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Emily and I have a daily routine now. She comes in the morning. I spend a few hours at the hotel. She brings me back in time for check ins with Sera and Adam.
Rinse. Repeat.

As soon as I step through the hotel doors, I notice everyone is gathered in the lobby. Walking over, I see what everyone is staring at.

Charlie looks manic as she tries to figure out another plan to get the hotel working. It's not going as smoothly as she wanted. No one seems to want to be rehabilitated. It's hard when you don't have proof.

"Maybe it's time-"
"To ask-"
"Don't say it!"
"Your dad."

After a bit of coercion, Vaggie gets Charlie to call her dad.




What am I gonna do? What am I gonna say? What will he do? What will he say? I'm not ready for this. I'm not prepared. I thought I'd have a little more time.
Wait! That's it!

While everyone is running around trying to make the hotel look presentable, I come up with a plan.
"Heyyyy Charlie, is there anything I can get or do to help?"
"Oh, actually could you-"
"OOOOO you know what could really spruce up the place? Glitter! I'll go get some be right back!"

I sprint out of there before Charlie could tell me we already have glitter.


After walking aimlessly around Hell for a while, I deem it's probably safe enough to go back to the hotel. I didn't actually look for glitter but I'll just tell Charlie I couldn't find any.
Approaching the hotel, I catch a glimpse of Alastor in his ginormous demon mode.

What could have possibly happened in the time I was gone?!

Running back to the hotel I find Charlie at the entrance. "Charlie, what happen-"

He's standing right next to her.

His eyes meet mine.

I'm frozen.

I almost don't hear my daughter.

"Oh! There you are! Dad this is our other guest-"


"You already know each other?"

I can't speak I can't move. If I didn't have a heartbeat before I definitely do now because I can hear it pounding in my ears and slamming against my chest.

Tears form in his eyes before he quickly blinks them away. Furrowing his brows he takes a step towards me.
"Where- how- why-?"
My eyes flicker from his to Charlie's and back to his.

He realizes that I haven't told Charlie who I am yet and sighs. "Wait here... please."
Lucifer walks back to Charlie and they go inside to talk. I'm sure Charlie was mid asking Lucifer about getting another meeting with Heaven whenever I walked up.

"Gee what was that about toots?" Angel appears next to me. Angel could be a little... forward... but I knew he had a good heart.
"It's um..."
"Angel! Could you come over here and help for a second?"

Talk about saved by the bell.
More like saved by Vaggie.

Angel gives me one last concerned look before going over to see what Vaggie needed.

As for myself, I wait, just like I was asked to.

A few minutes later Lucifer walks back out of the hotel. I think he's a little surprised to see that I stuck around.

He holds out his to me, "Come with me."
I take it and he teleports us to a place I used to call home.


My legs are shaking so much. That pounding in my head is back as he leads us to his study. We pass Nelson on the way there and I give him a small wave. I'm happy he's still around.

He's shocked to see me to say the least.

As we enter the office all I want to do is collapse into those armchairs. But I'm too scared to make a move before he does.

I shouldn't be this nervous. I love this man, I'm comfortable with him... but it's been 19 years.

He sits.

I sit.


My breathing seems too loud. I can't meet his eyes.

"Why did you leave?"

Startled by noise, I jerk my head up.
Big mistake.
We make eye contact and the pain that's evident in his red eyes breaks me.

He thinks I left them? Willingly?

"I didn't want to leave. I was forced. That day when I went to the store Adam somehow found me and-"
"Why didn't you come back?"

He's getting angry now.

"I wanted to, I tried, believe me! They locked me away and took my powers. I did everything I could to get back to you and Charlie. Please you have to believe me! I would never just leave you-"
"But evidently you've been here for a few days! Charlie told me you're a 'guest' at the hotel! Why haven't you told her who you really are?"

"I was scared! I was scared of telling her and seeing you because I didn't want either of you to hate me for being away so long!"
"I thought you were dead!"

"I did die that day!"

Lucifer looks taken aback by this and I'm in full on tears.

"Do you know what it's like to be dragged away from the two most important people in your life! For 19 years! I thought I would never see you two again. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I had to hear about Charlie growing up from fucking Adam! About you two growing further apart and how the title of mother was taken away from me! I missed her first steps and her first words! I couldn't be there for her I couldn't do anything to console her when she was sad or laugh with her when she was happy! My daughter's entire life was taken from me that day. I lost everything that day."

We're both standing now. Tears are streaming down my face as I choke back sobs.

"We lost you that day too..."

Lucifer walks around his desk to come closer to me.

"Elowyn, you were and still are my everything. You and Charlie are the most precious things to me and it pains me that you lost what I threw away. I admit, since Lilith took over as primary parent, I grew apart from her. And I will never forgive myself for that. But I will never forgive myself for not searching for you harder either. I looked everywhere for you. I didn't want to give up, but everyone kept telling me the same thing. That you were gone. I was drowning in grief when I should've been there for Charlie, when she had also lost someone. And while I am grateful Lilith was here to look after Charlie, I promise you Ellie we never had a relationship. We didn't even get married. She just had the title Queen of Hell, at least until she left to who knows where. Not that I care. The only thing I care about now is that you're back."

"Lucifer," I hesitantly place my hands on either side of his face to make him look at me. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here. Nineteen years is a lot of time to make up for. And it'll be hard to cover that when I only get a few hours a day."

"Wait, what?"

As if on cue, Emily opens a portal next to us.

"What is this?"

"I'm sorry Lucifer I have to go. I promise I'll explain everything soon. Tomorrow!"

I quickly step through the doorway before we're caught.

"Ellie! I love-"

The portal closes.

I'm alone in my cell again.

Till the End of Time - OC x Lucifer/Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now