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It's been a bit over a year since our little girl came into this world. She is the most precious thing I have ever seen. And of course she looks just like her father, down to the blonde hair and red eyes. She hasn't been able to form a coherent word or walk around on her own yet but I know she'll get there.

Lucifer and I have been having the time of our lives raising her. In the end, we both got what we always wanted. A family.

Charlotte crawls over to me as we sit on the carpet in front of the living room fire place. "Hello sweet baby!" I pick her up and set her in my lap as she coos happily. Her baby noises are so cute!
"She is so obviously a mama's girl," Lucifer sits on an armchair and watches us with a smile.
"Now now Luci you know she loves us both equally. Isn't that right Lottie?"
I gently bounce her on my thigh as she giggles. After her little giggle sesh, I notice her yawning and deem it's time for bed.

I bring Charlotte up to her room while Lucifer heads to our shared room. Gently setting her down in her crib she begins to cry.
"Oh my darling it's ok. Shhhh," she grabs hold of my finger with her tiny hand.
I recall a lullaby I used to know and sing her to sleep with it.

"Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly
Lavender's green
When I am King, dilly, dilly
You shall be Queen
Who told you so, dilly, dilly
Who told you so?
Twas my own heart, dilly, dilly
That told me so
Call up your men, dilly, dilly
Set them to work
Some to the plough, dilly, dilly
Some to the fork
Some to make hay, dilly, dilly
Some to reap corn
While you and I, dilly, dilly
Keep ourselves warm
Roses are red, dilly, dilly
Voilets are blue
Because you love me, dilly, dilly
I will love you
Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly
And the lambs play
We shall be safe, dilly, dilly
Out of harm's way"

As I finish the song I see her breathing become slow and rhythmic. I gently pull my hand away and tuck her in. With a final forehead kiss I exit the nursery and softly pull the door to. Lucifer is waiting for me in the hall, dressed more casual than usual, with a smile on his face.
"Where's that song from?"
"I don't know. For some reason I just remember that lullaby."
He holds out his hand for me to take and leads us back to our own bedroom.

As we lay down for the night he says the words I dread to hear.
"Extermination day is tomorrow."
I sigh. "Yes, it is. But we'll all be safe here."
I kiss his cheek and snuggle into him. He lets out a soft sigh and pulls me tighter.
"I love you Ellie."
"I love you Luci. Goodnight."


Extermination day is upon us. Before it begins I realize that Charlotte has run out of her favorite snack.
"I'll portal in and portal right out, I promise. Besides I know exactly where it is and what I'm looking for."
"I still don't like the idea. You should stay here where you're safe."
Lucifer is currently objecting to the idea of me running out to quickly grab Char's snack before the extermination starts. Normally I would let him go get it but Hell knows that man is forgetful. Besides, he has things here that need to be done still.

"In and out, I promise," I place my hands on either side of his face to make him look at me.
He sighs, giving in.
"In and out, quickly!"
I give him a quick peck on the lips and kiss Charlotte's forehead before opening a portal to the store.
"I'll be right back!"
I step in and close it behind me.

Moving down the aisles I find exactly what I need. A box of Gloomios. Basically I've learned it's Hell's version of Cheerios. I quickly grab a couple and head to the front of the store to pay. The front door opens and I stop in my tracks, dropping the boxes.

"Grab her."
Adam orders the other two angel exorcists his with as they run over and grab my arms.
"No! Why are you doing this?!"
"You have a trial to attend. Let's move!"
I am all but helpless as they drag me out of the store... and out of Hell.


Lucifer's pov

Where is she?

I pace back and forth in the living room as my darling girl plays on the floor. She should be back by now, it's been far too long.
He appears a moment later, "Yes sire?"
"Any sign of Elowyn?"
"I'm afraid not my Lord."
Charlotte starts to cry, most likely missing her mother. "Shh it's alright lovey," I pick her up and sway a little to calm her down.
"I'm sure your mama will come back soon."

It's been hours.

The extermination has already happened... and I'm starting to think the worst.

Charlotte has been put to bed and I call Nelson to my study.
"My wife, the Queen of Hell, is missing and I need everyone to be on the lookout for her. I need you to send the word out. Have every overlord asking around have every ring searched I don't care what it takes just find my love!"
He quickly leaves to spread the message as I sink into my chair. Running my hands through my hair I try not to let my thoughts get to me. She might've been recognized by an angel and they took her back to Heaven. Or maybe they didn't even bother and executed her on site.

I'm starting to think the latter might be the more believable option.

Fun fact: that lullaby/song from Cinderella is one of my favorites <3

Till the End of Time - OC x Lucifer/Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now