Chapter Forty

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Carmelita's mind spun as she made her way to the American's room. She paused, leaning back against the wall in the corridor, she inhaled deeply to slow her rapid breathing and fluttering heartbeat. Alejandro was alive! She had sat with Lady Kent for the better part of an hour, sharing the Lady's glass of wine, as Lady Kent had recounted her experiences with Alejandro and a Lord Trent. She had spoken of his humor and easy wit, which had brought a smile to Carmelita's face. She had also spoken of a dark sadness that would haunt his features at times. Tears had flowed abundantly from Carmelita for the first time in many years, for she knew that sadness. She felt it every time she allowed her mind to think of her long lost love. She felt it every time her son sent her his cheeky smile, so much like his father's.

She felt a new determination seep through every one of her bones. She straightened from the wall, and felt that determination surge through her body. If her husband lived, then nothing would stop her from finding him. But... how would she get her son and herself off of this island?

She glanced around and realized she stood before the American's door. She did not want to knock upon it. Every last fiber in her being rebelled against it. And yet she watched, as her hand lifted, tapping upon the panel. The beating she would receive, if she failed to spend less than an hour in the man's rooms, would be far worse than anything this man could do to her in that time.

The door pulled open and Thomas Bell peered around it until he saw her. He looked as if he had been asleep. A single candle burned upon the table behind him, a stack of papers was strewn liberally across the desk.

"Come in." He held the door wide, stepping to the side. Carmelita moved into the room past him. She stopped and turned, standing in the center of the room with her hands folded before her, her head bowed.

"Is there anything you might require to make your stay more comfortable, sir?"

"Aye, there is." Thomas looked upon her kindly, and there was a gentleness in his voice. "I understand you are a slave. I ask for nothing you do not wish to give of your own free will. I want not the physical attention your... employer.. intended for you to supply. I do, however, need some information someone in your position should easily be able to give me."

She felt relief flood through her, and maybe... was it hope? Did she dare to. .. Unfortunately, the tears returned with it. Carmelita closed her eyes tight, drawing in a heavy breath, before she dropping her hands to her sides and lifting her eyes to meet his.

"I must stay at least an hour to avoid punishment, sir. I would be happy to answer some of your questions in that time." Carmelita agreed.

A smile broke Thomas' face. "Great! Would you like a glass of wine? Perhaps we could sit by the fire." Thomas had not expected her to agree so easily. He poured two glasses of wine and handed one to her. He then retrieved the bottle, the bucket of ice it sat in, and moved to the two large armchairs that were separated by a low table before the hearth. He looked over his shoulder to find her following, though she remained a safe distance. Ah, he thought, she is weighing the consequences of her decision now.


Arianna wiped the last of the tears from her eyes. It had been an emotional last hour, she could only imagine how Carmelita felt. Despite the fact that she had been ordered to her room and bed, she was quite happy she had had the time to identify Carmelita. She really needed to speak with Thomas! There was no way she was leaving this island without Carmelita, her son Roman, and any others they could safely get away. She would not be able to face Alejandro, or herself for that matter, if she could not save them. She needed to explore the house, find a way out. At least, she needed to familiarize herself with the complete interior.

With this goal in mind, she picked up the candle that sat on the table next to her. She peeked into the bedchamber to see Christina, the slave left to her for the night, asleep in a chair. She quietly closed the door and moved to the hallway door across the room. She tested the handle, to find that Carmelita had not locked it. She quietly slipped from the room.

Arianna turned the corner and found herself before the stairs. Where should she go? Carmelita's voice from earlier that day rang through her mind. This floor is not accessible. Why was the third floor forbidden?

Arianna realized, as she reached the landing and turned the bend, that she was seriously risking her welfare to satisfy a curiosity, but she did not feel as if she was in control of her body. It felt as if.. It felt as if... a shooting pain went through her head and Arianna saw white. She felt the candle she held fall from her hand and prayed that there would be no fire. The floating sensation she had felt in the carriage returned and she felt her fears slip away. Laughter bubbled in her throat and happiness flooded her being.

