Medical opinion

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I don't know what to say or do. Fuck this is not how I wanted this too go. But all I want is for this too go the right way. I love her and I really want this. She gave skating up already so why can't she just do it.

Fuck am I an ass? I don't know. I don't know what too do. I understand that I went out of line. But I don't know. I don't know.

He walks through the door again and sits down opposite of me on the floor.

"I'm sorry okay, I love you more than anything. I understand that what I'm asking if you is impossible. I know that this wouldn't effect my career at all, especially not compared to yours. I just, I really want this" he says

"I do too, but not now. There's a reason I'm on birth control. This is not supposed to happen. I just need too so this for at least two me more year. I need too know that I can do this on my own." This career I've had wasn't been mine, it's been Hendersons and I need to get the chance to prove too myself that I can do it.

"I understand that. Let's just make a plan. Let's take that fantasy of ours and make a real life plan. It doesn't mean that we need to do exactly that but it's a start. " he says with a small smile and furrowed brows.


"Do you have a team to go back too?" He looks at me.

"Yea I do, I can skate for the national team but I want to do it solo. No more Olympics just regionals and nationals. And maybe some international competition. But not more than that. I just need to know" he nods.

"And after that?" He looks at me.

"We can start a family. But I need too know that you'll be there, that I'm not raising a child alone Noah. I need too know that no matter what you'll show up. And until then we're not having a child. Not just for me but for the child."

"I know. Let's say two years? We will see where we are in two years. You'll be 23 and I'll be 28. I could retire than but I just also need too accomplish some things." Okay well that's a start.

"Okay so, at least 2 years if things doesn't change and we do it now or later. And maybe we could move out too the countryside with our farm house?" I say with a big smile.

"A think raising a child at a farm house is very beneficial" he smiles back.

"I don't like this, fighting. Why are we fighting Noah, it's all the time. Are we scared? Of what's coming. Or what's going on?" If we're gonna do this then we need too communicate.

"I think we're both just new too this. It's okay to fight and get angry. Some things are harder too get through than others. I love you and I plan on getting through it all with you Angel"

"I love you Noah"

"I love you Angel"

Two days later:
"Hi miss black. Before I can sign off on the abortion I need too just check some things" how come a lot of male doctors work OBYGN and stuff like that. I don't mind at all. But how do you as a man come too the realization that that's what you want too do?


"Are you going to be getting the exam and procedure done alone?" I nod

"Okay then, let's get started. There's a few questions that I need too ask before we start" once again I nod

"What do you do for work?"

"I run different company's and then I'm also a competitive figure skater" he looks up.

"Oh, then I have too run one more test"


"Uhm well, most female figure skaters and ballerinas have too little body fat too be able too carry through a pregnancy. And for the females who have been in the sport from 5 years old until 35 they might never be able too get pregnant and keep the baby. The sport needs you to have under an unhealthy amount of body fat percentage and your body goes into survival mode. And if you are in that state for too long it never recovers."

That hit me like a brick wall. I've never actually thought about that. Oh god.

"Is there a chance that I can't have children already?" I'm panicking on the inside.

"That's what I need too check, but at your age I doubt that all your chances are gone"

"Is there a way I can prevent that from happening"

"Not if you don't want too quit, then I'm sorry but that's one of those sports where it's either family or career in most cases. I'm really sorry to say that but we do the test and check, maybe you don't fall under that competitive category so you have too worry"

That competitive category? I'm the competitive category. How the fuck do I not know this?
How the fuck do I tell this too Noah, how do I make sure our plan works.
I was the one too say communication is key but I have no idea how too communicate this!

He comes back with the result.

"So your percentage is where I thought it would be sorry" of course my life has too get worse.

"And if I continue just a year or two?" He looks down at his papers. I mean I know I worked out like I was still competing in Paris. But I wasn't competing.

"Im sorry miss black I don't really see that as an option if you want too have children later on."

"If I continue too check in with you every month too see that it's not escalating? I mean there must be something we can do so I can do both? This really can't be it! It's the 21th century how is this still a problem?" He sighs

"You can't maintain at the percentage you are at now. You are not fit to carry that child right now. And I know that you are healthy, you have too be to be able too do this sport. But I'm sorry, if you are planing of having a family in the future I recommend you take a step back in my medical opinion" tears are building up in my eyes.

I put my coat on and leave. Can't do this anymore. Fuck

'In my medical opinion I recommend you take a step back' fuck off!

She seem to be standing between a hard decision.
What do you think she should do?

Word count: 1140

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