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Trigger Warning: Violence

The bus pulled up to my stop and I instantly noticed the truck in my driveway..

Shit. He's back already? 

I hesitantly stepped out of the bus, slowly making my way to the front porch and peering through the window. Carla was here.

This can't be good, he never comes home early if he has the choice. My breaths became heavy while my heart began to race. Fear creeping into my skin, causing me to shiver. I wanted to run, I wanted to hide. I reached my hand forward to the door, dreading what was waiting for me on the other side. But before I could grab the door knob, the door opened for me. I looked up to lock eyes with Carla, her dark brown eyes piercing through me. She stood with her arms crossed, shaking her head as she looked me up and down. After a second, I saw my father peering over her shoulder, now looking at me as well.

"Where the hell have you been?" he demanded, folding his arms to match Carla. My mind raced. I was unprepared with an excuse for my detention, I wasn't expecting to see him until tomorrow. I had nothing. "I-I.." I muttered. He shook his head at me. He looked pissed. There had to be something else going on.

I gently pushed my way through the door and set my bag down by the kitchen table. My dad and his demonic girlfriend waited a moment at the door, mumbling something to each other, before following me into the kitchen. I took a seat at the far end of the table, pulling out my notebook and trying to look busy. I listened to my fathers heavy foot steps come toward me, before he dropped an arm on the table and swept all of my things to the floor. I gulped, slowly moving my eyes up. He leaned his hands on the table, burning holes into me with his eyes.

"I'm going to ask you something, and I want the truth," he hissed through his teeth. "Who the hell have you been talking to about me and my home?" I sat there, frozen. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't even breathe. "I-.. nobody" I uttered. He lifted his hands and slammed them on the table, causing a loud bang! to echo through the house. 

"DON'T LIE TO ME, Y/N! WHO HAVE YOU TOLD?!" he shouted. I flinched in my seat, feeling the blood rush to my face. I kept my eyes on the ground, afraid to raise them. 

"Bob, it was probably Jared," Carla spoke up with an unamused tone. "I mean, he is the one that's gone."

My head shot up at the statement, panic flowing through my body. "W-what do you mean gone?"I asked as my body started to shake. My dad's head shook, his hands still leaning on the table. "He's with your mother now. Judge decided to split custody. She has him, and we have you," she spoke up again. My eyes widened and I shook my head. This couldn't be happening, Jared was all that I had. He was the reason I'd get up every morning. The reason I try so hard to keep myself together. Jared kept me fighting. I'm not here for me, I'm here for him. And now, I'm alone. 

Part of me was happy for him, knowing that he was in a safer place. But I was filled with dread, knowing what was left here for me. I was now the only target. So be it.

"I ask one thing from you guys. One thing. What happens in this house, stays in this house. You don't need to go bitching to your friends about what goes on in MY HOUSE. Suck it up, this is how the real world works," my father said, in an uncomfortably calm tone now.

"Dad, I didn't tell anyone," I pleaded. He glared at me, "then why the hell did we have a meeting with fucking CPS 2 hours ago?!" he asked, going back to his angry tone. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"

"I was at school! I swear to god, dad! I was just helping my friend with their homework!" I panicked, putting my hands up in defense.

"BULLSHIT!" he grabbed me by my collar and threw his hand back before slamming his fist to my nose. My head flew backwards and my eyes watered. Before I could fully lifted my head again, he through another to my left cheek, this time pushing me out of my chair. I landed on my back, rolling to my side. He stomped his way over and kicked me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of my lungs, followed by another kick to my bruised ribs. I rolled on the ground gasping for air.

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