Team work - Mai

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You and your partner Mai are both highly skilled assassins. You've been dating for a few years now mainly thanks to your mutual friends Azula and Tylee playing Cupid. Despite dating one another and working in the same profession the two of you would never work together on the same target. NEVER. It just not your thing thing.

However, that is the exact thing you have been tasked to do. One of the noble houses have been suspected on trying to kill the Fire Lord and Princess so it's your job to get there first. Late at night you went to Mai's house to plan the corse of action. The target plans to make a move on Friday, two day from now, meaning your going to strike tomorrow. You plan the entrance, exit, time and place all there is to figure out is method. Obviously it's going to have something to do with a blade as Mai is skilled with her red shuriken knives and hand arrows as you are a talented swordswoman and are skilled with a dagger. The two of you debated for hours and said debate shortly turned into an argument.
"If we do that we will be caught," You stated.
"Not if we're swift and quite,"Mai replied.
"Oooh so you think that he's going to be quite when he is stuck against the wall with a knife to his throat!" You exclaimed slightly getting irritated by how you can't come up with a decision.
"That's why we go through his child's room! I've already gone through this We make a disturbance he'll go check on his kid who we have hostage so he has to make a decision," the markswoman spoke getting equally as annoyed.
"What if his wife goes instead?"
"Then we have double the force to use against him."
"It's not going to work," you stated having very little faith in the plan.
"Yes it is!"
"I'm going home see you tomorrow for training," you said bluntly. Mai just sighed and remained where she was going over the plan many times more.

As you walked home you were clouded by annoyance and not paying attention you accidentally banged into someone.
"Monkey feathers! Watch where your going!" The person scolded.
"I apologise," is all you say before walking off leaving them behind. As you do you started to feel a sort of lightheaded-ness shortly after that you blacked out in the streets.

The next day mai entered the palace arena to only find Azula and Tylee there. She looked around slightly before questioning the two girls.
"Where's Y/n?" Their attention moved to the stoic markswoman confused.
"She's not with you?" Tylee questioned.
"No haven't seen her since last night,"
"Maybe she's already set off for your mission," Azula said sending a ball of blue fire at a training dummy's head. She thought for a moment before speaking,
"I forgot my knife I'll be back." Azula and Tylee looked as the woman left completely bamboozled by her actions before continuing what they were doing. The marks woman ran straight to you house to as your parents where you were only to find out you had never returned home. She knew you had a tendency to work or sometimes train without rest whenever you had a disagreement but she's never known you to awol.

Nightfall came and there was still no updates or news of your whereabouts but a job is a job. Mai went to the targets house snuck in to the child's room like planned to find you there instead of a kid. You were kneeling at the door frame facing the window cloth tying your wrists and some covered your mouth. Blood covered you head where an evident injury was and you looked fairly bruised. You raised your head to see you girlfriend at the window staring at the sight of you. Immediately, you shook your head in attempt to warn her. Her expression changed from slightly shocked to stern again as she heard voices and footsteps nearing.
"Are you sure there was only one assassin?" One voice said.
"Positive now pay up," the first man sighed and passed a bag over before continuing towards the two of you. Mai quickly ducked into the shadows in an attempt to not get caught.

The man walked in and grabbed the back of your neck throwing yo into the center of the room. He stalked over to the side where he had left a sword and un sheathed it. The silver blade reflected his face and he flashed a  sickening grin to his self  before stalking over to you. He dragged the dull side of the blade gently under your chin causing a single drop of blood to fall. Even so you remained calm. The markswoman snuck behind the man and pulled him back kicking him in the back of the knee during the process. She shook her hands in grotesque fashion due to touching another human being. It made you chuckle slightly as you freed yourself. Mai walked over to the man who was busy scrambling off the floor and passed you the sword.
"I believe this is your expertise," you smiled at her words.
"Why thank you," and with that you were both armed against the man. He trembled and tripped over his words terrified of what's to come.
"P-p-pleas I I have a family!" He coward in front of the two of you.
"You should of thought about that before trying to assassinate the fire lord and Kidnapping my girlfriend," The stoic woman spoke with her usual heartless tone. "Care to do the honours?"
You smiled at her then turned back to to man before you,

When you returned home Mai tended to your wounds and the two of you agreed to not work on the same mission again before falling asleep in one another's arms in front of the fireplace.

A/N I tried to get this out for the start of the month however didn't manage to finish it on time but anyway Happy Pride month 🏳️‍🌈

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