"Arianna are you listening?" Her mother's voice asked, a small laugh infused the gentle words. Arianna looked up into her mother's smiling face.

"Yes, Mama. I love when you read to me."

Her mother smiled and pressed a kiss to her nose, "And I love to read to you, my sweet girl. Shall we finish the story, or are you ready to retire, my dear?"

"Please finish the story, Mama. The ending is the best part."

A knocking sound filled the room. "Yes?" Her mother called out.

A servant opened the door, "Your Grace, there is a Mister..." The servant smiled at Arianna, "You have a visitor, Your Grace."

"Darling, why don't you take the story up to your room and I will be up shortly to finish it."

"But Mama... "

"Arianna, do as I tell you."

"Yes, Mama." She stood from her perch and the white filtered into her vision again. She found herself slouched against the wall on the stair landing once more. What were these visions? Memories? Why was she remembering them now?

Her hand shook as she retrieved the extinguished candle from the floor. Arianna decided that exploring would have to wait until the following day. She turned up the stairs and made her way back to her chambers. She slipped inside the anteroom quietly and closed the door.

"There you are, my dear. May I ask what took you from your rooms at so late an hour?"

Arianna's heart leapt into her chest at the sound of Bailey's voice behind her, she spun around to meet his gaze with a hand at her throat.

He smirked at her from his position in the armchair. "I did not mean to startle you, my girl. Is anything amiss?"

"Nay," Arianna found her voice, "I heard something outside the door and was curious. It must simply have been you and I must have missed you on the stairs."

"Hmm.." He sat forward and retrieved the bottle of wine and empty glass that sat on the table next to him. "Come sit, my dear. I thought we might discuss our upcoming nuptials."

Arianna retrieved the glass of wine from him and took the opposite armchair.

"I understand your reservations about our marriage, my dear. 'Tis only natural that you should feel that way since we are virtual strangers, but I feel a few rules and conditions might put you at ease."

"And those would be?"

"Our marriage does not have to be much more than a legal binding contract. We shall only live as man and wife until we produce an heir. Once you give birth to a son, you may be free to go about your own life, provided that you practice discretion."

Arianna did not know how to respond to that. Was he saying he would allow her to leave him once he gained possession of the island?

"I plan to make my home on Isla de Cabellete after an initial trip to England, my marriage to you and your breeding state should be enough to have the king lift the treason papers that sit over my head. After our heir is born, you my dear, may reside wherever you please. Half of the income Isla de Cabellete produces will be yours, of course, and I shall send you a monthly dividend of fifty percent of the profits."

Arianna highly doubted that the king would be so lenient, but she decided to hold that thought in reserve.

"Sir, I apologize but I can not agree to those terms. When I marry, I hope to have a true marriage, full of love and joy. The life you describe sounds so lonely."

"Then if a true marriage is what you desire, we may have that. I would have no aversion to having your delectable body in my bed every night." Bailey's eyes were upon her chest, and the inward curve of her waist, and he missed the shudder that shook her.

"I am sorry, sir, but I do not wish to have you as a husband."

Bailey's eyes lifted to hers, an angry fire in his eyes danced in time with the twitching muscle in his cheek. "You will marry me, my dear. And you will have my son if I have to keep you bound and gagged the entire time. But if you make me do that, Arianna, you will not live past the birth of your child. I can easily kill you and take sole possession of the island. I am trying to be fair here, however, as it is not you personally who stole my birthright. Be careful that you do not make me forget that, my dear."

He drained the glass of wine he held and stood from the chair. "We can discuss this further upon the morrow. I suggest that you resign yourself to this marriage and are more agreeable the next time we talk. Good night, my dear."

With that he turned and left her chambers, slamming the door behind him.

The Duke's Daughter -Wattys2014 Collector's Dream Award Winner-Where stories live. Discover now