Kidnapping (Isla+Evangelia)

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I was minding my own business when this whack head stupid as idiot kidnapped me. I know who he is, I knew it on his voice. Mitchko trevka, the New York mafia leader, yes I know he's from Balkan but that doesn't change anything. He's dangerous and really fucking smart! But this move right here? Naaahh he should be praying for his fucking life.

Angie would do anything for the people she loves, she would do anything or me. She loves me and she made a promise. That's the second thing she don't break promises, only by dying. And you can't kill that woman, it's fucking impossible. Believe me people have tried. She have more bountys on her head than a person could count.

"You know she'll kill you right?" I tell him from the backseat.

"Shit the fuck up whore!" He barks back

"Now she will definitely kill you!" I snap back. Fucking hate being kidnapped. I'm trained to kill but I'm not really at the point to be able to do shit about this. Especially not because of that dude.

"Well when I kill you I take your mafia and she won't be able to touch me." That's what he is trying to do here. Is he serious! He really thinks this will work.

"We both know that's not gonna happen right? Your not that stupid?" He just stares at me through the rear view mirror. Well okay than Mr. Fucking stupid guy!


"Fucking mitchko trevka!" I slam the table and take out my phone and dial Jason's number.

"I need you, Shawn and Steve here right fucking now, you have 10 minutes!" I'm well aware that it's a 20 minute drive but I don't ducking have that time.

"Noah when they get here one of them will escort you to my office and you will turn off your phone, then stay there if I found out you leave for fucking anything so help me god!" I tell him with a serious look.

"Lia talk to me what is going on?"

"I can't right now Noah just do what I say!"

"Lia stop pushing me away just tell me what's going on! I want to be able to help you!" He yells

"NOAH PLEASE! I don't meet that right now I need you to just ducking listen!!!" I yell back

"No Lia you have to talk to me! Stop with the secrets and start trusting me! All you do is push me away and I'm not letting you did that! But Lia I need you to let me... to let me love you and all you do is keep pushing me away!"

I froze I don't freeze but I froze!

"What... that's not true! Okay it's just a lot going on" I fire back

"You still have to talk to me! That's the only way this can work okay!

"I know and I will!"

"Okay but promise me that!" He says putting his hands on my cheeks

"Yes, I don't break promises! Ever!"

" they're here!" I add

The three of them walk in. Laughing... fucking idiots.

"What the fuck are you laughing at? This is fucking serious shit! Steve your gonna drive Noah to the office and guard him. When I tell you that you will lock the door and throw your phones away before walking in there. If anything happens i will make sure you regret ever being born!"

"I'm gonna babysit?" He barks back

"You will do what the fuck I tell you to do! The is is not our usual job Steve... it's mitchko trevka, the New York mafia! They will try to murder him and you! So you better fucking do your job... I won't hesitate! And you fucking know it!" Not kill him... but I can make sure that he never gets a job in the country of Canada until the day he dies. I can destroy his fucking life in the blink of an eye. And I would for Noah I really ducking would!

"Hesitate to do what exactly?" Mmmmmm fuck no.

"Doesn't matter right now!"

"Now let's load you up with weaponry and the. Get going!" We walk back into the security room when I open the wall it's a disguise wall. Behind it is a room fully loaded with guns and ammunition and all different types of weapons.

"That's been here the whole time?" Noah asked in shock

"No she planted it here just now" Jason adds with irony

"Please focus!"

They listened to me and started to focus.

"Steve take the long route and throw your cellphones mid way. Keep the burner in your pocket but do not call me unless anything happens. And if It rings... you know what to do!"

"It's not gonna ring Steve okay it's just in case!" Jason adds to comfort him.

"Now go!" I send them of and gather Jason and Shawn to go over the plan.

"So I have a tracker on her, she doesn't know which means he doesn't. They've stopped at a wear house, which means a raid and is the cover and rescue mission stays between the three of us!" I tell them

"Jason you are in charge of the tactical team for the 'formal' operation. Shawn you  and I well you already know we do the rescue mission. It's gonna happen in about 13 hours so Jason start gathering the team out here and starts working with them. Shawn you and I start working on our plan!"

"Yea ma'am" they both say. When we talk missions we speak formal talk I'm their commanding officer they do what I say. And no I'm no cop or law enforcement. But our security guards work missions for governments or different departments. But never like this this is illegal and no authoritys have authorized it. But I'll fix that in a second!

"NOW!" Don't they know how to fucking listen.

"Let's get Isla back before I start killing people off!"

Authors note:
A little more about Isla just to prepare for the next book. I hope you enjoy it though!
Please vote it means the world to me!

Word count: 1031

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