Chapter Seventy

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"My goodness, my lady, did you ever think such a man truly existed?" Carmelita asked of Arianna, as Arianna caught up to her on the jungle path.

"Carmelita, oh please, do not tell me your head has been turned also!" Arianna groaned. First her mother, then Betsy, and now Carmelita was going to start singing the praises of that awful pirate's beauty?

"I may be married, however, I am not blind, he is the object of dreams, my lady." Carmelita answered in truth, a small bit embarrassed by her own honesty.

"Or nightmares." Arianna spat. "Do none of you care at all that he is a pirate? He may have raped, killed or pillaged just yesterday for all we know."

"You believe he would not have killed us already if he were truly as bad as all that?" Carmelita asked.

"I do not know what he has planned for us, however, hopefully we shall know soon enough." Arianna replied flippantly.

Betsy had reached the pool and told the others to come along, Arianna and Carmelita saw them coming their way and turned back towards the beach.

"We know why Betsy is in such a rush, do we not?" Carmelita spoke quietly, laughing her words very softly. "The poor girl is besotted and he was not helping matters any."

Arianna blew a strand of hair away from her face and turned to Carmelita. "What would you say to gathering some clothes and taking a soak now that everyone will be back at camp. We could be back by the time Cook has prepared something. All this trekking back and forth, and being so rudely awakened as we were, has left me in need of a fresh outlook and a fresh outfit." She turned innocent eyes to Carmelita, and knew she was being seen right through.

Betsy had been moving quickly and she caught back up with them.

"I believe that is just what we need." Carmelita agreed. "Betsy, we are going to gather some fresh clothing and repair our appearances, would you like to come back with us? I know my hair could use a good rinsing."

Betsy's mind was filled with visions of the handsome pirate, Violet Petals. Vi, he had said to call him by, however, Betsy much preferred Violet. It was extremely romantic. A wistful sigh escaped her.

Arianna frowned over Betsy's head at Carmelita. "Yes, my hair is need of a washing also, and I desire a dress that I did not wear while traipsing through the plants this morn."

Betsy looked down at her own rumpled dress thinking she may want to attempt looking a little prettier for Violet. Hopefully, he would be staying at least a little while longer.

"I, also, would like to bathe." Betsy said, starry eyed at the thought of the pirate captain, hoping if she attempted to look prettier that he would notice her again. She sighed wistfully once more.

Arianna looked back at Carmelita and rolled her eyes. Then she smiled, just the tiniest bit.


As the Duchess continued her story, every crewman gazed at her silently, their emotions written plainly on their faces, so caught up were they by the tale she told. Quite a few of the men shed an unknowing tear when Kathleen spoke of her children, how heartbroken she had been, wondering if her family had thought that she had willingly abandoned them.

Derek had taken a seat alone on one of the makeshift benches to one side of the duchess. He watched the men as they nodded understandingly, a wry smile coming to his lips as she told of seeing Arianna for the first time. Derek looked down at his hands clasped before him as she told of Arianna's bravery while duping and drugging Marcus. She then admitted to having a bit of help from the former slaves in giving Bailey his due aboard the ship.

The men were understanding of the severity of damage she had inflicted upon Bailey, thinking, to a man, that they would have gladly wielded the cat themselves given the chance. It was when she admitted to sharing some spirits with Alejandro, and shooting off the cannons, that the men around her all chortled, elbowing one another and grinning at the thought of the high born lady blowing off steam in such a way.

She then told them about the storm, how the ship had run aground, resulting in the captain and his first mate going overboard. Every eye swiveled to Derek. He shrugged his shoulders and looked back at the duchess as she finished the recounting of her rescue up to the present.

The pirate crew finally knew the truth of the lonely woman on the balcony, and through the telling, finding themselves to be quite in awe of her.

The duchess then explained that this was her encampment, that if they expected to be fed with the rest of them, they had all better get busy and help.

She stood and the hardened seamen all jumped up to brush the sand from their breeches, to then follow her to where Cook had a crock of porridge simmering, the aroma of sliced smoked boar causing one and all to eagerly anticipate his share.


