R&R - Rest & Reboot - Pt 1

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As Advent has returned from the deep dive into the AI infested tablet, the first thing he saw were three worried faces looking him directly into the faceplate...

He also has idly noted that both Maine and Pilar were holding their hands on their respected guns, while Maine's second arm has quickly reformed from the battle form (The grenade launcher) into his usual giant hands...

Suddenly Pilar has decided to break the awkward silence with the important question...

Pilar: /Careful and Worried/ ...hey...Advent? Are you alright there choom?

For a small moment Advent had a problem of not using this occasion to fuck with them just a little by pretending to blue-screen, but after seein actual concern even in the face of the joker of the group, he has reconsidered this action and decided to get back to his feet, albeit a bit shakily due to the strain that the encounter with the Abominable Inteligence has left on him... As he suddenly staggered, concerned David rushed by his side with use of the Sandevistan to keep him from falling over, which worked, as both Maine and Pilar also moved forward to assist the drained TechPriest.

Advent: /Glitchy Voice/ I'm FUnctIOnal... *Static*... /Taking better stance and using the Axe as a support/ I am better now.

However the delivery of the reassurance has failed to make the rest of the group feel any better, as evident by the grimaces upon hearing the glitches in Advent's voice...

Pilar: /Worried, but also rather relieved/ Shit choom... I knew the AI's are dangerous shit, but to do this much to you?

This was also supported by Maine.

Maine: /Worried, but growing curious/ Yeah A', we saw you turn off power in entire district, but you had this much of a problem getting in the tablet?

As much as Advent has came to like the crew he would not take this INSULT and not do anything about it...

Advent: /ANNOYED/ The Device was small, that is true, but it was also left with the Abominable Inteligence for a long time, giving the beast a lot of time to reinforce it's influence within it

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Advent: /ANNOYED/ The Device was small, that is true, but it was also left with the Abominable Inteligence for a long time, giving the beast a lot of time to reinforce it's influence within it... Be glad it was not you, who have entered the den of the devil...

This resulted with both Maine and Pilar holding their hands up in mock surrender, while David decided to cool the situation a bit, before it has spiralled out of control...

David: /Asking, but silently inviting/ Ok guys... I think that we have had enough of finding stuff for today in this bonanza - how about we take some time off?

This was supported by others as they were also rather tired and out of steam due to all the stress that was eating at them.

Maine: /Praising/ Preem idea kid... /Tired/ I'd love to hit the hay for today if you catch my drift-

Suddenly he was almost pushed over by "Outraged" Pilar, who has decided on completely differend idea than just up and leaving for the night...

Pilar: /Scandalized/ OH! NO! YOU! DON'T!

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