Chans part- Ty lee

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When it was suggested you knew it was a bad idea

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When it was suggested you knew it was a bad idea. A really bad idea. You couldn't really back out if it though as the others seemed excited about it and you didn't want to ruin their fun. Although it could of been argued that not going would just be easier. Nevertheless, you went. As soon as you got there it was practically empty which made no sense. How was everyone else late? The two guys running the party kind of seemed confused that you were there at the time you were. Azula spoke to the two people running it and you stayed close to Ty lee like usual.
"Why are they being weird about us being on time?" Y/n whispered to the acrobat once entrance was granted. Ty lee furrowed her brows at first before realising what you meant.
"People usually say a time for a party but they actually mean for people to come an hour or so later." She explained quietly to you. It didn't help.
"Why don't they just say the actual time then if they wanted us here later why didn't they say to come at a later time?"
"Because people need time to get ready so it's expected to turn up later so by giving an early time people turn up ON time." She elaborated as if it was common knowledge.
"Why don't they get ready for the time given? We did that." You stated looking over at Ty lee as the two of you walked and talked following the rest of the group. This caused the other girl to chuckle.
"I don't know Y/n it's just what people do."
"Well that's stupid." You muttered Ty lee nodded her head. "It is stupid."

As the night went on more people arrived. It got louder, busier, smellier, crowdier. All the 'ier's'. Some of the oil lights on the walls were burning, food came out as did drinks, music was played in the background. You could tell it was getting a bit much as soon as you started to stim slightly. Luckily, it wasn't overly obvious as you were just scratching at your thumb with your index finger. To deal with the masses you filtered yourself between your friends always having to be next to one of them. Mostly you were near Ty lee as she probably knew you best and could understand. Well... not understand rather she can somewhat imagine a scenario where she could mimic how you feel in order to sympathise with you. It's like a super power. Very useful for when people were distressed. However people started to talk to Ty lee so y/n shifted to be with azula. You would go to zuko however him an Mai are having relationship problems or whatever and Ty lee said it was probably best to stay out of it. Even if the weren't having 'relationship problems' you wouldn't go near them when they're together as it's just unpleasant to see those two attempt at flirting with one another. It's straight up painful at times, hence you chose to stand with azula.

Everyone was talking and drinking and flirting and shouting and moving and breathing, and everyone was close and sweating and playing and pushing and nudging and laughing and slowly you started to come aware of everything. The smells, lights, the noise, the clothes on your skin, your limbs, the wooden floor, the stuffy atmosphere. Ab-so-lutely everything. Azula was ranting about guys...or flirting... you couldn't tell it wasn't the most important issue at the moment. The scratching evolved from just your thumb to the back of your hand as breathing started to become a difficult task. A sharp pain becomes present as does a heavy weight in your chest. Many conversations merged into one another making it difficult to focus on just. One. Person. Sentences mixed and words got muddled and sounds were all over the place. It wasn't helping the developing headache.

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