Whispers in the dark Pt.2- Toph

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Many weeks passed, they turned into months and those months felt like years

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Many weeks passed, they turned into months and those months felt like years. Toph struggled amending to the Gaang's life style especially without Y/n. Early on into their travels she ran off mad that they wouldn't turn back. They wouldn't go save the one person she trusted. Aang was the avatar it was his job to save people; at the time the young earthbender couldn't even comprehend why he didn't go back. The waterbender girl said that they had all lost someone, that she wasn't special and sokka her brother just said it would be to much of a detour. Aang tried to be the voice of reason but his reasoning couldn't suffice so she left. That was until she met a nice old guy who gave her tea and helped her rationalise things, Put them into perspective. However, her thoughts still drifted back to you. Every night you weren't there to bid good dreams, every meal you weren't there to share it with, every joke your laugh wasn't present and in every fight your support was missing. She slowly got used to it but that didn't mean she liked it. She dipped in and out of this 'homesick' feeling, made comments every now and then, do something to get a reaction from one of the others that would match yours.

Despite all this she stayed focused like the old guy told her to. She trained Aang, made friends with sokka and learned to be civil with katara before eventually becoming friends with her. She had fun but something was always missing. When the final battle came about she was terrified but she didn't let anyone see. Toph wanted nothing more than to have her bodyguard by her side at that point and when she was holding onto Sokka's hand slowly slipping from his grasp that wanting to hear you again had never been worse.
"I don't think boomerang is coming back Toph." Sokka said genuine fear creeping into his voice. Tears started to fall from her cloudy eyes. "It looks like this is the end." Heat surrounded them and her hand was slipping. She never got to save you. Her hand slipped once more when she heard running from the airship her and Sokka were falling from. Then the screeching of metal sounded throughout the air and Sokka dropped Toph however she landed on a metal surface Sokka threw himself on it straight after.
"How did that happen? Did boomerang come back?" Toph asked her heart rate through the roof.
"No... Suki did." Sokka said lifting his head to face his partner whom had just saved them.

Once Ozai and azula were defeated everyone regrouped, watched Zuko's ceremony and speech, drank tea and processed everything that had happened in the past couple of days. As soon as she was able to Toph got her stuff and tried leaving to go find you but she got stopped.
"Where you going Toph?" Katara asked as her and Aang spotted her leaving.
"Home. I need to find Y/n." She out simply as she continued to walk.
"We can take appa an-" Aang started but never got round to finishing that sentence.
"No." Toph stopped in her tracks momentarily, "I have to do this on my own. I'm the reason she was caught and I was the one who wanted to go back for her all those months ago. So that's what I'm going to do. By. My. Self." She said it with a slight harshness as to get the point across not wanting to argue and waist more time, she had already waited long enough. Possibly too long. Both Aang and Katara fell silent before stepping back allowing Toph to go. "I wish you luck." The avatar said as Toph continued the start of her way back to the town of Gaoling.

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