Chapter 6

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I slouch in my seat as we watch Yousef walk inside the venue, the event doesn't start until later into the night. So far, things aren't looking so great. We have no visuals, not because we can't hack into the cameras, but because there are none in the main hall. Not only are we blinded from the inside, but there is also no way of knowing who's coming in — the cars go down to a basement level parking lot, which means we can't identify people as they get off their vehicles.

And to top it all off, there is no ventilation inside this godforsaken UPS van.

"No cameras, no photographers... so secretive, I wonder what these rich people are up to. I don't know, Yousef. You might become a victim of a blood sacrifice by the end of the night," I say into the earpiece.

"Very funny, Eretz," Yousef mutters.

"You might get lucky enough and get an upgrade from being the sacrificial lamb to being the high priest."

"Can you stop? It's bad enough that I'm in here by myself, it's making me even more nervous."

"Fine," I let out a sigh, turning to the screen. "Nothing? Not even the parking lot cameras?"

The IT guy side eyes me. "Do you think I just go bip-bip-bop on the keyboard and make things happen? That's not how it works," he says, annoyed. "I told you I'm having trouble getting access to them, there has to be at least three firewalls."

"You literally go bip-bip-bop on the keyboard and make things happen, that's the whole point, so go bip-bip-bop harder," I mimic his accent.

"You're insufferable," he mumbles, his fingers tapping against the keys again. "There are only seven cameras in the entire venue, that's nothing compared it to the size of the building. What kind of event is this anyway?"

"An auction for some fancy artifacts, according to the target's brother."

He's silent for a second. "Holy, Yousef, you really are going to become the sacrificial lamb."

"Focus," I say, turning to the screen. "Anything else we can work with?"

"There are a few old blueprints of the building. They are 60 years old but from what I've found, there hasn't been any major construction going on since then aside from the underground parking lot, so I'd say they must be pretty accurate," he clicks on each one. "This is the main hall, and these are some of the service hallways. Looks like they run along the walls of the main hall, probably for catering purposes."

"What about the security? What are we dealing with?"

"No clue, there are no guards in sight, and the only camera I've managed to tap into is the one in the kitchen. But there is no doubt this place is crawling with personnel, I can't imagine they'd have an event this important and not have a proper security detail."

"That's an understatement," I sigh. "Any visuals, Yousef?"

"The staff manager is such a bitch, I swear," he murmurs. "No, I haven't seen anyone other than the waiters yet, but from the way they're rushing us, there is no doubt guests will be arriving soon."

"Oh, Lord, I hope so. I don't think I can take another hour of this," I groan, fanning myself with a stack of papers. "The heat in here is killing me... Have you never heard of a shower? Good grief, man, It smells like something died in here, don't tell me there are pee bottles around."

"Do you have any idea of how busy we are?" The IT guy glares at me. "We're always on the move, I barely have time to brush my teeth before the next job."

"That's disgusting," I grimace. "I'm working 2 extra jobs and I still take the time to shower, don't give me that bullshit."

"Can you two shut the hell up?" Yousef says through the earpiece. "I can hear you over the commotion in here, it's extremely distracting."

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