Chapter 38: Marie Miller

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-Night change

 01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50

Today is the last day of school. And also the last training before summer and the training camp. Which, I might not go to because I have to meet my family and "her". I don't have any news about the drawing or if they found something but Doctor Vidal wants us to meet this summer. I still have no names and it's been a while since I had a memory appearing during my sleep. Almost as if there was nothing more to remember. I talked about it to Doctor Myers and Doctor Vidal and they both said that it might be normal. Apparently it's just a phase. They might come back when I go back to France and meet my past relatives.

Anyway, today we're not at the pool to train but at a festival...yes. The coach said that it's to make the team spirit stronger. Then he laughed and told us to have fun because it won't happen often. So, today, right after school, we went to the festival with the group. James brough Lucie, it's probably time to introduce her to the coach and Liam brough Carl. So our group of eight arrived at the festival a little late because it's hard to park a car. The coach didn't wait for us. He did text us to have fun.

"We should split up," proposes James.

" Yeah, I agree! Carl, come with me," screams Liam.

He takes him by the wrist and runs before disappearing in the crowd.

"Keep an eye on your phone-! And they disappeared...,"sighs James.

Behind him, Lucie laughs along with Max. I look at Silver, and he looks at me, should we get going too? James turns to us and they stop laughing.

"All of your phones are charged?"

We nod. Rebecca is lying, her phone died during the last class but I guess it's fine because she'll go with Max. James smiles and takes Lucie's hand.

"Watch your phone, alright? So you are aware of what's happening," he says. "Let's go, Lucie, I saw something interesting over there."

And they leave. We look at each other, as if our parents didn't just abandon us. Yes, we look lost. I take Silver's hand.

"See you later, guys," I say.

I wave at them as we walk away. Silver guides us in the crowd to the first stand. There's a man giving away tickets.

"It's a tombola, you take a ticket and if you're lucky, you'll get a prize," explains Silver. "It doesn't hurt to buy one, what do you think?"

"Sure,"I laugh.

We walk to the man and hand him two dollars for two tickets. It's a loss for both of us. Silver looks at me when the man hands us the box of consolation lots. I spot two keychains with stars and moon, in a blue theme. I take one and Silver takes the other one. The seller smiles at us.

"What a lovely couple," he says. "Go enjoy the festival before the fireworks start, kids."

"The fireworks?"

I didn't know and Silver doesn't seem to know either. The man laughs as he hands a ticket to someone else.

"Yeah, it's a little firework to celebrate the start of summer. Usually that's why people come, before leaving for vacation."

"Oh, right, from where should we watch it? Do you have any good spots?" I ask.

"Ahah, nice try young lady but I won't give you my secret place."

He laughs and pushes us away from the stand.

"Go and have fun!"

He waves at us and reports his attention on other clients. Silver and I look at each other and laugh. This was kind and strange. He proposes we warn the other about the fireworks and I accept.

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