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Arianna closed the washroom door behind her and slipped back between the sheets next to her husband. Derek's cool fingers settled on the feverish skin of her back as she groaned her displeasure.

"I am growing rather tired of this bout of illness." He heard her grumble as she rolled onto her back and let his hands settle on the skin of her abdomen.

A smirk lifted one corner of Derek's mouth as he soothed her. 'Twas quite obvious to him that his wife was expecting and still unaware of the fact.

"I am sure it will not last too much longer, love." He replied, fighting to keep the smile of pure joy from his voice.

Arianna gave an unladylike snort as a reply. "I could have contracted some awful disease and yet you and my mother keep telling me it will pass."

Derek chuckled outright at her waspish outburst. "Easy, love. 'Tis not our fault you are ill." His brow furrowed in the dark, "Well perhaps 'tis partly mine."

Arianna sighed, "'Tis not your fault, my love."

Her quick change of mood as she snuggled her backside against him once more brought a smile to his face; further confirmation of what he knew to be true. Derek prepared himself for another mood swing as he reminded her of the importance of the day.

"We must rise, my love. 'Tis the hangman's day."

Though Derek could not see, Arianna opened one eye in the dark, "You must be mistaken. 'Tis only Tuesday."

"Nay love, 'tis Friday. The Admiral hangs at dawn."

An irritated groan was his only reply as Derek pulled the coverings off of his wife and pulled her from the bed. "Come, let's breakfast while water warms for your bath."

As Derek turned to light a lantern Arianna made a face. "I do not dare eat for fear of being sick again."

Derek pressed a kiss to her neck as he helped her pull her nightgown over her head. "Perhaps a glass of fresh juice or a nice melon may settle your stomach."

"Mayhap." She grumbled as she slipped her dressing gown over her night clothes.

Derek smiled as he lead his grumpy wife from their chambers to join her family for breakfast.


Kathleen nudged her husband with her elbow and nodded down the table towards her daughter. William paused, his mouth already open to take in the bite of egg that was already half way to his mouth.

Kathleen had told him of her suspicions the evening before, they had giggled like children on Christmas Eve. The thought of a baby to hold, when just months ago they had not even had each other to hold, had made them both positively giddy with anticipation.

William took his wife's cue and addressed his daughter, "Why Arianna, you are simply green around the gills! Is this not wonderful?" The Duke said, with enthusiasm and cheer in his voice.
Arianna glared at her father.

Wonderful? Aye, it was wonderful that she wanted to empty her stomach every ten minutes and that she felt weak as a kitten all the time. Arianna's lips pursed as she stared at her father. Whatever was wrong with him?!?

"I would like to know what is so wonderful about the fact that I, not only feel sick all the time, but that I apparently look green as well!" She huffed in his direction, as she picked up her glass to sample the fresh squeezed juice. The toast looked positively wretched, there was no way she could eat it, or anything else for that matter. Actually, the thought of eating anything made her wonder if she would not be better off in her room with the chamber pot at the ready.

"But my dear," The Duke addressed his daughter again, "Do you not know what this means?" He asked. It only made sense to him that if he knew, then she should know for certain. The possibility that the entire situation was over her head never even occurred to William.

She glared at him anew, her eyes all but shooting daggers his way, "That I am dying, father, and that I have contracted some horrible," Her tone became theatrical as she continued,"Jungle fever that most definitely will put me out of my misery?"

"Oh, you have contracted something, my dear," William chuckled, "Only 'tis no fever you carry." He chuckled at his own humor while Arianna continued to stare sourly at him.

"You have only yourself and your new husband to blame." Her father smirked her way and sent her a wink.

"What are you trying not to say, Father? I am not in the mood for your games." She glared at Will as he snickered down at his end of the table.

"This is just wonderful, my entire family thinks 'tis hilarious that I am dying." She pouted, and made to leave the table, but Derek stayed her with a hand on her wrist.

"You are not dying, my love." Derek smiled as he brought her hand to his mouth to press a kiss upon her skin.
Will burst into laughter which drew a chuckle from Derek and set Arianna's jaw. Anger burned through her until sorrow and tears took over her composure.

"Ah, come now, sis." Will rose from his seat to catch his sister before she successfully quit the room. "We are only having a bit of fun with you."

