
611 14 1

"Good Evening, I'm Katie Killjoy."
"And I'm-"
"Nobody gives a shit who you are Tom. Breaking news! Extermination day is cancelled! Charlie Morningstar managed to defend off the angelic attack with more than just nice words. In an unseen turn of events, Elowyn, our thought to be dead angelic head honcha, showed up to fight by her daughter's side. Only to have our demonic head honcho Lucifer step in to save his wife and daughter's asses in the last moment. We're also hearing reports that Adam, leader of the angelic legion, first man, and totally fuckable bad boy, has been slain by a filthy janitor! The janitor said quote 'Charlie told me to stab, so I did'. Anyway congrats to Charlie and her group for not being totally fucking useless for once!"

Charlie felt useless. As she looked at the damage around her she felt as though she disappointed everyone.
"Oh there, there," Charlie picks up KeeKee and pets her. "It's... it's okay."

As Charlie looks down at a banner for Sir Pentious she can't help but feel responsible.

"He did it for us, the ultimate sacrifice. He gave me his trust, and look how we paid the price. This bloodshed could have been avoided if I convinced Heaven to work together. I took a hotel and I destroyed it. I know I could have done better, better instead of letting you down."

Lucifer walks up to Charlie.
"Come on little lady, why the frown? In the last 10,000 years, you're the first one to change this town. You can do this. Now I know it! For your story has just begun. You can't quit now. Hell, you owe it! There's still damage to be undone. You've changed my mind. You've touched their hearts! Found the good in souls gone bad.
The stage is wrecked, the crowd is gone but by God Charlie! The show it must go on!"

I walk up next to Lucifer and place a hand on Charlie's shoulder as the rest of the group joins us.
"We can do this. We can build it. Best hotel that you've ever seen. Twice the bedrooms. We can fill it."
"With more sinners than you can dream!"

Kneeling down to Charlie's height, I gently take her hands in mine.
"It starts with you, you know it's true."

"Fulfill your destiny!"

"So long as I've got all of you with me!"
Charlie holds right to my hands and allows me to pull her up.


Time flies by as everyone works to remake the hotel. Lucifer makes it easier by adding some 'magic numbers' and a little sorcery.
Soon the hotel is bigger and brighter than ever.

Charlie decided to make a memorial to Sir Pentious in the hotel and it turns out, Alastor did not die!

Now it's Charlie's mission to make every day in Hell a fucking happy one. And I'll be there for her every step of the way just like I promised I would be.


Months pass and Charlie's hotel is picking up business! It seems sinners from around the Pride Ring were encouraged and impressed by her stand against the exorcists.

Lucifer has been working to get me back into ruling again like how I was before. Also spreading the word that I am in fact not dead!

There's still been no sign of Lilith. Even though a part of me might resent her for raising Charlie through childhood, I'd still like to thank her for being there. For both of them.

Walking around the mansion in the morning, my head starts to feel dizzy. I've been feeling nauseas these past few months.


And I think I know exactly why.

"Luci?" Knocking softly on the door to his workshop he lets me inside.
"You know my love you don't have to knock. This place is as much yours as it is mine." He takes my hand presses a kiss to it.

"I just don't want to bother you."

"You could never be a bother to me."

"Well... since I'm in here and neither of us are busy at the moment, I have something I need to tell you."

"Sure thing sweetie. What is it?"

"We might need to restock on Gloomios..."

"Restock? Does Charlie still love those things?"

"... and revamp the nursery..."

"Revamp it? Did you want to turn that room into something else?"

"... Lucifer."



"WAIT! Are you?!"


Lucifer laughs joyously and I can't help but join as he picks me up and spins me around.

"We're having another baby?!"

"We are!"

"I can't believe it! I'm so happy right now. You make me so happy Elowyn. I love you so much."
"I love you more Lucifer."

He laughs and then suddenly grabs my waist and dips me as he kisses me lovingly.

"And... it's a boy."

Aaaand cut! That's a wrap!
I hope you have enjoyed the show. There might be some small revisions in the future cause this story sure ain't perfect. Not sure if I'll write more epilogue type stuff just yet.
Same with if/when season 2 releases.
Thank you! Kisses, buh bye ;D

Till the End of Time - OC x Lucifer/Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now