Chapter Fifty Five

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The morning broke over the Caribbean sea with bright red clouds overhead. The crew ambled around the deck of the Lady performing their chores while casting ominous looks at the red sky and whispering amongst themselves. There were men in the rigging inspecting lines and sails, something Arianna had not noted them do before. One crewman, who sidestepped to allow Arianna past him, nodded to her in greeting and asked her quietly, "Do you know the old saying about red skies, lady?"

"I do not believe that I do, sir." Arianna replied with a slight shake of her head. A hint of a frown showed upon her brow.

"Red skies in the morning, sailor, take warning. Red skies at night, sailor's delight."

Arianna's frown grew for she knew not his meaning. Take warning of what?

"'Tis mother nature's warning, lady." The sailor stated, assessing her expression correctly. "Weather will be upon us before the day is through."

With that, the crewman moved off. Arianna turned and surveyed the deck, the frown still marring her brow.

Derek and Alejandro stood at the charts table near the helm in an earnest discussion. Arianna watched as Alejandro held a hand to his temple, nodding at whatever Derek was speaking about. Derek obviously felt no sympathy for his first mate's throbbing head, as he spoke rapidly, pointing at spots on the charts they had spread across the table. A smile crossed Arianna's face as she saw Carmelita and Roman carrying mugs of coffee to the pair at the helm. It pleased Arianna no small amount to see the Spaniard reunited with his family.

Arianna surveyed along the deck further, finding her mother seated, nursing a mug of coffee as well. Out of the corner of her eye, Arianna saw Mickey send her a glare, then disappear down the hallway that lead to the kitchens. Hitching up her skirts, she ran after the cabin boy. She knew not why he was angry with her, but she would have him avoid her no more.

Arianna caught up to Mickey just outside the kitchens and turned him against the wall by his shoulder.

"Mickey, why do you hate me so?"

The youth's face was an angry distorted mask. "Nothin' ta bother yer perty head 'bout, your lady." Mickey tried to push past her, but the hand Arianna held on his shoulder tightened, keeping him in place.

"The proper address is 'my lady', and yes, I am bothered by it. I thought we were friends, Mickey."

Arianna saw his lips quiver, she wondered how much of the boy's anger hid hurt feelings.

"We were friends, 'til ya went and got the cap'n shot." Mickey shook his head, "I really liked ya, I thought you an' the cap'n would be good together, that is, until the crew told me 'bout how ya ran off with someone else and let the cap'n get shot so u'se could get away. Now yer back here actin' all proper and still leadin' the cap'n 'round by the nose."

"Mickey, what are you talking about? I didn't run off with anyone else. I was knocked unconscious and kidnapped. Der- The captain was shot?"

"Don't act like ya didn't know, lady. The crew says 'twas all in yer plans."

"I did not know, Mickey. And whoever told you these things, does not know what happened. 'Tis lies you've been fed, Mickey."

"Then ya still love the cap'n? 'N ya ain't gonna leave him again?"

"Sadly, Mickey, the captain isn't mine to love."

Mickey's brow furrowed, but the angry look was gone. "Beggin' yer pardon, my lady, but judgin' from the black mood the cap'n was in, af'er you lef-" He cut off, shaking his head, "after you was taken, he don't feel that way."

"But he's promised to another girl back in England, and I am promised to another man." Arianna stopped, wondering if it was truly smart to bare her troubles before this young boy.

"Who?" Mickey asked.

"Who, what?"

"Who is he supposed to marry? An' who is you supposed ta marry?"

Arianna stopped. "I cannot answer either question."

"You can't or ya won't?"


Mickey's expression was incredulous. "Yer sayin' ya don't even know who yer promising to spend yer life with?"

"I'm not so lucky as to have been able to choose someone myself." Arianna stopped, her eyes locking onto the boy's. "Why am I telling you these things, Mickey?"

Mickey grinned a crooked grin. "'Cause we're friends. I'm sorry I got mad at you without knowin what really 'appened."

"Thank you, Mickey." Arianna smiled, ruffling the youth's hair.


Derek threw a glare at the red hued clouds that accompanied the sun's ascent this morning. After his torturous dream last night, tidings of bad weather made him wonder if it had been more than a dream, perhaps a premonition. His eyes shifted to Roman, who sat with a couple of cabin boys, learning a game of dice a few feet from his parents. Alejandro manned the helm at the moment, with Carmelita seated facing him. Derek took in the smile upon his first mate's face as he conversed with his wife, before his mind conjured the memory of Alejandro's fear stricken expression from his dream.

Derek had not shared his dream with his first mate, or anyone else for that matter. It did no good to spread negative energy amongst sailors. Nay, this doubt was his and his alone.

His attention was drawn across the deck when Arianna surfaced from the kitchens, making her way towards her own cabin, with Mickey in tow. His brow quirked. What could those two possibly be plotting? He knew it had to be something. They had been nothing but trouble when they had conspired before. The last thing he needed was Arianna falling from another porthole.

Arianna. He had meant to make her aware of their betrothal last night, before Mickey had come to alert them about Alejandro and the Duchess's drunken fun. He knew he needed to, in one way or another, but he feared losing her.

Derek scanned the horizon once more, noting the easing of the clouds along the eastern horizon. The rest of the huge sky was a bright clear blue, unmarred by even the smallest wisps of white. The sun was already beginning to warm the chill from the air; 'twould be a warm day. Storms were usually worse after warm weather. Derek glanced into the rigging above him, the smaller crewmen dotted the lines like gulls, checking every line and their pulleys under their captain's orders.

Derek had also asked the cabin boys to assemble all the passengers on deck just before luncheon so that he may stress what was expected of them during the storm. He was taking no chances of his dream becoming truth.

"You have a heavy mind this morning, child." The Duchess stood next to him, "Is it my daughter that troubles you on this beautiful morning?"

"In part, your grace." Derek smiled. "The promise of impending weather weighs more heavily."

"I see," was all she said, but Derek felt the weight of her stare for a moment. She once again glanced out at the horizon before she continued, "Do you have time for that chat before this impending weather is upon us?" She raised a skeptical brow at the clear sky, "I do not like being kept uninformed."

She tilted her head, looking at him though her body remained facing forward, a mannerism that reminded Derek very much of her daughter, "Aye, I believe we will have fair weather into this eve, if you would meet me in my cabin in, say, half an hour, perhaps I may be able to procure some tea and cakes."

"Are you being sarcastic with me, boy?" Her skeptical gaze was now pointed his way.

"Not in the slightest, your grace. My cook is fond of making cakes, he does not have reason to very often."

"Hmm.. Alright, though I prefer coffee." A cheeky smile replaced her pointed stare, "Dreadfully unfashionable, I know, but I have not been in England for a long time."

"Understandable, your grace, whatever you prefer." She nodded to him before moving off towards the hallway Arianna had retreated down.

And Derek chuckled lightly as he watched her go. Meeting the Duchess had definitely reaffirmed the thought that life with her daughter would be anything but boring. 

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