"It is not funny. Please just let me go." She pleaded, damp eyes lifted entreatingly to her older brother's.

Will searched his sister's eyes and found the fear and hurt hidden inside them. The room as a whole watched as the humor fled his features and they softened. Will bent down from his impressive height to press a kiss to his little sister's cheek.

"We did not mean to hurt your feelings." Arianna's head dropped against his chest and Will searched the three sets of eyes still seated at the table individually.

Pushing Arianna back with a hand on each shoulder, Will looked into her eyes one more, "I was only excited to have a niece or a nephew to spoil soon."

Arianna was busy wiping away the tears that fell down her face and it took a moment for her brother's words to fully register. Once they did, her eyes snapped to his and her brow furrowed.

"Are you implying that I am... that I..."

"I am implying that you have no jungle fever, sister. You have had morning sickness. And you are beginning to fill out a bit too."

Arianna just stared at her brother with wonder... Was it true? Now that she thought about it, she had not had her monthly curses since she married seven weeks ago. Her eyes found Derek's proud gaze and she saw the same look of joy and approval in her parent's features.

"I am going to be ill." Will barely heard the words that escaped on her exhale, but he moved just the same, clearing the path to the doorway as his sister rushed towards the portal and up the stairs.


Derek alighted from the carriage still some distance from Execution dock and handed his wife down beside him. The carriage had been stopped for a full five minutes and the sky was beginning to lighten. Derek had no intention of missing the hanging of the man who had shot him and kidnapped his wife.
Derek tucked Arianna's hand in his arm and began to lead her down the walk. Derek knew that despite her condition, Arianna had even stronger negative emotions for the Admiral than he did. After all, Derek was not put through the weeks on the man's ship that she was.
They drew closer to their destination and Alejandro appeared with Carmelita on his arm.

The couples exchanged greetings and began to discuss the upcoming event.

"I can not promise that I will keep my eyes open when he falls." Carmelita confided, as she took Arianna's arm and they began to make their way through the ever growing crowd.

"I doubt I will be able to look away." Arianna replied, her mind torn between the event she was about to witness and the morning's discovery. She was very nervous to be a mother and yet overjoyed to carry proof of the love she had found with her husband. Derek's voice cut into her thoughts sending a pleasant awareness along her skin.

"We are almost there, my dear." Derek's arm slipped about his wife's still trim waist as Alejandro moved up to Carmelita's side.

As they reached Execution Dock the King's gaze met Arianna's from his perch upon the dias. Arianna lifted her head and met the Monarch's gaze. After holding her stare for a few moments the King's gaze moved to Derek and then to Carmelita before settling on his newest subject.

Alejandro met the King's stare before he dipped his head in a respectful nod. One corner of the King's mouth twitched in a smirk before the monarch turned to his footman. Derek and Alejandro exchanged a glance.

Neither of them cared for the look the King had given Alejandro. They both wondered what the wily old fox was up to now. 'Twas more than a little nerve wracking to know the man could do about anything he wanted to with their lives, and that they were more or less at the mercy of his whims.

Their attention was drawn to the approaching carriage with its large black sides, barred side windows, barred doors and black dressed footmen, it reminded them of death itself. The four large black draft horses that pulled the conveyance did not distract from the effect. With the carriage's approach the constant hum of conversation within the crowds ceased. The black clad footman unbarred the door and fetched the chain by which he led the shackled Admiral Miser to the hangman's platform. As Miser stepped upon the platform he searched the crowd until his eyes met with Derek's.

Derek looked steadily back at him, his gaze never wavering. That is, until the Admiral shifted his attention to Arianna. Arianna gasped at the hatred in the man's eyes, but expecting nothing less, she glared right back at him as Derek stepped around in front of her blocking the Admiral's view.

"Are you sure you want to watch this, love?" He asked her, as he ran a fingertip down her cheek to her chin, then lifting her face to his. He noted her spine was stiff and she looked very determined.

"Oh yes, I just keep remembering the things he said and did, I have no qualms whatsoever over his hanging for assisting Bailey." She assured him.

"Alright then,"Derek replied, "Let us hope it is over quickly now." Derek stepped to stand beside her once again.
A priest was standing behind the King when they had arrived, the man now stepped around the monarch and moved to the Admiral.

