Chapter Seventy Nine

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Alejandro tried to relax. He was physically comfortable, he had his family right here with him, all was at peace with the world this evening. Yet, inside him something burned. It was a feeling he could not shake, try as he might.

Thinking he may help to dispel the feeling with activity, he again picked up his lute, when Roman set his down, Alejandro began by playing the emotion filled gypsy tune he had played long ago, after rescuing a certain siren. His unease was tangible in the song to his own ears, but it seemed neither Carmelita nor Roman could hear it.

Mickey called out to Roman, asking him if he could show them how to play a simple tune, Roman looked to his mother, who nodded her assent. He scampered off to join the boys on the main deck, then they moved off to the stern of the ship to put some distance between the two instruments.

Carmelita rose up from the ropes, bent over to kiss her husband's brow, then moved in front of him. She began to sway to the music. Alejandro tried very hard to focus on the song he was playing while his wife's curves stretched and swayed before him, and for a few minutes, his trepidation seemed to fade into the back of his mind.


Arianna heard the first chord and smiled as a cat eyeing a canary. Oh yes, she thought, this could be good.
She stretched in Derek's arms, loosing his hold on her for the fraction of a second it took her to shimmy up from their reclining position. She now rested her hands on the cushion Derek sat upon, on either side of his thighs. She pressed a kiss to his lips and let the music pull her away from him. She moved about the room, swaying her hips, blowing out candles. She left a pitiful few burning.

Derek tossed the cheroot out the window and turned fully towards his swaying siren. Expectantly patient, he watched and waited to see what she would do with this opportunity, as his eyes adjusted to the light.

She did not disappoint. She began moving towards him as she took down her hair. When she was directly in front of him she turned, lifting her hair, she stood between his thighs so he could loosen her laces. She swayed her hips and still moved her body to the strains of the song.

Derek swallowed, as his throat was suddenly dry, and he took the ribbons into his hands, gently pulling the ends loose for her.

She danced away as she let the dress fall to the floor. Then she let the music have her, she danced for her husband in her chemise and stockings as he grinned, shaking his head. He just knew, at this moment, he was indeed the happiest man on earth. He owed his father many thanks for the betrothal when he saw him next. Derek sat forward, his elbows upon his knees, enraptured by the beauty dancing before him. He could feel the passion radiating from her, he knew how very passionate she was now, after a month they still could not look at each other without both thinking of the last lovemaking they had shared.

He felt such love for her well up in him as the song wound down to it's beautiful finish. He rose immediately, going to her and picking her up in his arms, carrying her to their bunk and laying her softly down. He looked at her as he leaned over her, she was panting a little from the dance and he could see the pulse in her neck throbbing to her heartbeat. He leaned down and kissed the spot, and started to withdraw when she grabbed him around the neck and kissed him until he also was short of breath.


Carmelita had a feeling that something was bothering her husband. He had been an attentive lover after her dance, picking her up and carrying her off to their cabin to take her with a sweet, slow tenderness that brought tears to her eyes. He then fell asleep on his stomach next to her as she waited to hear Roman come down to his adjoining room and go to sleep.

Alejandro tossed and turned, mumbling and murmuring, sometimes even jerking and crying out in his sleep. She had soothed and calmed him, rubbing her hand softly, and slowly, up and down his back. He was resting calmly for the present but she now could not sleep. She moved over to the window seat and sat down, drawing aside the drapes as she turned on the wide cushion. She sat with her back to the room, her knees drawn up, arms around her legs. She rested her cheek on her knee and watched how pretty the twinkling lights were on the Kathleen, which had swung away from the Lady a short distance.

Carmelita pushed the window open, wanting to feel the cool air across her face, when she heard laughter tinkling on the breeze, coming from the Kathleen.

Of a sudden, she saw the duchess throw off a blanket as she ran completely naked, right over the rail into the sea. Carmelita threw a hand over her mouth and her eyes were wide as saucers as she searched the water, waiting for Kathleen to surface.

She did, sputtering and laughing as Carmelita then saw the Duke, in his shorts alone, at the rail above his lady love.

"You won't escape me that easily, you minx!" Carmelita heard him say, as he dropped over the side himself.

He surfaced next to Kathleen, bellowing at the coldness, as she shrieked and tried to swim away from him. Carmelita grinned, as the Duke pulled his Duchess by the foot until he had her in his arms. As they kissed, Carmelita closed the drapes, leaving the window open. hoping to catch the fresh air she needed to cool her burning cheeks after that display.

Alejandro was still resting quietly, so she lay down next to him, a smile wreathing her face, while still slightly shocked at the antics of the nobles.


Arianna swept the drapes closed as soon as she saw her mother's naked bum. She clamped a hand over her mouth so she would not laugh and wake Derek.

Oh my, but this was too much! She grinned, as she realized her earlier worries for her parent's relationship were for naught. Shaking her head and smothering another giggle, Arianna turned back to the bunk and climbed over her husband to suppress the giggles when they threatened, and to attempt to finally catch some much needed sleep.


