Family matters and Clearing the "Clinic"

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The newly christened "Family" was having their breakfast in the morning after visiting the nearest vending machines, as most food was synthetic as hell unless you lived in the upper 1%, though it did not worry the newest addition, as in the Imperium of Man most of the food was normal, but on several worlds most of the food was either condensed to save space like fortress worlds, or re-used such as dreaded CORPSE STARCH... and while most of him was metalic, he still remembers the first time he has tasted THAT delicacy before getting his faceplate.

Traumatic food induced memories out of the way - the trio took their meals and decided to head back home in the early morning - Gloria decided to have some "Burrito XXL Rosado" alongside "Oolong Tea", David went with "Ave Saitan" and "Real Water (Still)" (As he hates carbonated drinks), while our mechanical priest went with "SynthSnack" as he no longer posesses a proper mouth, or face for that matter...

As they were eating David was blasting his favourite song "Rat Boy & IBDY - Who's Ready For Tomorrow", which annoyed Gloria to no end, as it was just too loud, so Advent decided to play a little prank on David, and ease a bit on Gloria in the meantime - using a "Noise Reductor 3" (Used for scouting by most Techpriest, and also useful for pranks, unless it's more experienced Techpriest or Explorator) to absorb all sound coming from David's radio, much to his charging and confusion and visible relief from Gloria.

After this silent affair, all of them scatter - Gloria to work, while the EnginSeer decides to follow David to school, and maybe fix the system without getting them in debt. David has other plans.

As soon as they separate from Gloria David opens private comms to Advent as he has granted both of the fleshy family members his contact data.

David: Hey Advent, listen - in my mother's jacket I have found a piece of tech which could be really Nova!

Advent: Didn't your mother prohibit you from becoming anything combat oriented?

David: You would be correct, but you have seen how the neighbourhood looks around like?

Advent considers his response and takes a look around:

Advent considers his response and takes a look around:

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Drunks, druggies, muggers, would-be-murderers... just to name a few...

Advent: Query answered, what do you have in mind?

David: Well with this update that you have installed I have decided to stay a bit up in the night and read what is this cyberware about...

Advent: While the secrecy will not be appreciated by your mother I believe it is a smart way of thinking after all: May your soul be guarded from impurity.

David: /Somewhat nervous/ ...eheh...alright? Either way, let's go back to the house complex, and visit the ripper doc.

Advent: (I believe that Mrs. Gloria mentioned him as an excuse of whatever field he is practising) I believe this "Ripper Doc" is what you call an medical expert correct?

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