The truth

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"There's my little man! It's been a while baby!" I say while hugging Charlie.

"Hello auntie Lia!" He say while letting me go.

Oh I love this child! Johnny and his wife mollie live in France with Charlie. So I usually speak French with him but he needs to learns English too so we mix it up a bit.

"I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up the other day! Something with work came up"

"It's okay, you is here now"

"I am darling! So ice cream?" His eyes light up like a lightbulb. His favorite is chocolate and so I mine. So we bind over that every time I get him ice cream.

"You are so cute with ice cream on your nose!" I say wiping it away, he's got those ocean blue eyes just like...

"I like your necklace" he says pointing at the the gold chain with a small sapphire on, I take it off an out it on him.

"It suits you better"
He smiles and finishes his ice cream. Then he starts playing on the okay ground.

We've been at the park for two hours now and we're about to head back soon. I get up to get a hold of Charlie, but as I turn around I see those ocean blue eyes... but not Charlie's.

I see him

His standing there

In front of me

Right in front of me



"Auntie Lia who is those men?"

I just continue staring. Then when Charlie realize it's Adonis he runs up and hugs him. But I just continue staring at Noah...

Those beautiful, beautiful eyes and that smile he carry!

"What are you doing here Adonis?" I keep staring at Noah.

"Following the target as instructed ma'am" not with the whole ma'am thing again.

"He just happened to find me, a spy, assassin and you know a women who provides security for even the coolest people on earth. You are telling me that this nobody could find me?" Noah didn't even flinch at my words.

"Yes ma'am" I glare at him

"Sorry I mean yes Angie" better.

"Adonis go and play with Charlie" and that he does.

We continue just looking before I turn around and sit on the bench again.







"You know that you don't have to watch over him if he's playing with a trained spy or whatever he is" is he kidding me. That's what he's telling me.

"I don't think you should tell me what I should and shouldn't do! Because I'm a person of my own and can means decisions on my own"

"Not doubting that for a second" good bitch... no sorry I mean good stupid idiotic man. Are men genuinely stupid. Like I mean how stupid can someone be?

"I don't want you here Noah"

"Well you weren't at home or in Canada so I'm here at the park" ......

"No I mean I don't want you here in my life" I'm continuing to just stare at Charlie while speaking. But I can sense that I hurt him.

"I know"

"So why are you? Why are you here? Haven't you done enough?"

"Because I'm here to make it right! And I'll do whatever it takes. I'll spend everyday making it up to you until you can trust me in the slightest again! I will do anything and everything to get you back!"

And there they are, all that hope and promises that I knew would make me fold a bit! But I can't, it won't last, this won't last!


I just say it straight out.

"Angel, I quit everything to be with you! And I would do it all day every day over and over if I had to. I know okay I know how fucking dirty I did you! But just give me a chance! Not to trust me directly or anything just a chance to prove that you can! Not that you have to fold or just be happy! But to let me try!"

It sounds like a sweet melody... but there is nothing he can do now! I won't ever trust him!


He breaths out heavily!

"I sorry about everything I've done, I'm sorry about Isla and Sasha. Lastly I'm sorry about Nathan!"

"Don't Noah! You don't get to feel sorry for me! You don't get to come here and disrupt my peace to feel sorry for me! Go home Noah!!!"

"You aren't a listening to me! You are my fucking home!" Sweet, sweet melody's. But that's all it is.

"Then you should start looking elsewhere for a home! Because you are nothing to me anymore! I'm perfectly fine without you" I glance over at him and see the water in his eyes. I'm sorry for telling the truth but it is just that! The truth.

"I'm not leaving" what?

I laugh at him

I laugh at him hard

"Honey Don't even! I'm a super spy, assassin what are you?"

"Fighting for love! That is who I am, who I chose to be!"

Poetic now is he?
Since when?

I so tired of all of this, I need sleep and whiskey! A lot of fucking whiskey.

"Come on Charlie baby we need to go!" And he runs towards me

"Can Adonis come with? He's my friend!"

"Adonis have work to do darling I'm sorry"

"No he doesn't I can come with!" Noah says out of nowhere. Adonis glance over at him like he's stupid, he really fucking is!

"Please, please, pleasssseeeeee"

Noah is so dead that I will actually resuscitate him and then kill him again just to make sure he's really fucking dead.

I walk to the car with Charlie in my hand, and the boys follow. Well Noah followed me and Adonis followed Noah so.

"Adonis get in the car with Charlie" and he follows my order.

"This is not me giving you a chance! This is not me giving you anything! This is nothing Noah! Charlie wanted you so that he gets, understood?"


I walk toward the drivers seat

"A soldier" I say before opening the door

"What?" He answers

"He's not a spy, he's a soldier" I say as I open the door and get seated.

What he said 'spy or whatever' so I just answered.

He the fuck am I supposed to get through this, he's here, he's actually beside me!

Authors note:
He's baaaaaack!

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Word count: 1081

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