Bandits - Yandere Kuvira

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As the tracks clattered and the roar of the vehicle sounded past the signal was given

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As the tracks clattered and the roar of the vehicle sounded past the signal was given. You and a few other bandits attacked. In recent times food and moneys been a rare sight especially with the lack of things to steal. Everyone in surrounding towns were struggling the oh so Great Uniter isn't so good at keeping her subjects resourced hence most neighbouring places aren't thriving not that they were prior to signing themselves away. So how do you survive? Theft. Specifically travellers and people with cargo such as whoever this train belonged to. That being said you don't actually know what the Great Uniter looks like you've only heard stories. It wasn't always like this. You used to live in the heart of Zaofu you were good friends with this one girl called kuvira she was a few years older, always getting into trouble. She was a talented metal bender and picked it up easily even helping you when you started to learn that skill. Unfortunately, when you were around twelve your father found work elsewhere in the Earth kingdom and obviously you went with them. That was a long time ago, they're all gone now and you have a group of earth benders who have your back and you have theirs.

The lot of you all came down from the hillsides and attacked simultaneously each and everyone of you using the natural slopes to increase the speed of which the earthbending propelled you. It took mere moments for them to retaliate to the ambush but it only took a mere one soldier to start taking each person down with ease. She had long black hair and ineffable talent. The way she moved so precisely attacking from several hundred yards away and still hitting with pinpoint accuracy taking people off their feet with strips of metal. One by one they were taken down. The lead, who gave the signal and another, threw a boulder at the lone soldier draped in green only for it to be ripped in half like paper just as it was about to hit. Metal wrapped around one of their eyes blinding both of them taking them out, rendering them both as useless and as defenceless as a turtle-duck without its shell. Left and right the bandits fell like flies. You turned your head to the side just to see another get dragged to the floor by a piece of metal around their wrists. The rocks they're pulled from their surroundings immediately fell with them. A small quick bite if the tongue and a deep breath. Focus. You tuned your head back and ducked seeing two pieces of metal hurtling towards your head, they slammed cracking the natural rock wall behind. It's impossible to win with just dirt. As a few more metallic sheets came your way you pushed you hands to the side redirecting them like that soldier did previously to the boulder. There wasn't much ground between the two of you now as you closed in. The soldier's eyes widened at the sight of a lowly bandit such as yourself redirecting metal. The two of you danced back and forth blades flying and earth shifting until eventually she trapped your ankle sending you to the floor with a groan. Your whole side hit the solid ground beneath uncomfortably as that entire side of your body immediately began to ache. For safe measures she bent metal securing your wrists so tight you could see bruises already forming on top of not even being able to twist them. Cocking her head to the side the soldier looked down at you with a soured expression. Using the pieces of metal she defeated everyone with she threw each bandit into one area. You had another hard landing hitting the exact same side as prior and slightly catching your head in the ground. Those cold green eyes looked at the group with complete n' utter disdain staring past all the earthbenders fixating on you.  So foreign yet so familiar. Everything about her appearance was like a blurred or distant memory.

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