Bodyguard - Azula

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Azula sat observing all the troops training and competing to be her new bodyguard, the replacement guard. The last one lasted a few days before being fired, the one before that was exiled after a week, the one before that barely survive an hour and the list goes on. Azula had gone through over a life times worth, and probably plus some, of bodyguards in the last few months. The fact that she needed a new bodyguard in the first place disgusts her, repulsed her even. She had a perfect one who actually did their job and did it well to the point she actually liked her but of course she was sent to the frontlines. She was an incredible fighter so no wonder she was needed in the frontlines but that doesn't mean azula isn't annoyed about it. The young princess couldn't speak ill of that guard no matter if her life was at stake and if her life was at stake then Y/n being the perfect bodyguard she is would of saved Azula's life with ease and ensured her safety without second thought, unlike all the people who were hopelessly running through drills in front of her and worst of it all? Azula didn't even know where bouts in the four nations her perfect and ideal bodyguard is.

"You'll have to pick one eventually." Mai says getting bored of just sitting and watching as the three Ozai's Angels had been doing that and nothing but that for hours.
"I know!" She snapped before taking a deep breath and speaking again "None of these imbeciles are good enough." Azula put Bluntly not even bothering to look in the direction of the potential new guards. Ty lee sat cross-legged in the other side of azula looking at all the people.
"That one's decent plus he's kinda cute." She said pointing to a guy at the back. Azula glanced over to the person Ty lee was referring to.
"Nope." Azula says immediately. "I'd rather befriend the avatar than have that thing be entrusted with my safety."
Ty lee sighs slouching in her seat slightly. Mai and Ty lee had been trying to convince the princess to pick a new potential bodyguard tirelessly for what felt like forever and so far it had been nothing but utterly futile as Azula was too stubborn to compromise never mind comply to something that she had previously and quite obviously expressed a sever disliking to.
"Okay then what type of person would you trust?" Ty lee asks attempting to make some type of progress though that may just be hopeful thinking.
"Y/n." Azula says without hesitation or second thought. As Y/N's name leaves azula's mouth both Mai and Ty lee sigh in annoyance.
"Y/n isn't an option she is fighting on the frontlines we have been over this many times now." Mai says genuinely loosing her already non exististant will to live.
"And like I've said many times over I don't want anyone else." Azula says glaring at her friend before she moved her attention onto the people who were foolish enough to even consider trying to become her new bodyguard.

They were all sloppy, incompetent, idiotic and non are reliable, well that's what azula thought anyway. As the princess watched she found herself bored, revolted, displeased she also found herself playing with the bracelet y/n gave her before she left. It was nothing special a leather band with a fire etched into the charm that was tied to it. It did once belong to that guard and it hastily became Azula's  the moment you said goodbye in the letter that you sent. Y/n had been azula's bodyguard for many years up until her being forced to the front lines. She and azula almost grew up with one another due to them being similar ages thanks to that they grew close. Y/n was highly skilled in firebending and fighting with weaponry, she was highly intelligent and was able to keep up with Azula in a way the young fire bending prodigy believed wasn't possible for someone to do. A princess isn't supposed to have favourites nor is she meant to have relations with a guard. Especially a guard whom isn't of noble descent yet that never mattered. Not to Azula and certainly Not when it came to you. You were her bodyguard and she refused to settle with anyone inferior than that.
"How about we get a guard with the exact same qualifications... spirits there might even be some who are probably people with even better-" Ty lee started but never finished. Azula's head snapped in Ty lee's direction her stare cold. "Better? Better then who Ty lee?" The princess asked sending a chill down the acrobat's spine.
"I Uhhh..."
"Better then Y/n?" Azula asked harshly. "Is that what you were inferring? Did you just suggest there is someone who is better equipped to be my bodyguard than Y/n?" Ty lee fell silent scared to answer. "That's what I thought." With that Azula turned her head back to all the disappointments running drills and training. She stayed for a while watching she may not like the reason why she had to watch but it was free entertainment. Seeing a bunch of people try and one up someone they never met and never will be able to one up. It was amusing. All the men and women trying to replace that one bodyguard and non of them know her or even come close to being in level with her.

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