The sun rose over the Isles of Scilly to ascend into an overcast sky. Alejandro noticed the foul weather as he stepped onto deck, wondering if that was the reason for his unease the previous day. His unease had not abated, but it had increased by tenfold when he awakened this morning. He knew the English Channel could be treacherous in a storm, but it seemed his worry extended beyond that.

Alejandro made his way to the helm to assist his captain so that Derek might hurry the crew along and get them underway. A glance over the starboard rail proved the Kathleen was already catching the wind in her sails and making headway towards the channel.

"Your coffee, sir."

Alejandro glanced down to see Mickey holding a mug for him. Just the sight of the black liquid caused Alejandro's stomach to churn.

"None for me today, boy."

Mickey's brow knit in a confused frown. He had never known the first mate to turn down coffee in the morning.

As Mickey moved off, Alejandro gave the order for the sails to be opened to catch the slight northern breeze. The crew obeyed instantly, a few of the men sending startled glances at their first mate's impatient tone.

Slowly, but surely, the wind filled the sails and the Lady began to make her way into the channel. Derek reappeared at Alejandro's side, startling the Spaniard.

With a cocked brow Derek studied his normally observant first mate.

"What worries you, brother? Mickey is horribly upset because you refused your coffee."

Alejandro inhaled a heavy breath and met his captain's stare.

"I know not, but I have been sick with worry since yesterday. England seems to be sending my gypsy soul a warning."
Derek chuckled, "What is there to fear from England, my friend? Overdressed dandies and ladies with too much self importance are the worst we will meet. Unless my father has learned of our return, I see no possible hitch in our plans."

Alejandro took a moment to study his captain. Derek seemed entirely carefree.

"I pray that you are right, Captain."


Arianna awoke late in the morning with the memory of her husband's attentions the previous night tinting her cheeks an attractive pink. She loved how he called her his Countess during their lovemaking. It made her feel wicked and desirable, for a lady with such a title was surely not supposed to behave as she did in her husband's arms. A laugh passed her lips as she remembered her parent's play the night before. She supposed if a Duke and Duchess could behave in such a way, then her own behavior in the privacy of her chambers was not so shocking. Stretching beneath the furs upon the bunk, Arianna wondered how far into the channel they had traveled. Were they perhaps off shore of Southampton, or perhaps Portsmouth? Had they reached as far as Brighton or Dover?

Wrapping a fur around herself, Arianna rose and moved to the glass to see for herself, realizing that the sun would not answer her question hidden as it was behind the heavy clouds overhead. She turned her gaze to study the land but nothing recognizable answered her either.

"Are you enjoying the view, my dear."

Arianna started as she heard her husband's voice behind her. She turned to see him leaning back against the closed cabin door.

"Aye, though I believe you are as well."
His eyes heated as they roamed over her naked shoulders and the fur that clung to her curves.

"Very much so, my love."

Arianna stood from her perch and stepped towards him, planting a kiss upon his lips. Derek, unsatisfied with the chaste touching of lips, pulled his wife closer to take her mouth with his own. Her lips parted on a sigh as her arms left the fur to wrap about his neck.

The forgotten fur fell to the floor about her feet leaving her bare in her husband's embrace. Derek did not waste the opportunity to run his hands along his wife's exposed skin. He traced her shoulders and her spine with his fingertips as he deepened the kiss further still. He ran his hands along her rib cage and cupped her bare breasts before he pulled back to look into her desire filled eyes.

"Would you like to know how our journey is progressing?" He asked with a mocking smile.

"Later." Arianna replied as she pushed him towards the bunk and then back upon it. Derek's grin was testimony to his joy as he surrendered himself to his wife's attentions.


"You made me forget why I came down here in the first place." Derek told Arianna, as he put on his boots for the second time that day. Not that he minded, by any stretch of the imagination. He was pleased she wanted him so, also he was pleased they had found a few moments before entering the channel, when he would have no time for such pleasures. Even disembarking, and all that entailed, would keep him too busy to give her the attention he would have liked to. He would have to arrange another honeymoon very soon, as even though he had just been with her, he wanted her anew already. It did not help matters any that she was behind a screen in the corner availing herself of a rose scented bath.

"And that was?" She smiled coyly at him as she came around the screen wrapped in a towel. She dried and pulled on her breeches and shirt, glad that her husband could be affected by her so quickly, and completely, that he forgot things. It let her know where she was on his list of priorities, and she liked where she was on that list.

"Your father sent a message this morning before they set sail, they will be going on ahead, hoping to find your brother at home. They asked that we meet them there." He stood and approached her, as she rose to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him.

"I only hope he is, and wish I could be there for their reunion." She stated, as she kissed the pulse in his neck.

The Duke's Daughter -Wattys2014 Collector's Dream Award Winner-Where stories live. Discover now