Crime & Chaos Part 1

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Wei WuXian smiles when the key goes in like a dream and the lock turns over like a charm, and no freaking alarms go off to give him a heart attack. There are perks to having done your research, and one can never be too prepared.

The trick is, never to get greedy.

Once you crossed that line, it was a surefire way to lose respect, both from your clients and from your handler, and Wei WuXian made sure he and his team stayed on the straight and narrow, well, as long as that path resembled a Curly Wurly*. (*chocolate bar and the clue is in the name.)

They had a good gig going so far. Huaisang would message him on a burner phone with details, always cryptic so plausible deniability could be applied, and then it was up to Wei WuXian whether they would take on the job or not.

Of course it helps if you run a cleaning service as your cover. People expect you to be in unexpected places, and it's just the most efficient plan he's come up with in a long time. When he first pitched it to Qing-Jie, she thought about it. Points to him, because if it was a bad plan, she never would have deigned to do even that.

"Won't people catch onto us? If there's a robbery every time we have a legit job somewhere, it won't take long for the cops to put two and two together."

Good, if that's the only flaw she can detect, then he's got a chance. Wei WuXian flexes his fingers and grins.

"The actual job won't take place on the same day as the cleaning job, we can separate the two. Plus it'll be easier to direct suspicion on someone else rather than the Yiling Laozu. When we're actually cleaning, we can be casing the joint so to speak, to get an idea on what we're looking at. Plus did you know? It's becoming a cool thing to be robbed by YL! I never thought I'd become a cult leader!"

Wen Qing rolls her eyes, but she's smiling.

"And anyway, rich people hardly ever check their stuff. By the time they notice something is missing, we'll be long gone, and they won't even remember we were there, or when their precious stuff went. So don't worry." He boops her nose.

She nearly catches his finger with her razor sharp teeth.

And so, Suibian Cleaners was born, and they haven't looked back since.

Five years in the business and they've gotten to the stage where they can cherry pick the next job, say no, even, and still live comfortably.

As long as A-Yuan had whatever he needed, Wei WuXian was never going to regret his choices.

Not when he's super gifted at being light fingered. It is a strange talent to have. When he was a kid, necessity made him steal a bun there, an apple here, and sometimes he got caught, but most of the time, people understood and let it go, especially while he was under ten and looked innocent enough to get away with it.

Luckily, by the time people started trying to punish him for his gift, the Jiangs came along and showed him another world.

For a long time after that, Wei WuXian didn't need to steal. His ShiJie explained to him that he could have food whenever he was hungry, and there was no need to hide anything under his bed. After that, he made sure to only keep dry food or the kind that wouldn't go bad easily, and it took him a long time to stop doing it altogether.

He'd forgotten all about it until one evening.

They were at a posh university and one night, he saw a fellow classmate break into the school kitchens and take some food. He didn't raise the alarm but instead, followed the boy home and met Wen Qing, Wen Popo, the cutest little baby Wen Yuan, and of course, Wen Ning.

They had just managed to separate from the main family of the Wens, and since their uncle, Wen Ruohan had made good on his threat to cut them off, times were hard for them.

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