and driving down the street. "Are we compromised?"

"Do you want to find out?" I ask, holding onto the grab handle as he sped through the streets.

Beinis grits his teeth, the look in his eyes saying it all. It's not the first time someone's said they hated me through their eyes, I simply smirk. "Are we really about to abandon Yousef?"

"We're not abandoning him, he'll be fine."

"He would never do that to you, we would never do that to you. He considers you a friend."

"I don't have friends."

"You are a heartless woman, Eretz."

"I'm an assassin, it comes with the job description," I shrug. "You see, Beinis. No, Binyamin Boaz, is it? You may think that just because you sit all day in your little computer, you're not actually complicit in anything — when in reality you have as much blood in your hands as I do... or even more," I raise my eyebrows. "After all, we own it to you. Yes, thank you, Beinis — for all you've done. 10 years you've been working for us, right? I do wonder how many innocent people you've helped take the lives of, a couple thousands?"

"I'm only doing my job," he mutters.

"So am I," I say, lowering down so we are at eye level. "I'm the one who pulls the trigger, I'm the one who watches the life leave the eyes of these people, I'm the one who takes the weight of their souls — while you go home to sleep with your wife as if you had just come home from a 9 to 5. Beinis, you are the heartless one."

The car falls silent as I lean back, closing my eyes as I wait for us to reach our safe location. The heart is a double-edged sword, as soon as you give it too much power, it has the ability to make you weak, vulnerable. And I can't allow that. I don't want that. I am not heartless, but the truth is that I'd rather believe I am.

I tap my foot against the floor impatiently as the last train of the night arrives at the station. I bite down on the inside of my cheek, watching as no more than maybe four people trickle out of the doors. My eyes dart from each person, finally landing on Yousef. A smile grows on his face as soon as our eyes meet, quickly making his way to me.

"Eretz, you're here," he breathes in, wiping sweat off his forehead. "A guard searched me and other servers shortly after I discarded the earpiece. I nearly shat in my trousers."

"Hush," I give him a warning look as we walk out of the station. "Come on, let's fill out that report."

"I got so much intel," he says excitedly, I wouldn't be surprised if he started jumping up and down like a kid wanting to share about their day to their parents.

"You did good, Yousef."

He smiles. "I threw up on the way back."

I sigh. "You sure smell like you did."

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