Not a simple life (Evangelia -TW-)

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Sunday 11:00 AM, Sasha woke me up at 4:00 AM wanting to go out in the snow to play so that's what we did for three and a half hour before going to sleep again. I woke up with a nightmare from when i lived at home, i was disowned when just before my 13th birthday. My mother and father was bad people, i say was not because they're dead but because they aren't my Mom or Dad anymore. They choose not to be.

When they found out i was figure skating instead of studying and working they said "No daughter of ours are going to make a living of skating on ice, either we marry you off or you can leave and not come back" so that's what i did, i left and i tried coming back and my "Mom" said "you are not a part of this family anymore" so i forever left and i changed a lot of things about myself after that. I grew stronger, more independent and i raised myself to the person i wanted to be not the person i was expected to be.

You probably wonder how i survived at 12/13 years old by my self. Well i walked for about two days till i found a B&B in a small town called Barville searching for staff so, i worked there for two years saving every dollar i got. They had a small ice rink that i spent every night in. On my 15th birthday i had a flight booked to Ottawa where the figure skating national team got me an apartment. I studied business management and finish the course in two years, while skating for the national team. It was hard but i managed through, when i finally got bumped up from the junior nationals team to the senior one my company took a great turn and went public, meaning i became a millionaire at the same time. which was not popular on the team.

They thought i was a brat with daddy's money until i got the title of "Youngest self made millionaire" and now here i am "Youngest self-made billionaire" i'm not bragging it just shows a little more about why i am the person i am. The only reason i actually am where i am is because i wasn't aloud to so i re wrote the rules by being the one to make them. A little like jasmine from Aladdin. She wanted freedom so she made it happen, she wanted Aladdin so she made sure she could have him. The type of woman to change the man not change for the man. She is all i wanted to be and someone i look up to.

I hope that my "Parents" see me on the news being rich and successful and say "I did that!" i know that sounds weird but they did do that by not being parents and disowning me, i'm actually pretty happy about that. But my nightmares are based of what happened in my home and what happened on my journey getting here. But today i'm proud to say that i'm a successful business owner, 5th world rank in figure skating and i am going to the Olympics in less than three months.


I start getting ready for the practice with the hockey team, a normal person would have looked the team up to see the people but i'm not like normal people so i haven't. I just put on my favorite Adidas straight work out tights a black cropped long sleeve and pack all of my skating essentials in my bag. I put on makeup and some gold small hoops and the signature Cartier bracelet.

I hang out a little more with my little princess Sasha, watching some grey's anatomy i only watch until Christina leaves then i re watch. It's not the same without her! Then i leave Sasha at Carl's apartment, he always gets so happy when she arrives and so does she. I then drive away towards the rink actually getting a bit nervous. But i just tell myself i don't care what they think of me! Hockey players have a thing for "bullying" figure skaters.


I stand on the ice ready for the players to come out, and they do.

"Who are you? we have a closed practice here" one tells me

"I'm well aware, your coach Mr. Samuelson wanted me to take this practice to teach you one thing or another about trusting the ice. So here i am!" i say with a stern look, i have a feeling they're not going to respect me for one i'm 5'2 and a girl plus a figure skater so this might be a challenge in the beginning.

"No way you are going to hold out practice what are you a 10 year old figure sk-"

I interrupt him quickly "No, just no we are not doing that, i'm here because i have knowledge on the ice that you apparently don't, and that is not according to me but your coach! For today's practice i'm your coach, if you have a problem with that you can leave but that will be notified to the coach and he said those not attending are not playing next week so the choice is yours" i say loud and clear

The skating closer towards him without breaking the eye contact "I want to make one thing clearer then the waters of the Maldives, Do.Not.Try.Me" i have no time for misogyny, if i wanted to listen to a group of misogynistic men i would go to a pub or a golf court" i turn away and skate back while saying "And my nickname is medusa so i suggest you hold back your thoughts".

One guy that i recognize from my competition speaks "Yeah i'm scared okay you have my full respect!" i stare at him and answer "Ah that's where you are wrong, respect is earned i have not earned any of yours respect but hopefully by the end of the day i will"

"Now if we're done chit chatting, is everyone here?" some random guy answers "Everyone except Noah" i say "Okay" and write that down on my phone.

"So what do you all actually know about figure skating?" Their faces tell me all i needed to know.

Lets get started then...

authors note:
now we have a little more insight on her, hope you like is as much as i like all of you:)
word count: 1083

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