Grandma beifong's opinion - Korra

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"Grandma!!!" You shouted wrapping your arms around Toph as she entered the heart of Zaofu

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"Grandma!!!" You shouted wrapping your arms around Toph as she entered the heart of Zaofu. She laughed heartily, patting your back as a way of returning the gesture. "What are you doing here?" You questioned.
"I'm here to see my favourite granddaughter of course," she said putting a huge smile on your face. You grabbed her hand and took her inside excited to catch her up on everything. A lot has happened since Toph went to live in the swamp meaning there was a lot to talk about. You went on about your mother and siblings, all the changes in zaofu, opal now being an Airbender and how she's gone to air temple island, absolutely everything.
"That's interesting. How's that metal bending of yours coming along? As I recall the last time I was here you had just started learning," The old woman questioned.
"Brilliantly! I am much better then my siblings and mum thinks I might even be better at it then her!" You exclaimed getting excited about the subject causing your grandmother to chuckle.

Your bending is probably one of the main reasons you and your grandmother are so close. When you were younger it's all the two of you would do together. Toph taught you all sorts of things about the art, things like the original benders badgermoles and how when she was a little girl she learned how to earthbend from them. She taught you about all the different jings mainly neutral jing though, she taught you seismic sense and slightly more advanced thing your mother hadn't taught you yet. Your grandmother also told you stories from the war like how she discovered metalbending, taught Aang earthbending, when she took down a fleet of airships with councilman sokka and his girlfriend Suki. Your favourite stories were definitely from when she fought in arena's as the blind bandit, according to her she never lost a match!

"Is that so?" She asked. You nodded your head in answer. "If that's the case then I better watch out or you'll be taking my title of greatest earthbender," she laughed.
"I doubt that grandma you created metalbending and learned from the original earthbending masters themselves. No one could beat you," you stated. The two of you shared a laugh until your mother walked in.
"Mother," she said slightly annoyed. Even though the two of them have somewhat patched things up your mum always disliked when Toph showed up unannounced. Especially as she likes showing up whenever she is busy.
"Su," your grandmother replied. They kept eye contact for a few moments it was as if they were having a staring contest but it broke when her attention turned to you,
"Y/n your sister Opal has returned from air temple island for a few days she's just outside." A smile grew on your face as you ran outside to greet your sister.

Upon seeing her you gave her a great hug complimenting her uniform. It had the colours traditionally associated with the air nomads and autumn. It suited her.
"How have you been? What's it like to learn airbending with masters?" You questioned intrigued by what she has to say.
"I'm great and it's amazing I love it! It-" before she could finish replying you started with more questions.
"How's korra? Is she okay? I've not had any time to write it's been so busy here!" You started to complain towards the end.
"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Your sister responded. Your eyes lit up with excitement at her words.
"Korra's here?" Opal nodded looking over her shoulder and taking a step to the side to reveal the waterbender in question walking up to where you are. Immediately you ran over to her jumping into her arms happy to see her once again. She swung you round before planting your two feet on the ground putting your foreheads against one another as the two of you smiled like idiots. Her bright ocean eyes staring into yours.
"Korra I missed you," you whispered.
"I missed you to y/n," she replied in a hushed voice. She placed a soft kiss on your lips before the two of you parted walking up to the others hand in hand. You missed this so much.

As the two of you talked you caught up on everything that has happened in the few months you had been apart. When you got to the others your sister was talking to Toph about airbending things or whatever. Suddenly, the attention turned to you and korra though. Toph turned to face the rough direction of your girlfriend before she started to chuckle causing everyone to be confused.
"Nice to see you again twinkle toes," she spoke.
"Nice to see you too Toph," she replied her usual  smile beaming as always.
"Twinkle toes? What in- Have you two met before?" You asked confused at their interaction.
"Not in this lifetime," your grandmother smiled  to herself before she turned around heading back inside.

The rest of you followed with you opal and korra splitting off going to your room. Opal sat cross legged near the pillows on your bed, Korra sat on the opposing side to Opal with you resting your head on her shoulder. The three of you all caught up. They told you stories of training like the obstacle course, annoying tenzin and playing with ikki, meelo and jinora. It sounded amazing. You didn't share much about what was happening with you in zaofu as most of it was helping with security and your mother's performances, teaching new metal benders, you did beat wing and wei at power disk though. Now that was a fun day. All the laughter and storytelling died down when your brother Huan appeared at your door informing you that dinner was being served.

The three of you all walked into the dining room you took a seat next to toph and korra with Opal sitting next to your mother and father in the other side of Toph. As the chef served his legendary food your mother began to speak,
"To Opal and Avatar korra visiting and to the vast improvements within our city... and to mother taking the time out of her busy schedule to see her family. It's always a pleasure." Your mother said irritation slipping into her words by the end of her mini speech. Toph ignored the jab focusing on her meal. After a few moments conversation picked up.
"Hey y/n after would you want to maybe help me practice my metal bending a bit I don't get much practice on air temple island and who wouldn't want to learn from you?" She asked her goofy smile reaching from one ear to the other.
"Is this your weird way of making excuses to spend time with me?" You said inquisitively facing the girl.
"Maybe..." she said.
"Fine. But only because I've not seen you in a while," you said putting more food in your mouth. Korra chuckled slightly before responding, "You love teaching me earthbending stuff don't try and deny it." You smiled to yourself as you thought of your response.
"I prefer watching you try and drive something." Korra scoffed in fake offence.
"My driving skills are impeccable!"
"Try telling that to Bolin and Asami," you laughed to yourself.

As dinner came to a close your grandmother asked for you to stay behind, of course you agreed. Korra walked on to where you agreed to teach her as you walked up to your grandmother.
"Your dating twinkle?" she said catching you off guard.
"I uh yeah I must of forgotten to tell you earlier," you said slightly nervous. For what reason you don't know, it's stupid to be nervous you've been dating korra for a while now.
"She really likes you her heart rate is very fast around you. She's a good kid. However if she does mess up I will come out of retirement," she said.
"Thank you grandma. I doubt you will have to come out of retirement though," you sis sleeting a small chuckle escape your lips. Toph smiled pleased with herself before speaking once again,  "I must head back to my swamp the tree will get lonely. Now you go teach that Avatar metalbending." You hugged your grandmother goodbye then went to join korra whom you spent the rest of the night with.

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