"I would have your confession if you are want to give it." The priest waited a moment until the Admiral spit at his feet. Jumping back a bit, the priest then shook his head, and looked to the King, shrugging his shoulders.

The monarch had enough. "Get on with it." He directed the hangman.

A hood was placed over the Admiral's head and the rope was slipped over that. "This is a travesty! I have done nothing!" The Admiral was heard to say, muffled though it was through the hood, his voice still carried to the crowd.

Arianna snorted in indignation, then she looked up at Derek to find him smiling at her, highly amused. She lowered her gaze and giggled, glad that the Admiral himself had provided levity during such a morbid attraction.


Alejandro had that feeling once again. The King's smirk had him worried. More than worried, he was consumed with a feeling of dread, and he did not like it one bit. He had just been reprieved of one situation only to now wonder what his new ruler had up his sleeve.

Carmelita felt the tension in Alejandro's arm that she was holding, she took her other hand and rubbed it up and down on his bicep to bring him back to her.

He turned and looked at her, through glazed eyes that slowly cleared, as her face registered in his brain. He then smiled, a nervous smile, but one that reassured her he was here in the present. She patted his arm as she looked to the platform, only to see the Admiral spit at the priest's feet. Carmelita sucked in a breath, the man was worse off than they had even realised. He was certainly destined for a very warm clime, with that action added to his previous ones. She heard his refute of his crimes and she remembered what he had done to poor Margaret. Steeling her spine for the hangman's final act upon Miser, she suddenly burst out with a laugh when Arianna snorted.

Alejandro chuckled, and they both turned their attention to the other couple, all of them wearing smiles that belied the gravity of the situation.

"This man is being hung for treason to the Crown, kidnapping, attempted rape and forced imprisonment outside his realm of duties. May he be a lesson to those who would defy the King!" The hangman called out loudly and clearly.
The two couples watched him fall, Alejandro and his wife crossing themselves as his feet quit twitching and the life left his body.

"Well, 'tis done, then." Derek addressed the other three. "That is good enough for me." He looked to Arianna, who, poor thing, was looking a bit green again. "Love?" He inquired.

She shot him a look, and he knew, it was not going to be pretty. She spun around and proceeded to empty her stomach of the tea she had consumed that morning.

Derek held her hair back for her as she ran a hand across her mouth and looked pleadingly at him. "I believe you should let me take you to your parent's." He said. They had planned to check on the Lady after the hanging, but Derek was not sure Arianna's stomach could handle it.

"Just a few moments and I will be fine." She assured him.

She took several slow, deep breaths, waiting for the rolling in her stomach to settle down. She had missed the Lady and was looking forward to being with Derek, Alejandro and Carmelita this morning. Now that she knew what ailed her, it was easier to relax and wait for the nausea to pass.

Derek was kind enough to turn everyone's attention from her for the moment she needed, turning to speak to Alejandro and his wife in a low whisper.

"What do you think he is up to?" Derek indicated the King with a nod of his head.

"I have no idea, I do not like the way he is looking at me though." Alejandro admitted. "I wish we could fly before I have to find out." Yet, it was not to be.

One of the King's men took direction from the monarch and left the platform, making his way through the departing crowd, he headed straight for them and stepped up to Alejandro. "The King requests your presence, and that of your wife." He swept an arm toward the King, indicating they should lead the way.

Alejandro looked to his wife, who looked back at him curiously, as she gave his hand a squeeze. "As long as we are together, everything else matters not." She told him.

He leaned down and kissed her, then taking her hand, he started towards the platform where Miser's body was being removed for burial in a traitor's grave.

The King looked at the body with disgust, then decided to hold his edict until they could move to better surroundings. He stood and came down the stairs on his end of the dais meeting up with Alejandro and Carmelita at the bottom.

"Let us step inside, I have news for you, my good man." He addressed Alejandro, but his eyes were on Carmelita as he spoke.


"Good luck, my friend. Stay in touch." Derek bid as he shook his ex first mate's hand.

"Always. We already anticipate your visit, mi hermano."

Both men smiled as they looked to their women who were hugging and saying their goodbyes. The hug looked quite awkward with both women fumbling around protruding mid sections.

"I wish you luck in the challenge you face."

"Si," Alejandro nodded in agreement with Derek's well wishes, "It will not be easy."

