The Hotel

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I step through and find myself on a familiar street. I'm not that far from Lucifer and I- from Lucifer's place. But I can't see him. Not yet.

From what Adam has told me, my Charlotte has started her own hotel. The Hazbin Hotel, a place for sinners to be rehabilitated. I'm so proud of her. She takes after her father so much.

I ask around for directions to the hotel, but it seems to be all for naught since there are flyers e v e r y w h e r e.

Before I go anywhere though, I need a revamp to my look. Emily helped with hiding my wings and halo so I don't have to worry about that. Ditching the white dress and boots, I settle for black cargo pants, a long sleeve red shirt, and black combat boots. Complete with a black ribbon tying my hair back. Not the best but I blend in better.

Approaching the hotel, which you can see from a mile away, I feel my nerves start to bubble up inside of me. What am I going to say when I see her? Would she recognize me? Does she even know about me? Will she like me?

These thoughts and more start to overwhelm me and before I know it, I'm knocking on the front door.

A young woman opens it. She's tall, with blonde hair and red eyes.


"It's actually Charlie. What can I do for you?"

It takes me a second to comprehend what she's saying.

She looks so much like him.

"I- uh... I'm here to see your hotel." I manage a smile.
"Really?! That's great! Do you wish to change your sinful ways and become a better person?!"



"Well come on it! Let me show you what we're all about."

Charlo- Charlie gives me a tour of the entire hotel and introduces me to the other guest and staff of the hotel. I admit I was worried about her finding her way in this realm, but it seems she's surrounded herself with souls who genuinely care for her.

"And this is Vaggie! My lovely girlfriend who manages important hotel stuff with me."

I take one look at Vaggie and I immediately know she was once an angel. Even with our halos hidden, other angels can 'see' them. It's almost like an aura that surrounds them. And I can tell she sees mine too.

"Vaggie, nice to meet you. I'm Elle," I hold out my hand and she gives it a good, albeit hesitant, shake.
"Nice to meet you too..."

I decided to use a nickname just in case Charlie decides to put dots together. I don't want her to know who I am. Not just yet. I need a moment to prepare myself for that conversation.

"Alrighty then! Elle why don't I show you to your room?"
"Oh! Yeah that'd be great."
I'll have to make up some sort of excuse for why I'll be missing for hours a day.
Or not.
They might not even notice.

Charlie leads me upstairs to the second floor and unlocks a door three down on the right. "Is this alright for you?"
The room is simple. Red walls with black furniture. It matches the hotel's color scheme well... and reminds me of somewhere else...

"It's perfect."


After spending another 30 minutes or so alone in my room, Emily opens back up the portal in front of me. Like I promised, I step right through.
"Oh! You changed your outfit."
I gasp, "I forgot about that!"
"Don't worry! I got it," and with a snap of her fingers she transforms my clothes back into what I was wearing before. "Now when you step through into Hell you'll change back to the other set. When you come back to Heaven these clothes will reappear. Same with your wings and halo."

"That's... amazing. Thank you Emily. I really owe you for this. You're putting everything on the line for me."
"I'm just glad I can help."

A door suddenly slams.

"Someone's coming! You better go."
Emily gives a short nod, "I'll come back tomorrow," and teleports out of the cell block before another figure comes into view.

"Heyyyyy bitchhhh!"

Fucking fantastic.

"What do you want asshole?"

"Geez come on Winnie. We were friends once."
"Yeah, once."

He frowns and starts to pace in front of my door. "Your daughter tried to convince Heaven to go along with her little hotel plan. Of course I think it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but hey! She is the daughter of Lucifer and you after all."

"Does bringing other people down make you feel better about your sad, pathetic life?"

"It does actually, yes. But for the record, I'm having a fucking great time! Not only do I get to be in Heaven, but also slaying sinners every year! It's like a reward."

"You call that a fucking reward? Mercilessly destroying souls without giving them another chance?"

"Hey, they had their chance. They just chose not to take it. That's their punishment and this is yours."

"Why not just banish me to Hell then?!"

"And give you exactly what you want? HA, I don't think so bitch! Anyways, as much as I'm enjoying this little pep talk with you, I gotta go. More preparations need to be done for the upcoming extermination. I'll tell Lute you said hi."

"Don't bother," I mutter under my breath as he walks away from me.

With a huff I slide back down into my corner, and prepare myself for a terrible sleep.

"Please hurry back Emily."

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