Chapter Fifty Two

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All of the slaves were assembled in the drawing room upon the first floor this morning. Derek and Alejandro were meeting with them all, formally offering them passage from the island. Alejandro sat upon the settee with his wife under his arm, his son at his feet. Derek stood next to him observing the air of happiness radiating from the reunited family. Alejandro held one of Carmelita's hands, her fingers laced through his.

Derek lifted his gaze from his first mate, and took in the slaves before him. Their faces and postures spoke of exhaustion, but there was a bright hope in every eye that returned his stare.

"We depart this island at noon. Any who would like to come with, to England, are more than welcome. You need only report to the docks and my crew will assign you a cabin. Those who wish to stay, may. I will secure ownership of this Isle for those who wish it."

The slaves exchanged glances but none spoke.

"Your former owner is currently secured in the dungeon should anyone wish for.. physical therapy." Derek's brow lifted in an arch, conveying his meaning, along with his words. Derek watched Alejandro tense, but after a few moments he relaxed once more, pressing a kiss to his wife's knuckles.

A few of the male slaves stood or moved for the door, only to stop and turn to Derek, as if for permission.

"You are free men now." Derek urged, and many of the men left the room, for the dungeons Derek assumed.

The rest of the slaves filed from the room and Derek took the winged chair across from his first mate.

"Carmelita, are the kitchens packed?"

"Aye," she replied, "All but what should see those who stay behind through."

"Good." Derek's eyes transfered to Alejandro. "Find a few men to load up a wagon. Transport the food to the Lady and then send the women and children to be settled. I shall ensure that Lady Kent is prepared to depart, then secure Bailey in the brig. I want sails hoisted and this island behind us no later than noon."

"Aye." Alejandro replied, rising from his seat and helping his wife and son to their feet.

"What am I to do?" Roman asked, bringing a smile to the adults faces.

"I want you," Derek sank to his knees before the boy, "To supervise your father. Somebody needs to make sure he gets everything done in time." With a wink, Derek stood to his feet and ruffled the boys hair.

"I can do that!" Roman stated enthusiastically, a sly grin infused his features, one Derek had seen upon Alejandro's face many of times. "Hurry up, Papà! We don't have no time to lose."

"Any, son." Alejandro laughed, an ear to ear grin upon his features at hearing his son call him Papà. "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

"Right!" Roman smiled up at his father before rushing from the room. Alejandro pressed a kiss to his wife's cheek before he followed his son.

Carmelita smiled at Derek before she moved off behind them to the kitchens.
Derek took a deep breath and quit the room as well. He moved to the stairs and began climbing them, his mind searching for words that he might use to repair the drift that was currently between him and his angel.

Deep in the night he had realized that his anger had nothing to do with her, but rather with the man who had killed the woman Derek had planned to marry years ago with his hands on the woman he would marry soon. Once his anger had cooled, he understood that Arianna had simply been trying to play her part and keep Bailey’s suspicions at bay so that their plan would be successful. And she had performed her part admirably.

As Derek rounded the curve of stairs between the second and third story, he watched dark curls and skirts turn the next corner.

"Wait!" He called, hurrying up the steps to catch Arianna.

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