The Meeting

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I've been sitting in this armchair for what feels like 30 minutes... it's definitely been less than 10.

However, I am an antsy person.

I stand up and walk around the room. There's two comfy, red armchairs in front of a black desk with a large black chair behind it. Red and black seem to be the main color scheme of this place. A top the desk are some papers, a gold duck paperweight, and a desk lamp. Around the room are a couple bookshelves with books and other various knickknacks. I step up to a painting on the wall, drawn to it.

It appears to be an oil painting. A sentence close up of a small pond surrounded by greenery. In the pond, there's a duck followed by a few smaller ducklings. I smile at the picture.

"A small fixation of mine."

I gasp and turn to the voice with a hand on my chest, startled.

The voice belonged to a man. With blonde hair wearing a white and red... ringmaster outfit? Complete with a top hat and cane.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to intrude."
"It's quite alright, please sit." He gestures to a chair. I take a seat as he walks around the desk and sits as well.

"Now, back to business. Who are you and why are you here?"
"W-well I've come in hoping an audience with the Lord of Hell himself, Lucifer Morningstar."
"And now you have it. So what can I do for an angel?" He opens his arms out in a grand gesture.


This is Lucifer?

I stare.

"Is something wrong?"

I blink.

"Oh! Uh no sorry I just... you're not exactly... what I was expecting."
"Well what were you expecting? A scary demon monster?"
Now I feel bad.
I clear my throat. "I wanted to ask you something."
"Ask away." He flicks his hand outwards.
I think for a moment. I wasn't expecting this to be so easy.
"I want to know what was so terrible about your dreams that Heaven banished you?" I speak quickly.
I retract my previous statement.

"Please, I just want to understand."
"Absolutely not." He stands.
"But why not?"
"Because if I tell you then I'll get in even more trouble for 'corrupting' another soul. You should go back to Heaven where you belong. I'm willingly to bet they don't even know you're here."
I snap my mouth shut. He looks at me with confusion on his face.
"How are you here?"
"I opened a portal. I'm in training to be a Seraphim."
"Hmph. Well sorry to disappoint but I think it's time for you to leave." He walks over to the door and opens it, waiting for me.
I stand.
Can you really say 'no' to the Lord of Hell?
I walk out of the office.
"Nelson will see you out." He closes the door.

I sigh.

"Please follow me miss." Nelson, the butler from earlier, appears out of nowhere and leads me back to the front entrance.


"I'm such an idiot!" I whisper yell as I smack my forehead. Sinners and other hellborns on the street look at me weirdly as I pass. After exiting Lucifer's place, I hid my wings and halo again and started back towards the alley I came from.

To think that I could just waltz into Hell and have a nice, casual conversation with Lucifer freaking Morningstar about a very touchy topic in his life?
This endeavor was hopeless from the start.

As I near the alleyway I appeared out of, I notice a movement in the shadows. I stop walking as a figure emerges and starts towards me.

Lucifer's pov

What a strange girl. And not just a girl, an angel. Why in the world would she possibly want to know about my ideas? Don't all angels know my story?

No, they don't.

Not everything at least. I'm portrayed as a monster, a traitor to them. They don't want another angel to fall. Which is why I won't tell that girl anything.

So she doesn't end up like me.

Even though if she knew the truth from me maybe she won't go looking for more trouble.
I look up at the duck painting that she was admiring moments ago.


Damn it all.

I rip open the door to find Nelson.
"Nelson! Where did that girl go?"

Elowyn's pov

"Hey there, what's a pretty little lady like you doing out here all alone?" A reptilian demon approaches me.
"Uh I don't want any trouble." I hold my hands out in a surrender position and attempt to back out of the alley.
"Well now that's too bad. Cause all you're find around here is trouble." He grabs my arms and backs me up into a wall.
"Please I-"

The next thing I know the demon is off of me and on the ground. I look to the entrance of the alleyway and see Lucifer.
"Now let's leave this pretty little lady alone, shall we?" He snarls as he stands over the reptile.

Ok I gotta admit, he can be scary.

The demon slithers away back into the shadows as Lucifer turns to me.
"Thank you. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. I'll just go back home now."
I go to open a portal back to Heaven.


I stop and turn back towards him. He holds out a hand. "Come with me."

I take his hand and he teleports us.
Once I'm steady on my feet, Lucifer lets go of my hand. We are inside his home at the entrance. He starts to walk up a staircase to the second floor and I follow.

"So, first and foremost, tell me your name." He asks without turning around.
"Hmm... pretty." He murmurs under his breath.

He leads us to wooden door that blends into the walls it's almost unnoticeable. he places his hand on the door knob but hesitates. "No one has ever seen this room." He turns his head slightly to me.

I look at him in confusion and wander.
"I won't tell a soul." I smile softly.
He manages a small smile before opening the door.

He lets me walk through first then follows and closes the door behind him.

I look around the almost baren room. A desk at the far right end. An easel and paints on the left. Empty frames hung on the wall.
"What is this place?"

"It's my workshop."

"Your workshop? For your ideas?" I turn to him. He walks toward me and holds out his hand. Golden light swirls around his upturned palm. An image starts to take shape of a duck with angelic wings. I watch this wonderful show of magic in awe.
"It's beautiful."
He looks up at me with something almost akin to hope in his eyes.
He clears his throat and the image disappears.

"Now you have seen where I make my dreams come true. You need to go back home now."

"Wait what? But I-"

"You wanted to know about my dreams. Now you know so now you must go back to Heaven. Go back to being a Seraphim in training Elowyn."
With that he opens a portal behind me. And gently sends me into it.
To Heaven.

Till the End of Time - OC x Lucifer/Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now