Extinguished Pt2 - Katara

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The full moon was high, the air was crisp, the snow was vast and the wolves were howling

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The full moon was high, the air was crisp, the snow was vast and the wolves were howling.  The girl was terrified walking around, trying to not loose her step while attempting to find her way back to wolf cove. She had separated from her brother when the two of them had gone on a hunting trip together. Consequently, she had gotten lost in the vast dunes of ice and snow. Crunching followed each footstep down into the compiling snow which was soon to rise. A storm was predicted to pass over through the night and it was already picking up. With strong winds flowing past every now and then and the nipping cold just getting worse.  Slowly, cautiously and carefully she continued her way back to the place she calls home. Every howl that sounded in the dark cause her to jump or shriek. Her bending was good but not good enough to keep her alive in a lethal storm or against a pack of starved wolves. As she side stepped with great precision down a dune of snow a strong gust pushed against her back causing her feet to slip. Her body hit the icy floor and gravity pulled her down with a roll and tumble. She landed at the bottom of the dune in a sitting position with a twisted ankle and bruised arm. A hiss escaped her lips as she tried to move her injured ankle failing to do so without great pain making itself known. Suddenly a snarl sounding directly in front of her out of  trepidation her head shot up seeing the salivating beast stalking up to her. It pounced and the girl and she screamed, squeezing her eyes closed, putting her hand out to protect herself letting the fearful tears fall freely. With her eyes shut she noticed the feeling of a liquid one she was able to reach with her bending. It wasn't like water not at all. It was thick, runny but not as fluid it was frozen within the air where the creature just was. The creature that was supposed to if attacked her already. Slowly she pried her eyes open to see the mammal suspended in the air looking as though it was stood on its hind legs. It was shaking and quietly whining. Katara put her hand down and the animal landed on the ground with a whimper before dashing away the best it could running in a curved path unable to stay straight. She looked down at her hands and back up in the direction of the creature. Did she just do that? The wolf was now completely out of sight and the girl was once again alone in the vast desert of ice and snow. She balled her hand brushing across her cheeks moving the tears away and got up trudging back to her village ignoring the burning ache in her ankle.  Whatever she had done it felt different. Water could never bring her that sort of power nor could ice. It was something she wished to learn more about harness it. This thing saved her and she's going to learn how to do that on command and not out of sheer luck. Every full moon from that night onwards she snuck out to practice. Practice reaching out to that substance she could only feel when the moon was at full strength. I will train until I master it. I will make sure that...

Katara's lips travelled across your jaw and neck as agonising pain was making itself known. You couldn't move. Not an inch. Your blood was fighting against each and every fibre of your being and it hurt. It hurt like hell. So much so you couldn't even produce a spark not from your hand, not from your breath, not from sheer hatred towards this woman before you. She was an evil hidden in a skin of innocence. Non of her friends knew of this devastating horror that she possessed. Non of her friends could see past her kindness to know this obsessive creature whose fixation was currently frozen beneath her. Non of her friends had observed the bloodbending witch that wants you to herself. Katara's breath brushed against your ear as her teeth gently sunk into your earlobe, she mumbled her words just above a whisper, "good girl... you've stayed nice and quiet and you're going to stay that way for me aren't you?" Her question lingered in the air as she stopped bending your body so you could respond. Without hesitation you nodded terrified of what would come of you if you didn't. "Good cause it truly would be a shame if the others found out about this won't it?" You nodded again in agreement she smiled and gently kissed just below your ear once more before moving away walking back to her own tent. She turned around just before leaving to look at you. "Sleep well princess and remember this is our secret okay?"

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