Chauncey wandered off a little haphazardly after they had eaten, deciding he had better go and give Marcus Bailey a piece of his mind. He may be slightly blind, and he may be slightly deaf, however, his brain and his tongue still functioned just fine according to his thinking. Tripping over an odd shape on the sand, he jumped away quickly before leaning back in a little closer to try to see through the ever present fog.

The shape slowly unfolded to stand before him at half his height.

"Auuaaii!" Chancey jumped back again as the shape stepped closer. With the weak sunlight behind it Chauncey could make out the shapes of very large ears sticking out on either side of it's head. The creature made a strange tittering, almost laughing noise. Chauncey cleared his throat, while attempting to peer even closer at the creature, then he began to slowly back away. "Nice, monkey." He cooed, hoping for more of a clue to the creatures identity than just the shape of the large ears on the sides of it's head.

The monkey erupted with screeches and grunts. Chauncey flew as fast as he was able to the nearest tree he could see, hiding behind it, he hoped the animal would not come after him.


Alejandro chuckled as he finished his fare. His son was chasing the old, blind pirate around a tree while acting like a primate.

As Roman's laughter confused the old man, Chauncey would stop and attempt to see the boy, but then Roman would start screeching and hopping about sending the old man scampering off once more. A few cabin boys joined Roman in his game and Alejandro turned his eyes towards his captain. The Spaniard's lips twitched into a smile as he recognized the contented smile stretched across his captain's relaxed face.

His first mate's stare finally gained Derek's attention and he sat forward from his position against the palm. His eyes followed Alejandro's nod out to sea and the sad sight of the shipwrecked Lady.

Alejandro was right. It was time to see to the vessel and get everyone safely off the island, before their stores ran out or a more deadly threat than Violet Petals made an appearance.

Derek noticed that Arianna, Carmelita and Betsy were nowhere to be seen. He wondered what Ari had come up with to keep her maid away from the pirate. Well, he decided, he could do his best to aid her. Derek looked to where Vi sat under a palm, his head tilted back with his eyes closed, his empty bowl in his lap. Derek pushed himself to his feet and made his way over to where the pirate rested.

Vi heard his approach, the sand crunching under Derek's boots, as he came closer. Vi opened one eye and raised his eyebrow in question.

"I was hoping to get started on repairs to the Lady this morn. Shall we take a look at her now?" Derek asked, though it was more of a statement than a question.

Vi opened his other eye and looked around for Michaels. Spotting him following the Duchess around like a puppy, a sardonic smile tweaked his full lips, it was not often his crew enjoyed the novelty of being taken care of by a woman. And Vi knew that they all cared for this woman now, gaining their interest first and then their respect, heaven help anyone who tried to hurt her or disrespect her at this point. For the fine lady had at least forty newly adopted 'sons' who would gladly kill for her if need be.

Vi turned his gaze back to Derek.

"Aye, now is as good a time as any, most likely best, as we can see how much water she be holding at low tide." Vi raised himself up and took his bowl to the men who had been assigned to clean them. Kathleen ran a tight ship, that much Vi could tell already. She had pluck, he would give her that. She had hardened, rough men bowing and scraping and running to carry out her requests.

Vi approached Kathleen and took her hand, stopping her mid sentence as she spoke to Michaels. "I'm sorry lovey, but I must steal this good man from you for a wee bit. We are headed out to see the damage to Trent's ship and Michaels is needed to come with us." He explained.

Kathleen patted Vi's cheek and told him that was just fine. She then asked Michaels to find her upon his return as she would like to finish their conversation then.

Michaels bowed towards her and took her hand, placing a kiss upon the back of it he assured her he would do just that.
The men then walked down to the surf where a small boat waited to take them out to assess the Green Eyed Lady.


After returning with Carmelita and Betsy, Arianna went into her tent, deciding she wanted to change into her trousers and blouse. She had taken a light cotton dress to the pool with her, however, she had already tired of her skirts getting caught up between her legs on the walk back. She felt more comfortable in the trim breeches and loose shirttail she had adopted aboard ship. Changing her clothing, she then plaited her hair into a braid to hang over her shoulder, thinking it would be cooler off of her neck, as the day was quickly warming.

