Chapter 2: "Marie"

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-No friend-

01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50

"Today class, we welcome a new student: please present yourself dear."

Did she just call me dear? I'm confused and highly uncomfortable right now. But I still have to enter this class. I hear my future classmates' whispers as I step into the room. Of course, I knew it: I'll be the center of most discussions for at least a few days. I stand next to the teacher and observe the class.

My eyes stop on a boy. Seriously? Is this like a joke from life? Silver Henderson is here at the back of the class. I mean is he here because he seems to be sleeping at the moment? Not sure he heard the teacher talking about me.

"Can you present yourself?"

"Sorry, hello everyone. My name's 'Marie' and that's all you need to know from me."

Whispers again. It's not like I'm going to make friends with any of those people. The teacher sighs and looks at the class. She smiles when her eyes pose on a girl in the back; opposite Silver sits.

"You're going to sit next to Miss Petterson. Rebecca raises your hand, dear."

The said Rebecca raised her hand without looking at us. I walk to the girl and sit next to her. The girl looks at me with a lollipop in her mouth. Is she going to say something? Or is she judging me to know if I'm good enough to sit next to her? Ugh whatever, not like I care anyway. I take my things out of my bag and when I turn around I see the girl looking at me.

"Is something the matter?" I ask pissed.

"You're clearly not from Atlanta, how did you end up here?"

"I'm life's little bitch."

She smiles and hands me a lollipop.

"It's orange."

I take it, open it, and put it in my mouth.

"What about you? You don't look so happy to be here."

"Meh you know, I'm probably life's little bitch too."

She winks at me and gets her attention back to the board. She's okay, I guess. It could be worse. Our teacher Miss Denis is an English teacher and I already don't like her. It's not because she called me "Dear" two times in less than five minutes but mostly because there's a real difference in how she treats the one she likes and the one she doesn't. I see a pattern, she likes the stereotype "good A's students."

"Silver Henderson! Wake up! No sleeping during my class!"

I'm pretty sure, the child isn't one of them. But the real question is: Is Rebecca one of them? Miss Denis called her "dear" like the other A's but she's very different from them. She's probably smart and the teacher knows it. Anyway, I won't be called "dear" for long, she'll lose interest quickly. Good to know. As the morning passed, I remember how boring life is. After English, we got science and by chance, Rebecca had the same so I just followed her. She spent the whole class on her phone with a lollipop and I spent mine sleeping.

Finally, the bell announcing lunch résonnates. I stand up but Rebecca poses her hand on mine. I look at her.

"What is it?"

"One of my friends wants to meet you, do you want to eat lunch with my group of friends?"

I grimace and step back.

"Nah, sorry Rebecca."

"Are you sure? You could make friends, apparently, it's better for the integration process."

"Maybe, but I'm life's little bitch so I'm not here to make friends. See you."

I leave without letting her have the time to respond. I get out of the building and try to find a place where peace is the only option. After some minutes, I finally find a spot behind the gymnast. My spot for the rest of the time I'll spend here. I sit in the grass and take a sandwich out of my bag. James made it for me and it's really good. It has tomato, salad, and tuna. A really good sandwich, this is what it is. After I finish eating I start a nap. Not a good idea, I must say maybe I won't wake up in time but I don't care.

Unfortunately, I woke up five minutes before the bell rang so I'm able to reach my math class. Rebecca is not here so I just sit in the back. Silver is not here too. Some other students aren't there, am I missing something? No, the teacher is here, he even came to talk to me. After some time I understand what was going on: it was maths so most people skip. My thoughts are verified when every missing student enters the room for the next class. Rebecca sits next to me with a "hello" and gets her attention back on her phone.

I head to James's classroom to wait for him when the class ends. But he never came. The classroom is empty now and he wasn't in it. I sigh and walk the corridor to find his best friend. He's the only one who knows about me. I mean he was the only one because now Silver knows.

After some minutes, I finally find him. Black and blue hair, you can't miss him. He's with Rebecca, Silver, and two other people. Ugh, do I have to go and interrupt him now? Yes or James will come back here and he's tired enough, I didn't want to have an accident. As I approach, I'm able to hear what they are saying.

"Are you sure he's okay Max?"

"Lucie, have I ever lied to you?"

Everyone held back from laughing. Max notices it and laughs embarrassed.

"No, that's not what I meant. Have I ever lied to you about James?"

"Right, good point but I'm still worried-"

"Max," I say.

Everyone's attention is now on me. Wonderful.

"Demonia! You're in this school, too?"

"Silver, she's the new student. Are you stupid or something?"Says Rebecca.

Rebecca knew Silver but he didn't know I was here. So he isn't the one who asked her to meet me. So it could be the blond guy or the girl named Lucie. Max and James are both in the swimming club, and so is Silver. Maybe they are all in. After calming my two classmates, Max reported his attention to me.

"He forgot about me."

"Alright, I'm bringing you home."

He turned to his friends and waved a little.

"See you guys later."

"Later, Max," they respond.

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