Chapter Sixty

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Derek and Alejandro both hit the vine covered forest floor when a pistol shot sounded close by. Another was heard in the distance, and then soft laughter met their ears.

"Oh, you missed that one horribly, didn't you, old girl?"

Was that the Duchess?

Derek rose to a crouch and began moving towards the voice he had heard. A quick glance over his shoulder informed him that Alejandro was on his heels. They came to the edge of a small clearing, and saw the Duchess crossing the clearing headed away from them. Her head was down, she could be heard muttering to herself, though the words were not distinguishable.

Suddenly she turned, as if she had reached a mark. She lifted a pistol towards them and fired at a target just over their heads. As the shot reverberated around them, Derek and Alejandro both fell prone.

"Hey! Watch that thing!" Derek yelled, as he rose from his stomach and stormed into the clearing. He did not stop until he had retrieved the pistol from the Duchess.

"Give that back! It is mine." The Duchess glared at him as she reached for the pistol. Derek let her take it as his shock wore off.

"What are you doing with it?"

The Duchess' glare turned into a pout, as she held the pistol to her chest, stroking it in a loving manner. As if it were a small kitten, rather than a deadly firearm.

"I am practicing my aim, as if that were not obvious."

Alejandro chuckled from the edge of the clearing. "It seems you still need some practice, Senora, if this mango was your mark."

Alejandro's eyes traveled to the hole in the tree trunk, three feet to the left of the mango that was perched upon a branch.

"Yes, well," the Duchess replied, obviously a bit miffed, "Thank you so very much for pointing that out, kind sir."

Alejandro laughed as he moved toward her. "Allow me to show you a few pointers, your grace."

"Hmm.. Well, you might as well be useful."

Alejandro laughed again, as he took the pistol from her and reloaded it. The woman had a tongue as sharp as her daughter's.

"Go on ahead, Captain. I will be along shortly."

"Aye." Derek replied, slightly apprehensive to leave his first mate and the Duchess alone. The last time he had done so, they had decided that his cannons were playthings. He supposed, as long as they were both sober, they could not cause too much mischief. He finally turned, making his way towards the sound of the second pistol in the forest. If the Duchess was engaged in target practice, her daughter probably was as well.


"That was spectacular, Betsy. Now for a true test."

Arianna picked another mango and rather than find a perch for it, she lifted it in her hand as high as she could.

"Oh, no, my lady. I cannot. Just the thought makes my hands shake."

"Come now, Betsy, you have yet to miss. I would not do so if I did not trust you."

Betsy's teeth worried at her lower lip. "I do not trust myself that much, my lady."

"There is only one way to know, Betsy. Just do what you have been doing, and all shall be well."

"My lady, I do not want to."

"Betsy, I insist."

A sob tore from Betsy's chest but she raised the pistol, aimed carefully, and pulled the trigger.

Simultaneously, Arianna's name was screamed from the edge of the clearing, a solid weight hit her knocking her off her feet. Derek wrapped his arms around her and spun mid air, ensuring that he took the brunt of their fall.

Arianna pushed herself up upon his chest and stared down into his face.

"You're alive!" Her smile was dazzling and he couldn't remember why he was so cross with her. "Oh, you had everyone so worried!" Without a second thought, she began to shower his face with relieved kisses.

Derek laughed as he welcomed her affection. "Did you worry for me as well, my angel?"

He tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear, as her stare became more serious.

"Aye." She paused, breaking eye contact with him. When her eyes returned to his, there was an angry light within them. "'Tis not everyday a girl's betrothed goes overboard and is missing through an entire night."

Derek's eyes flew wide. She knew? But how?

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