Walking away from camp, Arianna passed the campfire, heading out towards the point. She was glad her mother did not notice her defection as she was not looking for a chore to occupy her. She simply wanted to be alone for just a little while.

Alone with Derek would be better, Arianna thought. However, spotting the small boat moored to the side of the Lady she knew her intended would be making preparations for the repairs to be made. She did not spy the handsome pirate captain along the beach assuming Derek had taken him up on his offer to help with the repairs. With Vi out on the ship with Derek, Betsy was safe for now, Arianna seized upon her opportunity to safely escape camp for a few moments of peace.

When Arianna reached the point she sat to roll her trousers up above her knees. She then waded into the water walking over and around the rocks that formed the point at the end of their beach. It was low tide, the water had receded, leaving little pools of water that teemed with life. She saw miniscule fish, tiny crabs and spiny, small creatures. She was careful where she set her feet as she walked on them bare through the tide pools.

Coming out of the rocks, into the shallow surf on the other side, Arianna took a moment to appreciate the stark, beautiful beach with it's twisted driftwood art. Placing a hand to her brow, she shaded her eyes to look out at the Lady with the small skiff still tied to it. Wishing for more time alone with Derek, realizing they had not had much time for courtship, she smiled wryly, thinking what a mad adventure this had been. She had never thought that 'really living' would mean this much chaos.

Of course, bringing her mother back with her was worth it all. Not to mention, all that had passed to get them here would only cause she and Derek to have a stronger marriage once they were wed. Having seen each other under many more trying circumstances than if they had simply attended balls and dinners together, she knew their trials could only strengthen their bond to one another.

Would she do it all again? Arianna asked herself. She would have to answer in the affirmative. Would she change anything? Yes, to that also, however, she would not change everything. If the first, horrible pirates had not come, Derek would not have come to their rescue. She most likely would not have met him otherwise. If she had not been kidnapped she would not have found her mother, nor would they have caught a murderer. The capture of Bailey was what Derek needed to accomplish in order to have closure, he could now be free of his past and they could truly start their lives together with no heavy burden of guilt hanging over the man that she loved.

All in all, she and Derek had accomplished together what her father had not in all his years of searching. Nor had Derek found Bailey until she herself had provided the bait. Arianna grimaced, thinking there were things she would change if she could, such as Betsy getting hurt and being ill. Derek getting shot and Shaw's murder she would change, of course, among other, smaller things.

Hopefully, they would deal swiftly with these pirates, make the repairs, and be on their way home very soon.

Arianna missed her father terribly. She could not wait for him to see mother, a small smile lifted her lips as she wondered what he would do upon finding her alive and well. He had been as a man hounded by demons all of these years and he would be getting his own angel returned to him. Arianna may have been only six when her mother was taken away, however, she remembered the love that her parents had felt for one another, because it had spilled over onto her and Will.

She missed Will terribly also, even though he could be her very best friend one day and her worst antagonist the next. He loved teasing her, acting as though it were his duty to do so since no one else did. He'd had far too much ammunition after she made her debut, teasing her about every suitor she'd had. He would pick one annoying habit, and then hound her with it endlessly, so that the next time she saw said suitor, she could not see anything except for the annoying habit.

There had been one, an older suitor, when she had first come out, he'd had a habit of twisting just one end of his mustache constantly. At breakfast the next morning Will had pretended to twist a mustache he did not have throughout their entire meal. She had laughed at first, quite amused by his attentions, but when he continued to do it every single time she saw him that day, it grew very old, very quickly. By the time that evening rolled around she wanted nothing more to do with said mustache twirler, knowing if she saw him do it even once it would turn her stomach. She had avoided that suitor the rest of the week until he had finally gotten the idea that she was not interested.

Will had managed to do that with all of her suitors, until there was not a single man left to spend time with that did not have something that had been brought to her attention as an annoying or pathetic habit. Arianna had no one to thank for that save her brother.

