Chapter Fifty Six

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Derek took the seat across from the Duchess and accepted the coffee she had poured for him. He took a sip of the steaming brew before he addressed the Duchess.

"Your grace, I am betrothed to your daughter through a contract signed by your husband, and my father. Unfortunately, your daughter is unaware of this."

The Duchess took a sip from her own mug as she contemplated this information. "She knows of the betrothal, but not that you are her intended?"

"Aye. She told me once that she had no intentions of honoring the contract, therefore she had no interest in it's contents."

The Duchess' brow quirked and she hid a smile behind her mug. Stubbornness was a flaw Arianna had inherited from her father. However, despite Arianna's stubbornness, the Duchess was well aware of her daughter's interest in the betrothal contracts now. The Duchess thought of the lost look in Arianna's eyes as she had explained her attempt to access this very cabin.

"You have to tell her."

"I have wanted nothing more than to do exactly that. But you see, she was kidnapped in New York, and I took a bullet trying to stop that." He pulled the collar of his shirt to the side, to reveal the still red, healing scar left by Miser's bullet. "After that, my crew pushed themselves and my ship to rescue her from that madman's clutches. And once I finally secured her safety and found a few moments to speak with her, I had intended to tell her all, when 'someone' decided they wanted to play with the cannons last eve."

"Oh," The Duchess responded to Derek's dry explanation. There was not the slightest bit of guilt hidden in her features, he noticed. He did like that about her, she was as spirited a siren as her daughter.

"And you have not remedied the situation this morn because..."

"I have been preparing for the approaching storm."

A smirk touched the Duchess' face, "Oh, you are going to see a storm, alright." Her damned eyebrow lifted in that knowing way that her daughter had perfected as well. "I do wish you safe sailing through it, though."

Derek drew in a heavy breath. Like he didn't know there would be hell to pay once Arianna found out. However, a howl of wind passing the portholes brought his mind around to the storm that was obviously brewing outside.
His agitation only rose higher at the wind's bidding. An agitation that had been with him since his chilling dream had awoken him in the early hours. The cabin boys should be assembling the passengers on deck as he sat here sipping coffee. He needed to stress the importance that all stay safely below deck until the storm passed. Not to mention checking every damned line himself, as a precaution, for though his crew had already checked them this morn, a captain's worry was a captain's responsibility. His first priority was keeping his future wife safe, along with every other soul aboard his ship. He could devote himself to their relationship once their safety was no longer threatened.

"I must get back on deck, your grace. It seems this gale will be upon us sooner than expected." Derek stood from his seat, offering her a hand to help her rise. Grabbing up his leather jerkin for the evening ahead, he lead the Duchess to the door.

"I have asked that all passengers assemble on deck for a short moment so that I might address all at once. 'Tis only concerning safety procedures during the storm."

Derek kissed the Duchess' knuckles, sending her a devastating smile before he bounded up the stairs two at a time, until he reached the deck.

A wicked grin spread across the Duchess' face, as she saw exactly what her daughter found so attractive about this man. Arianna would not stand a chance once he devoted his attentions her way. 'Twas a good thing, as this man would be her future husband, but oh, the dance she would lead him on would be entertaining to watch indeed.

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