Chapter One.

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Chapter One.

Blaze's POV.

I would say I woke up to my annoying alarm but how can you wake up if you never went to sleep. Yep another restless night. Another nightmare of my mum dying, burning and screaming for me to run. I shake my head from them thoughts and get out of bed.

I walked over to my bathroom which was all black and white. No other colour than that. I got in the shower and turned it to the right temperature. I hissed when the hot water hit my cuts that were made last night. I just stand in the shower looking straight ahead at the white tiles thinking about nothing. Just letting the water run. I wrapped my arms around myself letting my tears run with the water down my face. Empty is all I feel.

Once I stood under the water for a good 15 minutes I quickly done my business and wrapped a towel around me shutting of the water. I shivered and ran over to my wardrobe. I picked a pair of black jeans and a white tee. I slipped on some undergarments then my clothes.

I heard a soft knock at the door and my grandma's head popped in. "Hey sweetie, I'm making breakfast okay. Come down once you're ready." I nodded at her and watched her head disappear.

I walked over to my bedside draws and opened the bottom on revealing some gauze and plasters. I grabbed a gauze and wrapped it around the arm I cut last night. I made sure it was tight so it would bleed throughout the day.

I took my leather jacket of the back of my door and put it on. Along with my black air max. They were the only comfortable shoes I really liked.

I began making my way down stairs towards the kitchen where I could smell pancakes being cooked. I gave my Nan a kiss on the cheek and a small smile. She handed me a plate with one pancake and a few bits of fruit on the side. Knowing I wouldn't eat it all she only gave me a small one. I picked up the fork and ate a small piece of the pancake. I cut the pancake up into tiny pieces and played around with them.

"Sweetie come on eat a few more then you can go." My Nan spoke up.

"Okay." I spoke in a small voice.

My Nan is old and she always takes care of me. Making sure I eat or I get enough sleep. In reality I should be the one taking care of me. She is the only one I have left and once she goes I won't be able to take that.

I ate a few more pieces before emptying it into the bin.

"What are you doing today?" I asked my nan.

"Hmm maybe bingo or going to see Dave." She said sipping her tea.

"Dave? Oh yes your toy boy." I turned to face her from the sink.

"He is not my toy boy, he is just a friend missy." She pointed a finger at me.

"Mmm bet he takes real good care of you nanna." I winked at her.

"Oh you, get to school." She waved me off.

I made sure to give her a kiss on the cheek goodbye. I grabbed my school bag and waved at her walking down the path. The school was only a 10 minute walk so it wasn't that far.

My long brown hair flowing around me from the wind. I kept pushing it back trying to get out of my face so I could see.

I saw the school building in my view and I walked faster because days just seemed to be getting colder. I saw the all the groups hanging together. I looked towards the popular group and saw all my old friends who all bully me now for being a freak or whatever.

I carried on walking ignoring their naming calling. I pushed opened the doors and walked towards my locker. It was on the side of the school were no one really went. To be honest I'm grateful for it. I can just sit and think without stupid jocks shouting or cat calling stupid bimbo Barbie's.

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