Tangled wires, Tangled universes

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* 01000001 00000000 01100100 00000000 01110110 00000000 01100101 00000000 01101110 00000000 01110100 00000000's POV*

My body aches, my mechanical enchancments and equipment whimper and hurt from intense heat and sudden collision... I do not have questions, as I have sinned by harming newly born machine spirit... and yet I still feel... Is this... My purgatory? Yet why are my augumentations and my equipment still with me?! WHY ARE THEY TO SUFFER FOR THE SINS OF THE FATHER?!

...and yet...I...rise?

Have I been spared my death as the Omnissiah has decided I am yet of use?!

I utter a quick prayer for delivarence to the Omnissiah and begin to tend to my machinery to ease their pain... It will do for now, yet I will require to properly oil them, provide proper candles and long term check to make sure they do not suffer...

As the smoke clears, I realize I am no longer in the sacred titan forge of the 72nd district...

But WHERE could I be?!

As the smoke clears I hear shouts, both female and young male, but in the langue I cannot understand... perhaps some sort of low gothic?

As it is, I turn to them to see scared youngster and woman looking at me as they would at a warp spawn...

As it is, I turn to them to see scared youngster and woman looking at me as they would at a warp spawn

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Have they not seen a Techpriest before?!

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Have they not seen a Techpriest before?!


I sense a bit of implants within themselfes! How could they not have seen an EnginSeer at the very least?! I attempt communication via implants as to get around the language barrier...

*David's POV*

As the smoke cleared, I have seen probably the MOST terryfying thing in my life, and I am pretty sure my mother was there with me - 5 irregurally scattered, toxic green optics peeking inside your soul trough the the darkness within red hooded cloak, and literal mass of MOVING METAL!

As the smoke cleared, I have seen probably the MOST terryfying thing in my life, and I am pretty sure my mother was there with me - 5 irregurally scattered, toxic green optics peeking inside your soul trough the the darkness within red hooded cloa...

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