The video

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I walk into the room and the guys are circled around. Looking like they've seen a ghost.

"What's going on in here?" I ask

Their heads quickly snap towards me. Looking chocked and startled. But not in a like I scared them way more like their scared of the situation.

"Are you all just going too keep staring at me? Or tell me what the fuck is going on?"

"Who's gonna tell her? Cause it's not me!" Adonis said. Tell me what?

"Not me either!" Noah said.

The Elijah just stand up tall.

"We gathered video surveillance of the mole in a police station. It is not someone we expected but it is Jason, yes your Jason, yea we are sure it's him and yes there's no way we are wrong." He answered all the questions I was going to ask.

I just stare at them... they stare back. Waiting for my response.

I laugh. I straight out laugh in their faces. I mean can't my life just be better. (Ironic) what the fuck!

"Are, are you okay?" Noah asks in a gentle and subtle tone. I just laugh

"Yes it couldn't be better!" And laugh. It's like my life just can't be more tucking twisted.

"Can I see the video?" Elijah just hands me his phone. One thing I like about him, he doesn't beat round the bush with things.

It's him, I can't deny that. But something about it doesn't feel right. I don't know if it is because he's my friend or because something isn't right. But my gut feeling is off about this.

I've watched it about 14 times now.

"Watching it on a loop won't make it any less him" Elijah say.

"I know"

I went into my bedroom too just watch it in peace. And he just walked in.

"Don't torture yourself with it. You know it's him and you can't understand why he did this. It happened and that's it there doesn't have to be more to it"

"I know"

Elijah is talking with Evangelia. She's watching the video over and over.

"Are you sure he's the one who's supposed to be in there with her? He's a bit... you know" is this guy kidding?

"What and you're much better? He held her for three days, three days after you left she was still sitting on the floor crying. And he was the one to sit there with her, comfort her." That might have been rude but it's true.

"I- i didn't know..."

"he might look like a Douche and act like one, but he's not. There's no one who should be in there with her except him."

He nods in an understanding way.
We just sit there in silence for a while, waiting for what's coming next. And actually I don't know what the next move is.

Suddenly the door opens and

"okay let's go" Evangelia says. Me and Noah look between the the four of us in a questioning manner. What is going on?

Elijah just shake his head in a 'don't ask' way. So we don't ask, we just go. I don't know where and I don't know why but I'm just going to go.

I regret going.... Whyyyyy did I not question what we were doing. I'm stupid yes. Ima tanning Behind a glass window watching her trying to beat the truth out of her right hand, her best friend. It's madness she is hitting him with such force I've never seen before.

He can't see us, but we can see him. The window is blacked out from his view. But then I don't think he can see anything right now. He keeps saying it's not him and all that but she keeps going and I see it again. What I saw when she killed that man just a couple days ago. It's like she sees just black, no regret no morals that get in the way. She could kill him right here and now.

I mean we alls at that video, and it's him I can't deny that. But this is brutal... for her to be the one 'interrogating' him... brutal.

"Did you out Noah in her office?" I ask Elijah.

"I told him to go upstairs yes" I nod in response to his statement.

"She can't do this." I tell him

"She is doing it so that proves you wrong" he says back

"I Mean when she walks out she will... this will break her mentally you know That!"

"It was her idea Adonis you and me both know that when she decides It there's no getting in her way."

"I know I just... if she kills him- if she does it will break her when she comes to her sense!" I tell him slightly mad

"I know." But he is right if she decided she needed this. Then what we say won't matter in any way. She will do it either way.

I leave the room to go upstairs to Noah. I will never admit it to his face.... But he is growing on me.

"You know what I said earlier that was rude" I tell him

"Is that an apology?" He says

"Don't push my limits Swede" he is from Sweden so why not the Nick name.

"Swede?" I just nod and sit down.

"How bad is it?" He ask me.

"Well I didn't want too be there to see the show so..."

"Okay then"

An hours had gone by, yea a literal hour. Noah fell asleep 45 minutes ago on her sofa.

She walks in newly showered... that means she was probably full of blood.

"Don't wake him he finally stopped snoring." She nods and lay down beside him.

They look cute as fuck. I'm way too single for this. He even takes a hold on her while he's sleeping. He's really taking her in his arms too hold her. And he is asleep.

Soon after she fell asleep to, while I worked a little. So I put a blanket over them and went into the sleeping room she has on her floor.

The building is so guarded that I'm off work when I enter the building. So sleep is what I'm getting right now.

What do you think she did to him?

Do you like the new trio? They are awkward but hella funny!

Word count: 1068

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