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Knowing I have to get back to the hotel, Lucifer begrudgingly lets me leave. I promise to come back to him.

And this time, I'm not letting anything get in my way.

Once I'm back at the hotel, I notice everyone is in battle mode. There's still some time before the extermination, but still much to be done.

I spot Charlie talking to a group of cannibals and wave at her so she sees me. She waves back and walks over.

"Elle! I'm glad you could make it back."
"Me too Charlie. Now about that chat..."
"Oh! Right. Come on, we can talk in my room."

On our way to her shared room, I spot the other roommate. Vaggie sends me a wink and I send back a nervous thumbs up.
Maybe I should've asked Lucifer to be here for this too...

No. I need to do this on my own.

But what if she doesn't believe me? What do I say to that?

I'm sure if I just explain everything she'll understand. Besides no one could make this shit up... right?

"Well here we are!"
Charlie opens the door to her room and closes it behind me. It looks like the others, same red walls same furniture, just bigger.
In front of the master bed is a loveseat where Charlie sits and pats the spot next to her.

I slowly sit down and brace myself for Morningstar talk round two.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Charlie I- do- what do you remember about your mother?"
"I know what my dad has told me about her and some very faint things. Like the lullaby. I know she was an angel with auburn colored hair and hazel eyes. It seems I took completely after my dad in that department. I used to remember her voice, her laugh, but it's all left me now."

"Do you truly believe that she loved you?"
"I... I do. I don't think she would have willingly left my dad and I. I know she must've been a fighter too for that matter."

I nod and hesitantly grasp her hands.
"I do love you Lottie and I have never stopped. Ever since the day you were born."
She looks at me in confusion before pulling away.
"She used to call me that. I remember it now."
"Charlotte, I haven't been completely truthful with you. For starters, Elle is just a nickname. My full name is Elowyn."

I can see the gears turning in her mind. The pieces are coming together.

"I'm an angel, like Vaggie. The reason your father knew me that day was because we've known each for a long time. We've been... married for a long time."

"It can't be..."
Charlie is standing now and holds her head.

"I knew that lullaby because I was the one who sang it to you. It was always your favorite. Just like how Gloomios was your favorite snack."

She abruptly turns to me slowly shaking her head, "You're saying you're..."

I stand and take a step closer to her.
"Charlotte... I'm your mother. Your real mother."

She looks at me with her big red eyes that are slowly filling with tears just like how I know mine are too.
"But- that means- how are you here? Everyone, even my dad, thought you were dead?"

"That's a long story..."

After explaining everything to Charlie she sits quietly for a minute. Most likely taking it all in.
"So, you knew Vaggie was an angel like you the moment you saw her? And vice versa?"
I nod, "Yes, but we both agreed that we should tell you ourselves."
"I guess that only worked out for you..."
"I'm so sorry you had to find out the way you did my darling. I know far too well and first hand how much of a dick Adam can be."
She sighs, "Yeah, he is..."

I softly stroke her hair as she looks deep in thought. "Do you forgive her?"
"I don't- I don't know. I think a part of me already has but it's hard. To have the person you trusted the most lie to you for years."
"I understand that. But what I also know is how much that young woman loves you Charlie. I'm sure if she thought you wouldn't be hurt by it she wouldn't have kept it from you. Believe me, mothers know best." I wink and smile at her.

She smiles back and suddenly hugs me. I hug her back just as tightly.

"Why didn't you tell me who you really were as soon as you arrived?"
"I was worried you'd absolutely hate me. I was scared honestly. I didn't know what you would think of me..."

"I missed you... mom."

There go the waterworks.

I press a kiss to the top of her head. "I love you so much my baby girl. And I'm so so proud of you for what you're doing here. I meant what I said about you being an amazing Queen one day. You already are one."
I pull away so I can make her look at me.
"I am never ever ever going to leave you or your father ever again. I fully intend on staying here till the end of my days. There's a lot of quality family time to catch up on."
Charlie sniffles and wipes a tear, "I'd love that."

"Which brings me to the next topic of the day. I know you want to prove you have what it takes to run and defend this hotel on your own and I will respect that BUT, if you need my help or if I sense that you're in the slightest bit of danger-"
"I'll allow you to step in." She giggles.

I grin, "Good. Because I already told your father there's nothing he can do to stop me."

Days pass by and I assist Charlie with setting up the hotel while also getting to see each other often.
Nothing says quality mother-daughter time more than getting ready for the battle of a lifetime.

Back in Heaven, Emily keeps me updated. Not that there's much to say. She did reveal that she didn't know about the exterminations. I figured Sera would have told her... how foolish of me. She's tried to convince me to run away to Hell again to avoid execution, but I've reinstated multiple times that I'm so confident in my daughter's abilities that there won't be a need for that.

Besides, I'm tired of running.

It's mostly just a waiting game. We've come to just enjoy each other's company now. She reminds me a lot of Charlie. Apparently she was the only one who stood up for her that day in front of the council.

I will forever respect her for that.

Till the End of Time - OC x Lucifer/Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now