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I guess I was never really normal.

My entire life wasn't really the ideal setting for any kind of story.

I was abandoned as a child, a baby actually. My life started out in Aldridge Orphanage. I was literally shipped there inside of a cardboard box at 2:30 in the morning.

Growing up, everyone told me my parents were most likely crazy or abusive because when I showed up at the orphanage around the age of five months, there was a code of some sort tattooed on my right collarbone, 81027GH. No one is really sure what it means.

That's one of the reasons behind my present day nickname.

Others include my appearance. Besides the tattoo, I was taller than the rest of the kids my age. My height caused others to think I was three or four years older than I actually was. I wasn't as petite as the other girls in the orphanage, either. I had more of a boyish figure, and I was much stockier.

My attitude towards others also may have effected it, as well. I was always on edge versus the other children. My cautious nature made it hard to make friends. I was stronger than the rest of the orphans. They didn't like to play with me because I was for too rough for just any five year old. I accidently broke a seven year old boy's jaw when I was four by backhanding him for taking my crayons. I don't really think I'll ever forget that because all of the kids would hold their hands over their mouths when they'd see me for nearly a year.

I got really violent around the age of twelve. Adults and children made sure to steer clear of me. I didn't sleep as well due to severe body aches and pains which caused me to be extremely moody. I stopped growing taller, but I no longer had a baby face like the rest of the children my age. I could have passed as a sixteen or seventeen year old by that time.

I had a much harder jawline than even some of the boys there. My strength doubled and so did my cautiousness. I was always on alert and nothing really ever got by me. I could hear, see, and even smell things ten times better than before. At first, it was annoying, and it drove me crazy, but I learned to control it after a while.

I truly believed that, by this time, no one even remembered my real name. I was only known as Lunatic by everyone besides the ladies from the orphanage.

I didn't really want to believe them, but I couldn't help but start to once I started hearing a voice in my head. It wasn't really a friendly voice. It was more violent than anything, but it cared about me in a way that no one had ever really did. The voice never wanted to hurt me, just other people.

I didn't hate the voice, but it would make me angry. Some days I'd get so frustrated that I'd punch holes in the walls or shatter mirrors. Of course, I couldn't fix the mirrors, but I did cover the holes in the walls with pictures that the toddlers and little kids would draw. By this time, everyone was on edge, and I'm pretty sure what happened next was the last straw.

It was the first time it ever happened, and, at the time, I had no idea how to control it. That led me to not really remember what happened. I remember being yelled at for another shattered mirror when something inside of me just snapped. My mind went foggy for what seemed like seconds as my body did things I had no control over. When I finally managed to snap out of my dazed state, I had trashed the room I was in, snapped the woman's arm, crushed her collarbone, and hurt three others in the process.

At age thirteen, I was sent to the Braxford Mental Institution. I was seen as a threat to everything and anything. I was apparently far too mentally unstable to be near children.

My state only worsened the first year. I was constantly going into the dazed and fuzzy state and waking up tied to a bed in a room alone. The voice got louder while in the hospital. Rarely would it say whole sentences. Usually, it was just one or two word phrases. Sometimes, it would even scream or hum for hours on end. At first, I would just scream or talk back to the voice. At times, I'd get so frustrated with it that I'd start pulling my hair or hitting my head against walls. Eventually, I got better at hiding it and focused on acting civilized.

People started noticing.

The doctors would sit down and have light conversations with me which is something that no one had ever done. That not only made me calm, but even the voice inside of me would hum lightly in content. I think all the voice ever wanted was for me to be happy.

After being in the hospital for three years, I decided to ask about becoming a voluntary patient at sixteen. Most of the doctors that I asked about it agreed with me, so I decided to take the step and sign the document asking for permission. Once I was officially a voluntary patient, I could ask for voluntary admission to leave.

That is how exactly one year later, I was finally acceptable to the public. I was no longer walking around feeling like the lunatic. I was Arden Aldridge, although deep inside I still knew I was insane, but I knew how to control it so that had to count for something.


Long time no see, ay guys?

I'm sorry it's so short, but it is the prologue. I was going to make it the first chapter, but since it is so short and mainly focuses on her background story I decided on just making it the prologue.

So, for those of you who don't know this is the sequel to The Alpha Calls Me Kitten. Initially, I was just going to have it named Lunatic, but decided to make a theme with the calls me thing. I have already thought about the ending for this and I do believe there will be a third book bc the way I plan on ending it will need another book lol.

I don't believe you need to read the first book to understand this, but there will be certain terms and characters included in this book from the first book.

The updates for this may be a bit slow at first, but I will try my best.

and now for the quote you all probably missed

Stay awesome gotham. 8/17/15
<< Arden in Picture (Marion Cotillard) >>

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