Chapter 34: Marie Miller

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-You Set My World On Fire- 

 02:43 ━━━━───●── 03:22

"You'd have to hand me back this assignment next week, this should be the last one of the year."

There's only one month left of school. This year was chaotic mostly because of me I must say. I know, I'm far from reuniting with my past life but I'm not as excited as before. It can wait. I have all my years before me, right? For now, I should listen to Miss Denis's class. I might not have her next year and I doubt the next teacher would be as sweet as her. I will miss being called dear. To think I hated this pet name at the start of the year, I still do but not from her. It's like 'sweetie', only Silver's mom can call me that. It would be weird from someone else's mouth anyway. It was already weird when I called Lindsey like that. 

After last week's conversation with Carl, our relationship has been getting better. I told Silver, of course, but not to the other. They don't need to know. Now, I let Silver join me some morning. I can invite him and still call the time 'a moment for myself'. It's lovely -even with M.Evans's whistle behind us-. 

Becka gently hit my arm to get my attention. I look at her -as always she has a lollipop- and she discreetly hands me a paper folded in four. Since when do we communicate by small paper? In what world? Usually -if we can't talk- we text each other...most of our phone's conversation are during class, actually. She notices my confused look and takes out her phone... oh now we're gonna talk this way?

[Becka 🍭: 

It's from Silver 👀]

I nod, makes a little more sense but still. He texts me if he wants to say something. Rebecca concentrates on the board -as much this word means something to her- and I unfold the paper, being careful so Miss Denis doesn't see me. Is this a joke? It's indeed Silver's handwriting -I can see it by how he did the 't'-  but the message is in French...?


Are you sure it's from Silver?]

We exchange looks. What? Let me doubt! 

[Becka 🍭:

I am, just look at him scanning me to be sure I gave his paper!]

She's right. But the message is in French and I don't think he learned my language. Does he even know what it means? Carl is right next to him, he might have asked him. Or is he asking for a translation? Maybe that's it.  I don't want to get any wrong ideas. Wait...he's sitting next to Carl...did he ...did he tell him?! I take a new paper and write:

«Do you know what it means or do you ask me? »

I give the paper to Rebecca so she passes it to the next person. It's strange. The more I read the paper the more I'm feeling overwhelmed and unsure. I've never encountered such a situation. Are there enough movies and documentaries about this? I...I know I'm sure of what I'm feeling's...Arg! Becka hands me the paper and I unfold it. 

« Je t'aime means I love you, right? »

Alright, now I know. I am leaving.

" Miss, can I go to the nurse, please?" I say as I raise my hand. 

Everybody looks at me because I interrupted the teacher. I even startled Rebecca which is not easy to do. Miss Denis looks at me surprised. She takes a few seconds before she says:

"Dear, your face is really red- I mean, yes you can go to the nurse's office."

I thank her, take my phone -the paper- and leave the class. I need peace, alone. I need 'a moment for myself'. I cross the school and pass in front several classrooms before finally arriving outside. I walk behind the gymnasium and sit against the wall. 

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