Alejandro's mind slipped back six months to that fateful day with the King at Execution Dock.

"You have agreed to the conditions which lead to your release, is this so?" The King directed his words to Alejandro, noticing that he and Carmelita were holding each other's hands.

"Aye, my King," Alejandro had replied. "Was my oath of fealty not accepted?"

"It was." The King replied, his eyes moving to Carmelita at Alejandro's side. "I am aware that Marcus Bailey stole many years from your family in the past. I am also aware that Trent has no need for a first mate for the time being." The monarch's eyes transfered back to Alejandro, "I, however, am in need of a steward for an island that has no owner. When Marcus Bailey was apprehended and killed," The King looked pointedly at Alejandro, as they all knew how Bailey had died, "The isle was left without a steward. I would not have the same thing happen there again." The King noticed Carmelita shiver, he had been made aware of her trials when everyone was fighting for Alejandro's release.
The King called her forward, "My good woman, will you also swear fealty to me?" He asked her.

Carmelita dipped down in another curtsy and spoke calmly and quietly, "I will gladly bow to your wishes and to my husband's, my King."

"Good, good." The King replied, rubbing his thumb and fore finger rhythmically over his chin.

"Do you think you could go back there? To the island where you were a slave, if your husband were to be with you and hold this land for me? You would now rule, whereas before you served. Could this be acceptable or are the memories too painful?" He asked the Spanish beauty, giving her a chance to speak her mind.

Carmelita thought about this for a moment, she looked at her husband, he was waiting for her answer along with the King. She thought of Roman, who truly knew no other life.

Carmelita knew the monster of her past was gone, she also knew she had friends on the island and that she would like a chance to improve their lives, as they had lived through the horror of Bailey too.

"If my husband is willing, there are many things I would like to change there. The people are good and they need a good man to lead them." She looked at Alejandro and smiled, she was amazed that the thought of going back to the island held no fear, just an excitement to roll up her sleeves and make a new life with the two men she adored. She envisioned Roman following his father all over the island, learning to sow and harvest the cane and coffee. He would learn to barter and trade with the ships that would come to do business with them. She would miss her new friends, Arianna and the Duchess, but surely they would get to visit one another. Carmelita could not see Alejandro going too long without a need to see his best friend.

So, 'twas decided they would rule, where once Carmelita had been captive.

The King would be supplying a small army of men, to back up Alejandro in case of trouble, and to assist him until he could establish his own security on the island.

Alejandro was to report to the Duke's men upon his arrival, learn the workings of the the fields and orchards from the current overseer, sending a portion of the harvests to the King in lieu of taxes.

Alejandro was a little nervous about all this, as he had resided on a ship for the last decade, and must now learn to work the land instead of a helm. He knew that with his wife and son beside him, he could accomplish anything, he had just sailed for so long now, 'twould be strange not to any longer.

He actually could not wait to return to the island and demolish Marcus Bailey's torture room. He would erase every single thing that carried a bad memory for his wife.

He would miss the Green Eyed Lady. However, sailing the seas was no life for a family. Roman had lived on the island almost all of his life and could show him around. That thought brought a smile to Alejandro's face.

A year ago he had no idea if his son even lived, and now, now he would get to watch him grow. He would get a chance to make their lives better, by setting down roots.


Will kissed the beauty in his arms passionately before he bid her farewell and exited her home. Whistling a joyous tune, he closed the gate at the end of the path and began making his way along the street.

As he reached the next corner, a man blocked his path. The man was obviously in the King's service with his royal attire.

"Might I help you, sir?" Will inquired, bemused by the man's demeanor. His stern expression almost reminded Will of his own days in the King's service.

"Your King requires your services." The man spoke, his eyes level with Will's.

"He does, does he? And which specific services does he require?"

The King's man looked nervously in each direction before he spoke in a subdued tone. "The King's ward was kidnapped last night. Our Liege requires you to find and return him."

"I retired from that line of work years ago, man."

The man nodded, "The King predicted that you would refuse. And if you did, I was to inform you that.."

"I have not refused, there is no need for threats, man." William interjected. "I will simply require more information than this."

A small smile lit the man's face. "Then the King bids you join him at once."

The Duke's Daughter -Wattys2014 Collector's Dream Award Winner-Where stories live. Discover now