Project monster - Opal

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The bright, humming lights

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The bright, humming lights... creaking floorboards... headaches and nausea.... sleepless nights, medication... metal tools and bandages. All of it still haunted you to this day. Everything that happened in that lab you remembered to this day. That place was worse then any persons nightmare. You still hold many scars from it both physically and memorial. Yet what happened there isn't the bit that haunts you but the aftermath of living there, of growing up there, Is the part that scares you. That creature which was made from their twisted desires - It killed them all. Though you don't know what it looks like you remember its immense feelings; its anger and pain. Deep down you knew that you were that monster but it was something you wished was far from the truth. That thing was their product and it was nothing like you and the thought of it being you
Knocked you sick more so then the freaks who did it to you. You were the only one who survived the attack that day due to you being the cause of it. Ever since then you ran. Trying to get away from whatever happened there. Trying to get away from that thing which you turned into that night. Zaofu is where you found refuge and that is where Suyin took you in like one of her own. She was kind and loving just as every mother should aim to be. She doesn't know where you came from nor what had happened but she never pushed for answers accepting the false ones you would give her. Adapting to the busy place was difficult but Su's daughter Opal made the transition easier. Opal was different from her siblings. They could all metalbend and were drastically different in any and every way possible. The twins win and wei were loud and competitive, huan was contemplative and artistic, Bataar Jr was scientific throwing himself in work but opal? She was more tame than her brothers she didn't throw herself into something in an extreme way she just allowed herself to go along with things. Opal was easily your favourite person in the entire city without a shadow of a doubt. If you were asked the question you'd say her name in seconds. After the long while in which it took for you to adapt in order to repay Suyin you decided to become a guard.

As soon as your shift came to an end and you she finished helping closing up the city  you ran over to opal who was just walking by back to her home. A bright beaming smile displayed itself as you made your way up to her.
"Hey!" She glanced to you with those soft green eyes of her and smiled.
"Hey," she replied. You caught up and walked beside her all the way back laughing and talking about your days occasionally your shoulders brushing against one another. You took her to her room. She kissed your cheek before the two of you separated for you to go to your own room. Walking back was like floating in the clouds you love everything about that girl. Her smile, her laugh, her hair, her eyes - absolutely everything. The past couple of days you hadn't been able to spend much time with her due to work but those small moments definitely made your long days worth it. You entered your room and pulled the cover over to drift into a soundless sleep but late into the night hours into your slumber a massive crash came from outside. Instantaneously, you ran towards it only to be horrified at what you saw.

A group of four had taken opal. Others had now joined you outside an had already tried attacks to get her back but you were frozen still. The girl kicked and squirmed to be free but the air bender had a strong hold on her. Seeing Opal in such danger infuriated you beyond relief. Anger boiled to new degrees and all you could think of was her and the position she was currently in. She was defenceless. The more scared she got... The longer it was taking the other to get to her... The more your vision blurred. Everything turned hazy and tinted in colour. A few heavy blinks brushed it off once or twice but it always came back and before you knew it;

Your bones bristled and cracked, elongating with the muscles that stretched and ripped. Your pupils slit like a cats and changed in colour. Screams of pain erupted through the air as you transformed into this creature. Skin hardened as bones spilt through it down your arms turning into spiked defences. Claws grew and your jaw snapped in order to accommodate the new petrudimg fangs. Everyone watched in horror as it happened. Everyone looked as though you were the one who was actually harming them. Your eyes locked onto opal and the freaks who were abducting her. Everything else blurred in sight the only people who were clearly in sight was Opal and the air bender holding her. Fixated on their movements and no one else's you were unaware of their lava bending friend who threw molten shurikens at you. One hit the side of your upper arm and burned into your skin leaving a bit of a burn trail as hit dropped down back to the floor. Steam came from the area but nothing more. That's one thing you could thank the scientists for - making you invincible to most types of bending that is until you turn back though. As soon as you began to move forwards towards the new air bender he tried sending a gust of wind to push you back. It felt like nothing more than a breeze. You dragged your feet pulling up bits of earth like a rake on farmers land. All of the red lotus sent attacks towards you they stung but did nothing more than that. Your rough skin changed darker and steamed with each splotch of lava and explosion that hit you and small white streets similar to that of a graze appear each time ice pierced it. Out of all the attacks the only one that caused masses of effect was the explosions that hit, they caused you to stumble back or to grunt those attacks had the most force behind but even still you trudged towards the man holding opal. When the relentlessness of your pursuit to get her back was made evident they tried to run and make their leave. The guy pushed opal to the side and yelled as she hit the floor. Saying ran over to get her as you grabbed the man who tried to fly away in the orange glider. His friends all froze seeing it. You launched him back to the floor he hit with such force his body lifted from the floor after contact bouncing him back up and rolling for several more meters. He looked up in only what could be described as genuine fear. Slowly you stalked towards him as he backed away punching as much air at you as her could. Opal was safe yet you were still fixated on the air bender that tried to take her. You were still fixated on the hunt. On the need to bring him pain. Your claws had almost reached him once more when a strong blast hit the side of your head giving him chance to escape. You gripped your hideous face and fell to the ground howling in agony as you returned to human. The Beifong's could only watch as your pain voiced itself. Tears streamed down your burned and scratched body and the last thing you saw before collapsing was opal's tear pricked eyes.

Your head pound as your eyes next opened. Lights spun and your whole body aches you couldn't remember much only just the fact you passed out. Bandages wrapped around your temples and arms a splint keeping a few of your fingers straight. It didn't take much for you to know that the monster had made its presence once again.
"Y-Y/n?" A soft voice you know all to well called out. You looked to your side to see her, Opal Beifong. She looked to be slightly in edge and most definitely tired.
"I-I can explain everything." You immediately said. She looked hesitant but agreed to listen to your plea. It took several hours. During it opal couldn't meet your gaze but you couldn't blame her you had lied to not just her but her whole family and everyone that had ever shown you care and it was no small lie either it had been one that had put everyone there at risk. When the last words escaped your lips a silence fell. A silence so thick and heavy it felt as though you were in the desert wearing a sweater. Eventually she saved you from that heat and broke the silence.
"'re not a monster." Her words were soft but carried such weight the scale had been balanced. Your eyes widened and she softly touched her face. "It wasn't your fault. Non of this was... That being said I'll need time to adjust to knowing what you really are." Without hesitation you nodded.
"I understand..." You mumbled. She gently kissed your forehead and rose to leave in order to allow you to recover.

A/n one more week of exams and then hopefully I'd be able to get more consistent with updates again!

Up coming chapters:

Suki - (jealous reader)
Toph - blind devotion
Suyin - gender swapped
Kuvira - (doesn't have a prompt yet)
Korra - (rivals)
Toph - (yandere)
Azula - (fantasy AU)
Korra - (Viltrumite)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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