What would Will think of Derek? Would he find something there she had not? What could he possibly find to tease her about this time? Then again, Arianna smirked and kicked at the sand beneath her feet, now that she was to be married soon, mayhap it would be her turn to tease Will. He would still be looking for a mate on the marriage mart. Arianna was sure that she could do it too, for Will had taught her well enough how to look for any and every flaw a person could have. They would then see how he liked having the tables turned on himself.

She smiled puckishly at the thought. She really did miss him, and his teasing, if she were honest with herself.

Moving down to the water's edge, Arianna kicked at the surf, sending droplets of water flying through the air in front of her. The water was so clear and such a beautiful shade of blue, it reminded her of Derek's eyes in the candlelight last night by the pool.

Arianna looked down at the ring on her hand and grinned widely. Derek loved her, and she truly loved him in return, realizing this was exactly what she had left home hoping to find.

She was eternally grateful to have found a man that she knew she could love and respect. They would have the rest of their lives to come to know one another more fully. Hopefully, the voyage home would allow them some time to start doing that very thing.

Arianna looked back out to sea and noticed that the men were returning. She felt she had better go back before that damn pirate found Betsy and turned his charms on her again. Whatever was Betsy thinking? Then again, Arianna scoffed, she knew when she was with Derek her reasoning flew away with the wind. She would attempt to be more understanding. However, that did not change the fact that she did not want Betsy's tender feelings hurt by a man who robbed, and most likely killed, on a regular basis. Arianna vowed to do what she could, knowing  Derek would assist her as he had done this morning.

It was just too bad her plan to keep Betsy away from that man had backfired. Betsy now looked like a siren ready to call her pirate to his demise. After bathing, Betsy had left her hair flowing down her back and donned her least worn gown which happened to show off her curving figure.

Arianna had groaned as Betsy had peppered her with questions about what it felt like to be in love. However, she had patiently answered, hoping Betsy would realize she was only infatuated with the man's looks. Arianna had spoken of respect, and of morals, hoping Betsy would heed her words, however, the dreamy look had never left Betsy's face the entire time.

Aye, she had better get back, before that stew heated into a full boil. Darting back through the tide pools, as quickly as caution would allow, Arianna made her way down the beach to greet the approaching men.


Derek watched Arianna as she approached the spot on the beach where their boat would make it's landing. He could not help but smile at the breeches and shirt. The way the fabric clung to her curves was an ever constant course of study for him.

"Have you good news?" Arianna asked, as the boat dug into the sand. She smiled at Alejandro, nodded to the pirates, and then her smile returned to fall fully upon Derek.

"Aye, we came to rally the men. The repairs should only take a day and a half if we work the men in shifts." He assured her.

"Oh, that is wonderful." She continued to wear her siren's smile.

Vi stepped from the boat onto the sand and took Arianna's hand. Her smile faded and her eyebrow raised as she looked from his hand to his face.

"I do not believe I have enjoyed the pleasure of your company yet, Enchantress." Violet oozed good manners.

Arianna blew a stray strand of hair from her face and pulled her hand free from his quite rudely. "You have, Mr. Petals. 'Twas just this morning, when you entered our camp uninvited with evil intent. My mother may have forgotten that fact, but I have not." She tossed her head, damning her braid, which lessened the effect she strove for.

Miffed, Arianna turned to Derek, seeing the arm he offered.

"Shall we?" Derek asked pointedly.

"Yes, please." Arianna huffed haughtily, as she slipped her hand through his arm with one last glare in Vi's direction.

Derek sent the pirate a humorous grin as he lead his betrothed away.

Vi closed his gaping mouth. Having never met a woman whom he could not charm, he vowed to now annoy her every chance he was given. Feeling the weight of the Spaniard's gaze, Vi turned his inquiring eyes that way.

"I would not test that one, were I you." Alejandro smiled a bit evilly, as he began to move past the pirate in his captain's wake, "She may be a bit high in the instep. However, she has no aversion to killing pirates."

The Duke's Daughter -Wattys2014 Collector's Dream Award Winner-Where stories live. Discover now