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Chapter Twenty Two: Complications

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This has to be some kind of sick joke. Did Tanner and the guys find out what happened between Lila and me? Get her and Morgan in on some elaborate prank? I glance around the room, and when I realize no one is laughing, I start to panic.

There is no way. No possible way that Lila is related to Morgan. Boring, by the book, no sense of humor Morgan. She's sweet and carefree and she hates...firefighters.

Oh, Jesus.

Morgan is the workaholic, absent father she's resented for so many years.

I hate how much sense this is making.

"Riggs, this is Lila. Lila, this is Riggs. He's one of my best guys." Morgan introduces us as if we've never met, and as far as he is concerned we haven't.

Haven't met. Haven't touched. Haven't kissed. Haven't fucked.

I can't even find the composure to respond at the moment, but thankfully, Lila speaks up.

"Uh, actually..."

Wait. What the hell is she doing? Is she about to tell her dad...

Before she can finish, I jump in. "Hey, Lila. It's nice to meet you."

Her face twists as I stick my hand out, but eventually, she falls in line and plays along.

"It's nice to meet you, too." She plasters on a fake smile as she reaches for my hand.

I clench my jaw, desperate to keep my cool. Desperate to pretend this woman wasn't just naked in my bed a few hours ago. That I'm not absolutely infatuated with her. That I haven't been daydreaming about her all goddamn day.

Lila isn't thrilled with my little fib, but what does she expect? We were blind sided and we've at least got to be on the same page before she announces anything to Morgan.

"Riggs is about to become a lieutenant here." Morgan grins proudly. Somehow, in light of what I've just found out, his words sound ominous. No way in hell would he make me lieutenant after finding out what I'd done to his daughter.

"Lila was visiting for lunch and is just heading out. Actually, do you mind walking her out? I have a quick call to make," Morgan asks. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he knew and was just trying to make this as awkward as possible.

He doesn't know, Riggs. Get a hold of yourself.

"Uh, sure. No problem." I stammer. If there wasn't already enough stacked against Lila and me, this seals the deal.

Morgan hugs her and they say their goodbyes before he disappears into his office without waiting for much response, and Lila and I are alone.

For a minute, we both stand there, too stunned and confused to speak. I mean, Jesus Christ. What are the chances? We finally take the plunge only to find out there's even another layer of forbidden between us.

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