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My headphones blasted with music as I pulled my red socks up my calf. My feet slipped into my cleats, one by one, and I tied them up. I then hopped off the bench and jumped, warming up my legs as I made my way to the bathroom of the locker room. There, I was met with my other teammates, dressed in all red as they did their makeup in the mirror. They stuck gems to their faces and drew hearts on their cheeks with face paint, causing me to laugh a little.

They all turned around the look at me, and I pushed one of the sides of my headphones behind my ear. Normally that sort of reaction would make my anxiety spike, but I had this new sense of confidence, allowing me to rest my hands on my hips and shake my head.

"You guys are ridiculous," I laughed, walking over to one of the sinks.

"Oh, c'mon, Y/n. Let me do your face! Please!!" one of the girls begged. Some of the other girls chimed in, wanting desperately to 'glam' me up. 

I let out a sigh anded pinch the top of my nose, weighing my options. "Ok, fine!" The girls cheered, but I quickly added, "but no sparkles or any of that girly shit!" They laughed at my demands and shook their heads, as one girl grabbed my arms, forcing me to sit on one of the benches.

I sat on the bench, awkwardly, as a pile of girls huddled around me, ordering each other around on what they should do. "Can we draw on your arms and legs?" one girl asked, and I shrugged my shoulders, not really caring. I felt sticks of red paint slide under my eyes and on my limbs, and I laughed at the amount of people getting involved. 

"I don't know what to put on her arm," one of the girls whined.

"A heart." 

I rolled my eyes at that, and they noticed laughing at me. I shook my head, but quickly lifted my head as I thought of an idea.

"How about an A?" I suggested. The girls gave me a weird look, not understanding the idea. But I shook my head, "like the Scarlett Letter??" I watched as their eyes widened, before jumping at the idea. "OH MY GOD THAT'S PERFECT!" 

I let out another laugh, as they went back to drawing. I smiled as I looked down at my shoulder, scanning the giant, red 'A' that boldly stuck out.


When the girls were finally finished with whatever they put on me, I got up and walked to the bathroom mirror, being sure to keep my eyes down. I know we're all girls in here, and they didn't mind getting changed in front of each other, but I still tried to give them privacy. The last thing I wanted was for someone to think I was a creeper just because I happen to like women. 

I looked into the bathroom mirror, and I won't lie, I actually really liked what they did. For a moment, I was afraid they were going to make me look super girly like they did with their own makeup, but I was actually pretty pleased with what I saw. Red paint was smeared under my eyes as if it was dripping down my cheeks. Red hand prints went down my legs, chants written across my arms, but my favorite definitely had to be the red 'A' on my shoulder. I smiled in the mirror, proud of what it represented to me. It was nice that everyone else bought the excuse for it, and they actually loved the idea, but it was special knowing what it meant to me. I could only hope that the person watching me tonight would notice.

We all met up outside the locker room doors in huddle, planning out who was starting the game. I, personally, didn't have much input in who was doing what and when, but I was once again surprised when my name came up pretty early.

"Y/n, we will have you as a starter as wide-receiver."

My eyebrows raised, my eyes widening at the thought. Nobody really noticed, as they casually went on with the plays they wanted to start with, but for the first time, I was actually starting to get a little nervous about this. I hated when nerves kicked in because I knew what I was doing, and I was fine during practices, but when anxiety kicks in, it's like I forget everything.

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