Chapter 8

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"Do you want to dance first?" The bartender asked when he was done with his shift and changed in the staff room as well.

Well, technically he still had 2-3 hours more but one of his friends was grateful enough to fill in his place.

Mayank smiled taking his hand and nodding slightly.

The bartender was hot. But still, Mayank's focus was on Naman who oddly enough was staring at Mayank the whole time.

The last time when Mayank came then Naman didn't even pay any heed to him but today Naman's whole focus was on Mayank.

Mayank also sometimes stole glances at Naman and acted like his whole focus was on the bartender.

The guy was slightly taller than him and was well-built as well. He looked like a greek god, totally his type kind of guy.

But still, at the back of his mind, he couldn't resist the feeling of Naman's eyes watching him.

While they were dancing on the dance floor with their arms tangled up to each other, Mayank's eyes subtly moved at a certain area where Sara was sprawled up on Naman who had lazily draped his hand over Sara's waist. Naman was absent-mindedly humming to whatever Sara was saying, as his focus was on the dance floor.

Instead of feeling the butterflies Mayank anticipated, there was a sickening feeling in his stomach.

He thought after getting the attention of Naman he would feel good. But he didn't. He felt anxious instead.

The tension between them was palpable and Mayank wondered what was Naman thinking. Did he also felt like this? Was he regretting breaking up with him? He couldn't decipher anything as Naman's face was stoic.

But the intensity of his gaze made Mayank sick. It was making him feel guilty. He didn't like it.

He had hoped that by coming to Mumbai, he could show Naman that he was moving on and that he didn't need him anymore. But now, all he could think about was how much he still wanted Naman by his side.

But Naman wasn't his anymore. His arms around Sara were an alarm telling him he already made his decision.

Instead of showing Naman, he moved on, Mayank should actually focus on moving on. Thinking he ever had a future with Naman should be a joke.

His father would kill him if he got to know that his son likes men, more importantly, his assistant.

The idea of being with someone else, especially a man, was just not acceptable in his father's eyes. And the fact that it was his own assistant made it even more complicated.

He felt a sense of hopelessness washing over him as he realized he might be the only one thinking about all this while Naman was enjoying his time with Sara.

If Naman truly loved him he would have never left him for Sara. He would not have left him like a used tissue. There was no point on pining after him.

One good thing which happened now was the closure he got, he doesn't need Naman to move on.

Mayank smiled pulling the bartender closer. The bartender was a bit confused but soon he smirked throwing his hands over Mayank's body.

"Your moves are so sexy," he commented swaying to the beat.

"My other moves are sexy as well," Mayank gave a smug expression loving how the hands around his waist tightened.

"You are flirting with me?" The guy raised his eyebrows.

"Is it working?"

"Depends," He muttered slowly leading his hands down to Mayank's hips making his breath hitch.

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