Words from the writer

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House of memories

01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50

Hi! So as you may know, I am a French writer. This book is pretty much a challenge from my father to improve my level in another language.

Amnesiac Swimmer is a book where two languages are used. The first one being English because of where the story takes place but sometimes I added some French sentences. The prologue is in the main character's native language. You can skip it if you want or take it as an exercise to try and understand French.

Why would I be the only one to learn?

I'm joking, of course, don't force yourself. Maybe, I'll translate it one day...

I'm learning so I might do many grammatical errors or even in how books are supposed to be written. Please feel free to correct me but always be careful with how you put it.

Anyway, this book also contain a playlist with a music for each chapter. So yeah, feel free to listen so you can enter the character's realms. ( If you have music to propose, tell me we never know )

I don't think I have anything to add so I will let you progress to the next chapter.

Enjoy ~✨

– The writer

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